18. A new member?

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Bella's POV

After breakfast we decided that we'll go and see my old house before going to hospital to get my parents.

When we arrived, I saw the most disturbing sight. Jake had been right. There was really nothing left. Everything was burned. I felt warm arms come around. "Shh, it's okay... don't cry." I touched my face and indeed, I was crying! I hugged him and he hugged me back. We turned our backs to the ruins and stepped in his car without looking back. I was gonna miss this place.

When we reached the hospital we went to the registration and got the room where my mother and father were staying. The minute they saw me they were like "Wow!"
"What is it?" Is my hair a mess? Nope it's completely.
"Have you seen yourself?" "You've changed!"
"What do you mean changed?"
I walk to the mirror and look at myself and almost get a shock. I'm tan! And a lot more curvy! What the f***! How can I be tan, and what happened to my body. That is not right! OMG! I look beautiful! I see Jake smirk. Does he know something?

"I guess you didn't know..." says Jake looking at Charlie and Renee.
Charlie nodds and look at Bella. "I think it's time you know."
"Where is something we haven't told you." Says Charlie
"What is it dad?"
"Ever heared of Quinalt tribe?"
"Not exactly..."
"Your great grandfather was one of them and the Quinalt tribe was like Quileute tribe, shape-shifters. It's from my side of the family. There is a little more I know but looking at you I'm afraid we don't have much time to tell you everything."
"Jackson was a shape-shifter, which means that you have it in you as well." "If you want to know more, go to Billy I'm sure he can give you answers."

I was in shock. I didn't know what to say. I just looked at everyone, my jaw on the floor.
"Does that mean I'm a werewolf of some sorts?"
"Yes, that's why you've changed so much." "Because of what Edward guy made you feel when he left you, and that you now have a mate made your body start changing." "I swear once I get my hands on that bloodsucker I'm gonna rip his head o..."
"Charlie!" Said mom completely shocked of his language.

I didn't even have time to be suprised how they knew I had a mate because that's then I suddenly felt uncomfortably hot.
Jake felt it too and grabbed my hand, his face going from his earlier smirk to horror.
"Charlie! It's happening! We need to get her out of here, now!"
"I'm sorry." I said before Jacob pulled me out of the door and ran.

Later than I thought about it I laughed that the other people in hospital must have thought that we did something really bad and now ran from the doctors or even police or something.

Anyway! On the way to the forest next to the hospital, I tried to calm myself and I felt how very slowly I could control myself. I felt how the heat in me was still there but I didn't feel like I could burst any minute and when we got there I was perfectly under control. I even smiled then Jake let go of my hand and backed away saying everything was okay, leaving me just standing there.

When he saw that, his jaw dropped.
"What's going on? You just were like you could blow up any minute and now you are just great! I'm so confused!" He whined.

"Jake it's alright! The heat is still there exactly the same, but it's under control now!" "Let's go home, I am hungry!"
Now he seemed almost like he was gonna go crazy.
"How? Bella, you do know that you were going to shift, right???" "How can you be so calm now!?"

"I know! And I don't know how but let's go home and talk to Sam if you wish. I feel I can do it until then and if he wants that I'd change then so be it!

I don't know how I could be so sure that I'll just do it then, but I just was.
Jacob was still astonished and bouting but said: "Fine! But we'll walk so you can change any time. I don't want my car to blow up and I don't want you to feel the pain later if I would get hurt with you changing just under my nose."

I shook my head in disbelief but said nothing, just nodded. So we began our walk, Jake still in a safe distance. I can't believe this boy.

All the way to Emily's I tried to keep the talking up. Jake stared at me worrieldy all the time and I tried to calm him down. I mean I should have been worried, but I wasn't. Most of the time it was easy to keep the heat under control.

When we reached there he seemed a little better and even more suprised, I guess because he saw I was still in my human form and it didn't seemed to be very hard for me to stay that way.
When we reached to the house he told me to stay outside and wait for him 'till he calls for Sam and so he ran to the forest to change. He knew that Sam was on a patrol at the moment. So I just sat down I waited. Suddenly Emily came out and saw me.

"Hey Bella! What are you doing here?" She wanted to come and sit next to me but I said: "Stop! Don't come closer!"
"Why?" She asked coming to a stop. "Is everything okay?"
"It's a long story, but it seemes that my grandfather was a werewolf and I have the gene too. Now in the hospital it seemed that I was going to change, but I got it under control. Still, I don't want to hurt you even if I know I'm alright. Jake made us walk here just so everything would go well." "Just to be sure that nothing can happen." I said calmly. She seemed suprised and thought for a moment before coming right next to me and still siting down.

"Bella," she said "if you know that you're under control then it already says something, you are strong enough, you don't have to worry about it. You will not hurt me."
"But what about Sam? He would not want you to sit next to as good as a pup! And he would kill me if something happened to you with the..."
"Leave him to me. Everything will be okay."
I nodded and after a little while I let my head rest on her shoulder falling to sleep.

It seemed that only a minute later I heard voices. Sam and Jacob had arrived and Sam was running to Emily while she tried to calm him and trying not to wake me up the same time. Still I woke and stood up a little worried what Sam is gonna do now. He was shouting at who knows who, about how stupid it was to leave me here alone and not telling to Emily that I might be dangerous and because of that not come near me and that I'd leave Emily alone because I'm just a pup, but after a while he seemed to understand what he just had seen and his jaw dropped like Jacob's already had.

Seeing that everybody is calm now Emily stood up and came next to me taking hold of my hand. Sam didn't seem to like it and started to shake so Emily shouted: "Sam, enough! She is not dangerous!" He seemed a little hurt but didn't calm down until his mate was back next to him, then he pushed her behind him and looked at me.

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