8. The truth (part 2)

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Rosalies POV

"It's been 5 hours since Jasper went to hunt!" "Where is he!?" I demand, marching furiously over our livingroom carpet.

Esme who was passing, only smiled and said: "Isn't this obvious dear?"

"What is obvious, my love?" Asked Carlisle from upstares.

"Jasper has gone to see Bella, I don't think he ever did go hunting." Esme says with her usual serene calmness.

Silence. Then Emmett cried out.
"What? He's dangerous! Don't you remember what happened at her last birthday party!?" "We have to go there at once!"

"No!" Esme said.

"What do you mean no!?"

"Emmett! Don't shout at your mother!" Said Carlisle sternly, coming to join us in the livingroom.

"Jasper is not dangerous!" Esme tried to explain letting her agitation come through for the first time. "How many times do I have to say that?" "Didn't you see how he tried to leap at Edward." "There must be some other explanation!"

"Of course you would thinks so!" "But why he could not have just said so then?"

Emmett is so naive sometimes.

"Didn't you just hear what happened?" "Maybe he didn't want a fight to start and..."

"Or maybe he was worried about Edward and Alice!" Carlisle mumbled softly.

Again all went silent.

"Maybe he didn't want them to know, deciding it so freely." Carlisle continued, looking at us seriously.

Then Esme spoke up: "I trust him. Let us do so: Let's wait a month and if he isn't back, then we'll move there."

Jasper's POV

There I was, sitting on the tree, near the house, waiting. Jake had just gone to the door and knocked. I heard how Bella yelled "I'll get it!" and then steps went to the door what flew open revealing Bella who grinned the second she saw him. I smiled. She was happy. I could feel it, plus her heart started to beat twice as quickly.

"Woow! At least somebody is happy to see me."
I smirked. He just could not let it go, could he?
"Of course I'm happy to see you! You're like a closest person I have!" I could feel how Jake's happines grew by second.
"... and what do you mean by at least somebody is happy yo see you?" "Jace is everything alright!?"

So like Bella! Always so worried about everybody else.

"Of course everything is alright, why wouldn't it be?" was Jake confused.

"I... well...oh, never mind, come in!" was Bella awkward, but she got over it quickly and grabbed his arm pulling him in.

"I have some news to tell you!" She said while closing the door.

"And I have to you!"


"Yup! But laidis first!"

"...Oh... well... let us sit down first."

I climbed down the tree and went under her window to hear better.

I could feel her hesitate and Jake trying to encourage her, telling her that she can tell him everything and he'll still love her and he woun't run away and stuff.

And then she exploded. She said it so quickly that only a vampire could understand what she said.

Hearing what I did, I decided I'll leave them alone. I already knew what Jake would answer to that and I was happy for them. They needed some privacy. If she wanted to see me then I would be at the house, waiting for her.

The last thing I heared, leaving, was how Bella said, now slower that she really really liked him and then I was already too far.

I reached our old house and all the memories came flying back to me. I felt melancholic. I really hope she will come. I would hate it if she was be mad at me too because of some vampire of my acquaintance broke her heart.

I opened the door and walked in. I really have to clean this place up a little.

Jacob's POV

"Do you want to say that he's here?" she asked.

I didn't respond at once. I examined her face. She looked excited.
"Jake, answer me damn it! Is he here, in Forks?"

I didn't need to have the power of empathy to know how she felt now.

"Yes, he's here. I met him this morning. He was worried about you and decided to come see if you are okay."

"We have to go and see him! He tried to save my life, but everybody thought that he tried to kill me because Edward said so." "I need to thank him. Let's go!"

I smiled to her happiness, glad that she doesn't hate him, and followed her outside.

Jasper's POV

After looking through the house, checking to see if everything was as we left it, I did a super quick cleaning, because everything was under a pile of dust.

I wonder have the others already understood, where I am and that I'm not going back. Are they gonna come back too?

Rosalie is not gonna like it. She hates moving, but I'm sure that Esme and Carlisle would love to see Bella again and Emmett too.

Well, I better keep the house clean, so their rooms are ready just in case.

Then I hear a faint rumbling of the engine coming this way. Nobody comes here. Expect the ones who know us or live here.
It's either, one: The Cullens are really quick to come back or two: Bella is coming!

Sure enough in a few seconds I could smell the scent of a familiar wet dog and a human. Bella with Jacob. I was so happy.

I ran out and the second Bella came out of her car I grabbed her and gave her a hug. She laughed and hugged me back.

At the same time I heard a growl and when I looked at Jake he looked angry and confused at the same time. I understood what was happening the second it did and quickly pulled away sending him an apologetic smile.

He nodded and tried to control his face and emotions. What can I say. To see your imprint and other guy hugging makes them angry even if you know that it's only a friendly hug.

"I missed you!" I see how Jake takes Bella's hand and pulles her closer.

"I missed you too." "I wanted to thank you!" She says seriously after a second.

"For what? I've done nothing!" I say a little confused.

"Yes you have!" "You saved my life."

"What..? How? When?" I ask almost stuttering, there is no way she could have known...

"Don't you remember?" "Seven months ago, on my birthday, you tried to save me, when I cut my finger with that wrapping paper!" "And I thought that vampires are supposed to have a good memory!" She laughs.

How? I thought everybody believed that I tried to attack her. How did she notice!?


"Oh come on Jazz! You reacted so fast the second you saw his face change! And you didn't try to come towards me but to Edward, to hold him back!"

"I... Well, thank you! I didn't think that anybody saw it."

"Well, I did!"

"I should have known!" I laughed. If anybody then Bella would have known. I look at Jacob who grimaces, but nods his head with a small smile.

I smile and give Bella just a quick hug so I would not torture him for long.

"Come! Let's go inside! We have lot to talk about!"


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