14. Guests

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Bella's POV

I wake up to something cold touching my face. It feels like... feels like... no it can't be...

I open my eyes, and sure thing I see Carlisle standing beside me. What is he doing here?

What ever... I can't help but smile weakly, seeing him. I've missed them all, except maybe Edward and I don't know about Alice.

I guess that if Carlisle is here then the others are too?
Suddenly I remember what happened. "Jacob!"

I try to jump up but Carlisle pushes me back softly and says: "Jacob is alright, no need to worry!"

I relax. "May I see him?" He nods.

Soon Jake almost runs in and he sighs seeing me. I smile at him, he answers with same.

"How are you feeling?" I can hear worry in his voice.
"Good!" I smile again. He nods tensly, clearly still trying to calm down.

"When will I get out?" I ask anxiously, I hate hospitals.
"I think as soon as the check up is done, so tonight." Carlisle says who I had not heard coming in again.

I nod. "What about my parents!?"
Jacob seems sad.

"What is it!?" They can't be dead!?

"I got them out of the house and they haven't woken up yet, but there is nothing left of it, we don't understand how it got on fire for to begin with and it went up in flames so quickly too..."

So I must understand that I have  good news, bad news and again bad news. Where am I supposed to live!?

"Where am I gonna live?" I say my thoughts out loud.

"Well, as long as your parents are still in the hospital, you can live with the wolf pack of course, but I don't know what will happen after that, though I'm sure my family would be happy to take you all in as long as you can find a new house, I mean I would be happy if you lived with us, but they don't know about..." Said Jacob slowly.

I nodded again. I would love to move in with Jake as long as needed, even longer but I don't think Charlie and Renee would be very thrilled, and yes then the problem.

Carlisle watched me thoughtfully. I looked at him and he shook his head. Weird.

"I'll be right back, I must talk to Jasper for a second." He left the room.
Jasper? He was here? That made me think, I did hear another voice cry my name before I blacked out. How many other people I made to worry about me? Uugh! Why does the trouble always finds me. I mean first the things that happend before Edward, like the time then I first rode my bicycle.

I went downhill, and it was completely straight and smooth path and I just had to find the only gooseberry push next to that road and drive straight into it.

Let's just say that my mother had a lot of work to get all the thorns and stuff out of me and my hair. That was one painful accident.

Well I'm not gonna talk about the other things that happened to me or we could be here all day. So after Edward: vampire almost killed me and I got a broken leg and stuff, and I tripped several times and then he almost ate me, only thanks to Jasper it didn't happen, and then Edward left me into the woods so I could have fallen ill or even worse been eaten. Well in some ways I was ill, and now this. Couldn't I have a break?

"Bella!?!" I broke away from my thoughts when I understood that Jacob was trying to get my attention.

"Wh...? Yeah?"

"At last, I thought I could never wake you up from your daydreaming!"

"Well, here I am, what did you want?"

"Oh yes, there are some people, or should I say leeches who would like to see you... if you want of course?"

"As long as there is no such leech as Edward I think it's okay!" The moment I said that they came in. There were Carlisle and Esme, what made me smile, I missed Esme.

Then there were Jasper and Alice. I smiled at them.
And then Emmett and Rosalie. Emmett sent me a crooked grin. I did back.

Carlisle looked at Jake and after a worried look to me, he left. Again weird!
I looked at the Cullens again wondering what can they have to say to make Jake leave.

"So, me and Jasper talked and decided that, we will all come back, expect Edward who doesn't know a thing, we hope."

"But, we wanted to be sure that you don't have anything against us coming back?" They looked at me questionably.

That came as a suprise to me. Why would I hate them. I might think that MAYBE Alice, but the others...!

I shook my head. "No! Why should I be against it, plus it's not mine to decide where you live so... and... I missed you guys SO MUCH...""

"Oh Bella!" The next moment I was in Esmes tight hug.
"Ow, my rib... I- c-can't- b-breath!"

"Sorry! I just missed you too, and I'm so sorry we left you, but Edward lied to us and..."

"I know Esme and I'm not mad at any of you here, expect maybe... can I talk to you later, Alice... alone?"
She nodded, sending me a nervous glance.

"Well that's great! And the other thing. Like I understand Jacob imprinted on you? And you accepted him?"
I blushed and nodded.

They smiled. "Well, congratulations! That of course changes things..."

"What other things?"
"We thought that maybe you would like to live with us, but we understand if you don't because of Jacob. Just I would love to cook you and Jasper would be happy, Emmett as well..."

"Oh!" "Well, I can always visit, and again there would be the problem of my parents, they don't know your... "diet" and things..."

"We understand."
"Like I said I can visit and sometimes I could stay for a night and so."

They seemed happy with that.
"But, now... Alice?"
They nodded.

Esme smiled at me once more before she left with the others.
Alice looked at me a little worried and frowned looking down. So I invited her to sit on the bed which she did.


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