23. In the woods

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Sam's POV (When they went to find out who is with Edward.)

I just got a text from Jake and I must say things seem to be getting very serious. I stood up to go and shift after promising to Jake that we'll go and try to find out more about Edward's companion.

Me and the pack are in the woods now, I can smell the vampire, Edward was here, he was talking to someone, only who? We were hiding far enough so he could not read our minds. That's when I took matters into my hands. I changed and decided to move closer, let's see what happens. I might be able to find at least something out, before they find me. The others looked at me alarmed. I signed them to stay put and wait here, then turned around and sneeked closer, still trying to block my mind. So far so good!

The voices were stronger now. I could understand the words. "... that stupid vampire could have almost taken away my power, I didn't consider that anything like that would happen! I mean, it's frustrating if it waves like that, sometimes I hear and sometimes not!"

I smirked. Edward without a power, that makes things so much easier.
"Don't worry! You'll have it back, I promise you. We only have to get to him before the Cullens do."

I decided to try and get a little closer. Now I could see them. No, him! But the other voice, there has to be someone, somewhere!

Edward smirked bitterly. "You said that the only change to get it back is when..."
"Somebody is here!"

Shit, I thought. At the same time I felt how the others came to be by my side. Great, now we're all in danger! That's when we went flying. And that was one big blow. I hit a tree and almost lost my breath, I heard Edward laughing. What's going on? I don't remember! So what, it must not have been important then. Let's get out of here.

I jumped up and the others did the same. Soon we were running, I felt something hot almost touch my back but I duck and it didn't get me.

When I raised I saw that it was a fireball, and it hit the tree instead leaving it completely destroyed. Phew, that was close! I looked back but saw nothing, like before. How can it turn invisible!? But again a fireball was sent for me and I decided to think about that later. So I shifted and the others did the same.

Luckily the forest ended soon, and I looked around. Everybody seemed fine, only out of breath, Seth seemed almost pale. I can't say I'm suprised, I guess I might be too.

"Is everybody alright?" I still asked. I heard some "yeahs" and some of them nodded. Thank god!

"No time to waste, let's go home, they might be after us still!" Some of them groaned, but understood that there was no other choice. We stood up and started running again. Soon we were home, on our land, so they would not follow us here at least.

The minute I sat down I texted Jake everything I knew. Hopefully it's at least some kind of help. I really need to get some rest!

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