13. Suprises to everyone

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Alice's POV

"Hello Alice."
"Hey Jass. Can I come in?"

He stepped aside and I went in.
I felt really uncomfortable because of what had happened the last time we saw each other.

I looked around, the house looked exactly the same like when we left. It broughtbback so many memories. Oh why did I leave!? I miss Bella! She was such a good friend and like a sister to me. I really hope he forgives me and agrees.

Jasper's POV

I gestured her to sit down and she felt relief. I sat opposite her and waited for her to start talking. She took a deep breath and said: "Urm... how have you been?"
"Good, thanks. What about you?"
She nodded and again I felt relief coming from her again. I guess she is happy that I didn't kick her out or threaten her again like last time.

I raised an eyebrow waiting for her to say something. Finally she went on.

"Look, I'm really sorry, about what happened last time and I hope we can leave this behind, and be friends at least. I feel really bad and to be honest I miss you all. You, Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett. And I do miss Bella! I don't want us to be strangers! I want us to be a family again! Could YOU at least forgive me? I didn't want to go to anyone else before I've talked to you and..."

Through all her talk I had just been frozen. I didn't expect that! I don't know what I expected, but not that.
"Wow wow wow! Calm down!" "You came here to say sorry and ask can you come back to the family?" I asked.
She nodded.

"Well, what about Edward? Aren't you two like mates and all that?"

She frowned. I felt the sudden change of emotions. She seemed to feel saddness.
"We are mates but..."
I looked at her questioningly.
If she was a human she would have burst to tears.
"He's so mean to me! I loved him, and I still do, the old him, but now it's complicated, after a while he started being more and more mean and I then saw how he will eventually kill me, so I escaped! I guess the pain that he must be away from me isn't bad enough to make him good again. I don't know, he doesn't act like a mate should at all!!"

"Wait, what!?" I ask completely confused how something like this could be.

"Yes! After he left I felt this pull towards him, and so I tried to make a plan how to get to him, but you caught me first. When I finaly got to him I was so happy. Everything seemed perfect. I had a mate and he seemed to love me just as much as I loved him. But after a while he changed, I guess because of Bella. You know how her blood sang to him?"
I nodded. I knew everything she told me was true, I would have felt it if she was lying.

"Well, I guess he missed that feeling. And I'm just so afraid." She dry sobbed. "When he understood that I was gone, he called me. He said that he will find me and kill me for betraying him like that. And he will come back for Bella too." "I know him! He will not stop until he gets what he wants!"

I was in shock. I knew Edward was bad, but like this?
Suddenly my phone went off. It was Carlisle. I answered it quickly.

"Carlisle, what's going on? Why are you calling?"

"Jasper, I have a bad feeling. It's been all night and now it's only been going worst!" "Something is not right!"

"Well, I'm alright and so is Alice, she's with me... Bella!?"

"What is Alice do...?"

"I must go!"

I quickly ended the call and ran without saying a word to Alice.

Esme's POV

We've been riding for an hour now. I can't wait to see Bella already. I hope she's alright and Jasper didn't find anything wrong with her.


Finally! We're almost there.
"Esme, can you please call to Jasper and find out where they are?"

"Of course!" I grabbed his phone and soon I had the answer.

"They are at the hospital still."

"Bella and her parents are gonna be okay, but Jake could not leave her alone so Jasper is comforting him." I say to him. He nodds.

So Bella has Jacob now. I hope he is better to her and makes her happy.

In 10 minutes we pull up to the hospital. And in less than a minute we're inside asking to see Bella. Carlisle can go inside without a question, they know that he's a doctor, but we had to wait for a while. Soon we follow.

In the waiting room we see Jasper and Jacob. Carlisle had gone to check on Bella, Charlie and Renee.
When they see us they stand up and greet us. Jacob seemes so worried even after the news that she's gonna be alright. Did he imprint? Jasper seemes to understand what I'm thinking and nods. But I guess I already knew.

"Jacob imprinted on her long ago, but didn't want to say it to her, when she still was heartbroken by Edward, he just gave her the friendship she needed." "He could wait and let her understand herself that she is in love with him."

Rose and Emmett seem astonished, but I guess I expected that, because I'm not at all suprised.
In that moment Carlisle comes out of the patients room. He looks at Jacob and smiles.
"She is awake. You can go inside, she is asking for you." Jacob sighs and almost runs inside.

Carlisle then looks at us, and I understand, 'Let them be alone for a while'. The others nod also. And now that she accepted Carlisle, I'm sure it can't be that bad... I hope. It's for the best.

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