Chapter 36 :" Choose Wisely "

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Two days later

Sujatha  Ram Prasad Maheshwari wasn't the perfect bahu by her mother in law standards , she wasn't even the perfect wife because perfect wife don't fail to notice when their husband was too stressed and lose them to an heart attack. 

But she was good mother or tried to be a good one which had been the reason,  she made a choice to choose her son over her in laws approval as she walked away from her sasural .

And it wasn't easy to come to that decision, she would lie in her bed without being  able to sleep for so long wondering if walking away from her husband was the right thing to do when his only fault had been to be unable to make his parents like her .

She always carried the guilt with her , when her husband choose to come with her and she knew it bothered him as well because which son who loved his parents would walk away from them willingly, but he had to make a choice and he choose them for which Sujatha would be forever love him.

And so she knew when their was another struggle in the house, she had seen it from the way Ragini ,her daughter in law who readily confided in her about her fears of laksh acceptance and the knowledge of her pregnancy failed to do so with her mother. 

And she knew it when she found Swara sobbing in Sanskar arms the next day ,asking her nephew why her mother was so cruel at times , and so she waited for them to confide in her because Sujatha may think of her daughter in law has her daughters like Uttara but she was still their mother in law .

So in the midst of her waiting she noticed Swara was closeting herself in the dance room for most part of the days and only ventured out after Sanskar came home, Sujatha used to do so as well not that her mother in law would allow her a minute of rest but she will be so lost in her thoughts that it was like she made a room for her mind and closed herself in it. 

It was much better than being alert and hearing her mother in law subtle hits which showed how much she disliked her very presence in the house , she had never thought much about her in laws after their death, her only attachment to them had been her husband and his grief .

" Mom , Ragini is sick and she refuses to visit an hospital , " her son had been the one to approach her at last and she knew this can't continue for long , so she promised him that she will look after his wife and sent him to work as she made her way to her daughter in law who looked too pale for her liking. 

" You need to get to the hospital Ragini ,while I would prefer laksh to take you as it is his duty to be there for you , I have no choice but to take you on my own ," Sujatha exclaimed as she pushed her daughter in law into accepting her help and that was how they end up in the hospital for the check up along with Swara ,who refused to stay behind .

Sujatha was vastly relieved to hear that Ragini and her grand child were fine but as they drove back home ,she realized this continued distance can't last between them , she expected her daughter in laws to need time to accept her but she also realized they need someone to confide in as well other than their husband's ,someone who had been in their shoes once .

" Have you ever heard the story of the time when I left my husband ?" She asked them as they were seated in the living room together after the trip to the hospital.

" Laksh always told me that story , how romantic it was that his father choose you over his family , " Ragini answered back with a smile and Sujatha had her first win , making them curious is  important if they are going to confide secrets with each other .

" Yes , Laksh always saw it as romantic   whenever my husband told him the story , because that was how he told the story to his five year old son who was clueless on why he wasn't living in the big house anymore, to the child it was romantic story indeed but to my husband it hadn't been one , and I spent countless nights in my bed wondering if I did the right thing or I was just being selfish .

SwaSan FF: Forced to Marry Your Soulmate (√)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz