26. Messenger of hope

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Carlisle's POV

I heared knocking but didn't let that bother me. It didn't sound like somebody was trying to break in and I was concentrating.

After Jacob left my cabinet I had fallen into research of Vamplockes. The knocking continued, I still didn't let it bother me. I actually almost didn't notice it. Finally after few more times I heared Esme's and Alice's voices, but they weren't alone. There was a male voice as well, and I didn't recognise it!  I jumped up and ran downstares, only to find Alice in the arms of the man, who was speaking with Esme, smiling. The protective me kicked in and I run to stand by her.

There didn't seem to be any real danger to Alice who smiled dreamily at the guy.
"Hello, love! Nice of you to join us." Esmes eyes lit up like they always did when I was around. It almost seemed like my dead heart was beating again.

"This is Marc, he was just telling us his story, he wanted to see you, or actually the leader, being you."
I nodded, before saying.
"Hello, Marc." "I'm Carlisle, the leader of this coven." "You wanted to see me, what is it?" I said still a little warily.
"Hello Carlisle, I'm Marc, short from Marcus, and I have some information that might be of interest to you, I think."
"Go on!"
"I met a certain Cullen of your's. Edward I think his name is."
"Edward, what do you have with him?"
"Oh, I might have tried to steal his power and now I'm in his bad list and also his companions."
"What do you mean steal? And what do you know of his companion?"
"I can take and give away other vampires gifts."
"And you said you tried to take his! What happened?"
"Let's just say it didn't go very well, I got most of it, but he still has this little part left."
"And what condition does it exactly leave him in?"
"I'm not 100% sure, but I guess it has weakened his ability to hear, nothing should be clear for him for now, as long as he doesn't get me, that's why I came." "To offer you my knowledge... and ask for protecion?" He finished leaving the question in the air.
"Okay. Do you have any idea how much time we have?"
"No, saddly not."
I nodded a little disappointed.
"Say Marc, why don't we sit down and you can tell me everything you know, okay?"
"Thank you!"

Jasper's POV

I heared voices from the living room. The usual chat I guess... wait, there is a man I don't know. Carlisle, Esme and Alice plus the stranger. They are talking about Edward.
When I got downstairs I saw Alice sitting on this guys lap, feeling all cozy. I didin't like it. I mean she is my sister after all.
I cleared my throat to let them know I was there.
"Ah, Jasper, Emmett, come sit down, meet Marc." I looked behind me,  a little confused, to see Emmett smirking. Did he just sneak up on me. I need to brush up on my alertness.
"Marc wants to join our coven. He also has some information about Edward."
I saw Marc's eyes go wide and his emotions betray alert and surprise, he isn't really afraid though, I guess he haven't seen so many vampires living together in peace.
"Where are Rosalie, Bella and Jacob?"
"Rosalie is probably staring at herself in the mirror, and I heared something about Jacob and Bella going out to reconnoitre."
"Wait, there are more of you!?" I heared Marc's almost panicked surprised voice. We all looked at him. If he was human, he would have blushed.

"Let me explain." "In my family there are me and Esme, we are mates, then Emmett and Rosalie, also mates, and Jasper and Alice." "And now you too with Alice, I guess."
"Wait, what?" Emmett was suprised.
"Marc and Alice are mates." I explained. I had felt the feelings between them almost instantly, when I entered the room.
"Oh! And you're alright with it?"
Marcus looked at me confused.
"Emmett, we were not mates, it was all a big... misunderstanding."
Alice looked at me gratefully. I nodded back.
"Just asking!" He raised his hands in surrender.
"So, what did we miss?" I led the talk back on track.

Marc told us how he is from France and was just traveling around, trying to avoid Volture because they would want him because of his power. How America happened to be on his way and how he met Edward. How he almost took his power when he felt him prodding on his mind, so now Edward hates him and how he decided to come here to seek help and give some back, where possible. He had heared of the Cullens and believed that here he could stay and find happiness at last. And well, he had already met his mate in this short time of being here.

Let's just say that we all agreed that he might be of help with the information, and we welcomed him happily. And the fact that he had such powers wasn't a bad thing at all. With that he brought us hope. The thing that he was Alice's mate only strengthened our newly found and hopefully lasting friendship.

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