17. Just us...

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Bella's POV

I woke up to the sun on my face. Jacob was still sleeping next to me, and he looked so peaceful without the worries in the world surrounding him.

I was really hungry actually, but I just leaned back and watched him, until the need to kiss him was so strong that I just could not resist anymore.

I moved closer and pressed my lips against his. He was so warm and I just loved it. I started to pull away, when his arm stretched out and grabbed my waist, pulling me closer and kissing me back. The touch of his soft lips made me forget everything.

The time, that I was hungry and that I actually needed to breath made me pull back, both of us we breathing heavily.

"Wow!" I was the first one to get a sound out my mouth.
He nodded completely dazed.
"Who knew that kissing could be so..." he blurted.

It was my time to nod and I slipt into his arm savoring  his warmth. He put his arms around me and nuzzled to my neck, behind my hair.

Suddenly he found my sensitive spot and I moaned before I could bite it back. Jacob looked up and smirked.

"Bella! Who would have thought, you needed only so little." He joked.
I blushed making him laugh.

The next second my stomach rumbled and I blushed even deeper, making this wild dog laugh even harder.

He stood up, and held his hand up to me. I grabbed on to it and he pulled me up so quickly that it made me stumble so he had to catch me.

'Way to go Bella, way to go! Can it get any more cliché.' I thought to myself, before I understood how close our faces were. 'I just did!' He looked at me intently and my breathing stopped, before he planted a quick kiss to my lips and then pulled me to the kitchen. What a tease, I thought before I followed him.

I must say Jacob can cook. He made me a sandwich to get rid of great hunger and then made me pancakes. They were delicious!

While I ate he looked at me, and even if I told him to eat as well, he didn't. He wanted to make sure that I was full before eating himself. He's so caring, sometimes it's just too much and I want to cry of happiness.

In return I tried not to take so much time like I usually did, and soon I got to see him destroy the other 2/3 of the pancakes what was left, making me smile.

I don't know how I'm gonna feed him once we are married if he eats...' 'Wait, what am I thinking???' 'We've been only dating for bearly a week and I'm already thinking of marriage?' 'What is wrong with me!?' 'I guess that's what happens when you're imprinted on.'

"What's on your mind?"
It makes me blush to think, of what would happen if he only knew.

"Just us..." I answer quietly.
"What about us?"
"...I don't know." I lie "Just us."

"Are you sure?" He says looking at me. "I mean... you seemed quite... I don't know... annoyed or something."

That makes me blush even more. Am I really that easy to read? I guess I am.

"Oh it's just that... I thought that how I need to learn from Emily how she feeds the pack of wolves." "I-I...Imightneedtoknowhowtofeedyou." I mumble to myself lookin down and trying to cover my face with my hair.

Much to my surprise he still heared me, and I'm starting to hear his snickering.

I quickly look up and see that he's right in front of me, looking at me lovingly. I look back down, but he puts one finger under my chin forcing me to look in his eye. Before I know his lips are on mine and we are sharing a passionate kiss. I'm never gonna get enough of these.

When he finally pulls away, he smiles and says: "You don't have to worry about that, we will be just fine", before kissing me again.

A little bit of Jellab romance.
I hope you liked it. To me it still seemed a little rushed. Let me know what you think.

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