35. Almost time

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Narrator's POV?

Over the next few days everybody got used to Silvia being around, being Jasper's mate and learning about her awesome powers. Everyone was happy and confident.

Oh! Did I tell you that Alice had a new vision? No? Okay, well Rick is supposed to be almost ready and the battle is now in two weeks.

That actually might have been the only thing to dampend their mood. Why, you may ask? Well, they were not exactly sure!

We all know that Emmett loves fighting and can't wait until the battle starts. So the two weeks seems a awfully long time for him.
Luckily he has also a huge lot of practising needed so he can't get very restless, but if he still does then there is Rosalie to help. Oh believe me, we've heard them!

But that's not very often as Silvia is a damn good fighter and doesn't seem to get tired of making Emmett hit the ground all the time, so it's all good... but, he's getting better!

Jasper is a little complicated. He loves fighting as well and Major just can't wait, but at the same time he seems to be the one to think oppositely of Emmett as well.

Now that he finally found his real mate, he wants to spend some time with her and not be afraid of losing her in the battle right away. Yes, he knows it's almost impossible for her to get hurt, but that just shows how good of a guy he is.

Then there are Esme and Carlisle who of course are the parental figures and don't want to fight really, but they understand it's necessary.

And the wolves are ready for anything as long as they can kill some vampires, right? They would say that, would they not!

So as you can see they all get a very mixed feelings while being kind of confident at the same time. Fun isn't it!?

Through out these weeks, more help has come. The Denalis decided that it's time to put the hate away for awhile and as they said, and I quote: "Make sure that even worse doesn't get the thrown", of course they didn't say in front of Aro. Also they wanted to help Silvia so...

The Denalis welcomed Silvia whole heartedly back to their family and congratulated her and Jasper for finding each other, they were very happy to see her. After ten minutes of talking Kate had already invited her to Alaska again to see them as soon as the war is over and she has time and power to stay away from Jasper, like she teasingly said.

Elesar seemed to have a joke he never shared, or more like the fact why it's funny. All he said that he it was funny that her mate was Jasper. That of course irritated the guy. I wonder why?

9 days later *Aros POV*

It's now only three days before the battle, that's what dear Alice said. Her power really is just magnifico.
If I only could get her, Edward and of course our dear, new Silvia, to join us. We would be invincible but of course that would mean they both would want their mates and, they would not want to join to begin with... what a shame.

Silvia's POV

Everybody has been very welcoming and I'm already great friends with Alice and Rosalie as they have promised me that the minute the war is over we are all going go shopping together. They even got Bella to join us after telling her how good she would look in those clothes Alice has seen her wear, and how Jacob would drool seeing her. Of course she could not deny him that! Hehe!

Speaking of Bella... I still have a feeling I know her from somewhere.

Bella's POV

Mom and Dad called. I had to lie, again!

I hate lying to them. I used to tell them everything but I can't, or they would be terribly worried and would not let me fight. Or at least my mother would not. Dad understands the importance of fighting for your pack's safety, he would be proud, but I still can't tell him as he would tell mom, like always. I really miss them.

They visited us few times after they got out of the hospital, and while we've been here we also got news of them finding the perfect house, I really should go and spend some quality time with them. I can't wait to see the new home! Mom even said that they got me and Jacob a room ready, should we want to stay for longer. Also, they have a spear room, if we should someday need it, she teased.

I sigh and stand up to go to the practise again.

"So! As it's almost time, today we are going to practise your skills of working together with each others powers and learn the fighting of art." Said Aro as I stepped into the training hall.

"We all know how to fight fisically, but now it's time to work on your skills." "So let's see!"

And so we started. It was actually great what all we could do with working with each other. It was fascinating.

And at the end of the practise we had also learned how to do a back-flip and front-flip, of course wolves don't do that, imagine a wolf doing that.

Now that I think of that, actually it might help, we would surprise these bastards so much. Like a free ticket to circus! And while we play fools, the others have time to take down the staring idiots.

But like I said, we don't do that and we just wanted to learn so, why not. Might come of use one day, even if it's not now, and if it doesn't, that would still be just a cool trick to know to wow ypur friends at the party or something... not that I would go to a party.

So, while the vamps learned to be the acrobats, as we teased them, we learned the hard core stuff. How to take down a vampire quickly with minimum change of falling to his grasp. Of course there are always fools, who are just too brave and foolish, and try and take them head on, but I'm quite sure we are not the ones... I hope.

Also a lot of things seem to count on Silvia as she is almost invinsible with all her powers, but just in case something happens, we also keep a good guard on her as well.


When the training ended, I walked up to Jacob who seemed to be trying to drown himself by the way how much water he was consuming. Reaching him, I grabbed the water bottle from his hands, making him splash himself to face.

"Hey, I wasn't..." he started angrily, brushing the water off his face, but then saw, who was the naughty person to do that.

"Oh! Hey! How you doing love?" He asked, pulling me into a kiss, to what I soon got lost into.

Finally he pulled away, looking at me expectantly. For a moment I didn't get a word out of my mouth and I had totally forgot that he even asked me something, his lips turned into a smirk.

Quickly collecting myself I say: "I was going to say, now definitely very well, but with that smirk of yours, I've changed my mind!" I say 'sadly', peering at him through my eyelashes. Jacob looks a little worried.

"I feel so terribly tired that the only treatment to that can only be a long snuggle with my boyfriend, with a few kisses thrown in, here and there?" I look at him expectantly now through my hair.

I see Jacob start smirking again.

Just to make my point, I yawn theatrically long, turning away from him, only to find myself, the very next moment, between the earth and sky, pressed against a hard chest, which warmth I know so well.

A little squeal escapes from my lips, but soon turns into a laugh, as my adorable mate runs, me in his arms, towards our room. Let the lazy night begin!!!

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