24. The book

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Jacob's POV

I went to Carlisle's office and knocked. "Come in!" I heared from the inside. I opened the door and saw him sitting behind his table.

"Oh, Jacob! What can I do to help you?"
"I need to tell you something."
"Go on!"
"I just texted Sam about half an hour ago, and they went to find out who it is with Edward!"
"Are they alright!?"
"Yes, but it was really close!"
"How so?"
I told him everything without him saying anything to stop me. When I finished he seemed to be deep in thought. Finally he spoke: "I've heared of these supernaturals." "They are hybrids! Part warlock and part vampire." "They've been told to be the most evil ones." "I don't know how Edward met one, but this is bad."

Carlisle's POV

After hearing Jake's story I was lost in my thought for a long time. I've heared of there creatures before. But only twice in the history. Thanks to being a warlock AND a vampire they have double powers I could say. I can't belive my son could find just the most evil thing on earth and then JOIN it. Did I really raise him that bad? I came out of my transe like state and looked at Jake: "I've heared of these supernaturals before." "They are hybrids, part warlock and part vampire. They've told to be the most evil creatures on Earth, I don't know how Edward met one, but if he did, then it's bad!" Jake nooded seriously and said: "Any idea how to defeat them?"
I thought for a moment and then said: "Let's see!" I stood up and went to my bookself. I looked around for a second and then found it. 'The supernaturals of the world.' Only sold in Vampire bookstores, long time ago, when people knew of vampires excistence, and got along with them, kind of.


Bloodthirsty, evil creatures, half warlocks and half vampires. Are the reason of all vampire wars. Have unimaginable powers becouse of the halfbreeding.
Never been defeated because nobody has the most powerful...

"That's all!" "The page is ruined."
"It's ruined!?" Jacob cried out in disbelief.
"Don't forget that this book is really old!"
"Well, yes but...!"
"I understand what you feel, but that's all I can give you right now, I'm sorry! I'll try and find some more with other resources."
He seemed to get it under control and looked at me: "It's alright. I guess we'll just have to search through internet from now on!"
I nodded.
"Well, thank you!"
"Anytime Jacob, you can always come if you need anything else!" I said and smiled.
"Thanks again!" He said and left.
So, where did I left off?

Bella's POV

I now sit in the living room, Jake left few minutes ago, it seemes to go and talk to Carlisle. Esme came to me and said: "If you want anything to eat then just ask!"
"Thanks Esme! Maybe soon, but not right now."
She nodded and left.
Jasper went by and smiled to me I smiled back, he sat next to me.
"So, how are you feeling?"
"Don't you already know it?"
"Well, yes, but I want you to say it."
"I'm just tired." "And a little worried." "Right now I wish there was no such thing as supernatural world."
"But would you have met us then?"
"I'm afraid not." I felt how my worry started to go away and hope came to take it's place. I smiled at Jazz. "Thanks Jazz."
He stretched his arms out and I hugged him. He was the best brother I could ever have. If I didn't feel about him as a older brother and didn't meet Jake, I would totaly fallen for him.
Jasper smiled when he felt her emotions.

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