42. The Wedding

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Bella's POV

The day has come. In just two hours I am gonna be Mrs. Bella Black... For some reason I would even like being called Mrs. Isabella Black more... I'm so nervous I think I'm ready to faint of excitement! HELP!!!

Jacob's POV

It's today! I can't belive in just few hours Bella will officially be Mrs. Bella Black. Without my buddies here I would probably cover in a corner, tied up in my tie, I could not possible tie by myself.

Bella's POV

Alice has seemed to have gotten all her energy back and is now joined by Rose and Silvia. I know I told them to keep it simple but they still seem to take so much time! But I have a feeling it might be because they blindfolded me for the hair and turned me away from the mirror while doing the make .... I have a bad feeling!! Oh god what are you doing guys!???

I heard Edward chuckling, dang it, keep out of my mind!
That only made him laugh louder.

I huffed, and relaxed again, now a little worried. You heard right, a little only, because I knew what ever way were doing could not turn out being terrible mistake.

After what seemed like hours, they were done. Few last puffs toward my cheekbones and they let me stand up and go to the mirror.

What looked back at me was... well, wow. They had put it up in a... I don't know how to call It! I am not Alice or someone. It was kind of braided up in a simple look, but I could never copy it.

As for the makeup I had a light blush on my slightly tan skin, I had inherited from my family

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As for the makeup I had a light blush on my slightly tan skin, I had inherited from my family. My eyelids had a golden-brown gleam.

My dress I already knew and I was happy about it, or I would have seriously freaked out, I had not spent around 3 months, every day, looking at Alice going through all the dresses in every shop I could name

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My dress I already knew and I was happy about it, or I would have seriously freaked out, I had not spent around 3 months, every day, looking at Alice going through all the dresses in every shop I could name... or not name, like she was the bride, and then try almost every single one of them.

It was a white, down to my toes dress, simple and elegant, I had seen it in the shop and liked it at once, and thankfully, so did Alice, or else I would either still be shopping or not be having a wedding.

I thought I looked beautiful, hopefully Jacob will think the same.

I looked towards Alice and the others, and just smiled, kind of baffled

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I looked towards Alice and the others, and just smiled, kind of baffled.

"It's beautiful, I was kind of afraid to see what you guys have done with all the blindfolds and stuff, was this really necesseary?" I ask.

"Yeah, sorry about that, we just really didn't want you to see yourself before you are ready, we were afraid you might not let us do what I had seen..." Alice smiled a guilty look on her face.

That's true I guess... probably.

"Well, that looks awesome, thanks guys!" I say smiling and Alice starts jumping again, happily.

"I know, and it was our pleasure."

I'm sure it was. I look back to the mirror just once more.

"Oh! One more thing! Jacob wanted you to have this!" And Silvia brought out a necklace with a blue stone in the middle.

I opened it and it had a picture of us inside. It was beautiful.

"Bella it's time to go." I hear Rosalie say, and I come back to the present, remembering the reason why I was going through all this. Jacob! Suddenly I feel nervous. I hadn't the whole time and now... oh god...what if he says no! Well now I've gone completely bonkers!!  Where did that idea even come from? Of course he would not do that, he loves me just like I love him.

"Exatly Bella, calm down." I hear Edward mumble in a sing song voice, from downstaires and the next moment a wave of calmness comes over me.

"Thank you Jasper..." I whisper to the silence, after what comes his quiet answer: no problem.

I breath in and go to the door, the girls follow me quietly. I'm ready, let's do it.

The house feels empty suddenly, the only thing I hear is my own heart beat and breathing.

I open the door and walk down the staires. Everyone is gone. Alice and Rosalie go in front of me to open the last door that keeps me apart from Jacob, and they lead me outside.

We walk towards the artwork guys has put together by Alice's hectic fingerpointings, and I breath in deeply.

I see my my dad and my mom waiting for me at the arch kind of thing which leads to the altar. I guess yhey want to have a final word before I go and do it.

"Oh, dear you look so beautiful! I think I'm gonna cry." My mom says and is ready to fall into my arms but Alice comes between us.

"No no no! We don't want to destroy my masterpiece!"

My mom steps away apologizing while dad just laughs.

"So, are you ready?" My mom asks, completely excited.

"Yeah... let's do it." I breath out and my dad takes my arm.

The Wedding was beautiful. I walked down to the altar with "A Thousand years" playing and the moment my eyes found Jake' I felt like I imprinted all over again, everything else just vanished. Like my dad later told me, he had to hold me back or I would have started running in my 6 inch heals and that already shows something.

We both had written our own vows  and by the time the priest told us we could kiss, not just the public but we as well were crying.

Our night at home ended with lot of dancing so I had sore feet by the end of the night.

I had danced first with Jacob and my dad then Jasper, Emmett and Marc and of course Carlisle, then all the wolves families and somehow I still had strenght to dance a little with Jacob after that, who by the way looked very handsome. He was wearing a nice light grey suite., with a white shirt and a blue tie. (picture at the top.) It was the happiest day of my life.

So! Sorry for the really long wait, I was stuck on how to write, at some point away from home, I wrote when I was away, but I had to add pictures and one of these was in my computer, so I had to wait, and then I fell ill... I know too many excuses, but they are all true..

Thank you for reading so far, and waiting. Please like and comment if you liked, also it would make me happy. Another thing, this story is almost over, actually the next chapter will be the last. so... my first story to write and finish! YEY! Anyway, see you the next and last chapter. BYE!

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