12. Returning to old habits

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Carlisle's POV

I have this feeling. Feeling that something bad is gonna happen. I've been having this all night. Right now it's morning. It's been only getting worst. That's it. I must call Jasper. He's the only one furher away who could know something.

I grab my phone and quickly dial his number. He answers in a second.

"Carlisle! What's going on? Why are you calling?"

"Jasper, I have a bad feeling. All night and now it's only been getting worse. Something is not right."

"Well, I'm alright and so is Alice, she's with me... Bella!?" There was a sound of sudden movement. "I must go!"

Before I could wonder what Alice was doing there, the call ended.
I put my phone away and cried: "Esme, Rosalie, Emmett!"
In a second they were all down.
"What is it dear?" Asked Esme worried.
"I'm going to Forks, I've been having this feeling that something bad has happened." "I just called Jasper, he went to check on Bella." "You can come with if you want, but it's your choice just make it quick." I said seriously while packing the most important things to take with me, in my vampire speed.

"If something is wrong with Bella, then I'm coming with!" "She's like a daughter to me!" Said Esme.

"Hell yeah! Can't leave my little sister in danger now." Answered Emmett as well.

I knew that once Emmett says yes, Rose will not stay here alone, but then I looked at her for an answer then I saw that even she was worried. In an half a hour we were on our way back to Forks.

Jacob's POV

The second I heard Bella's scream I ran to the door and there she was. On the floor. I didn't even care who else cried her name besides me. I pushed the burning beam off of her and carried her outside to see the ambulance pulling up and Jasper  standing next to the front door, looking terrified.

I put Bella down, she seemed as alright as you can be after what happened, but I don't have time to make sure. For once I have to put my trust in someone else to take care of my mate. I have to save Charlie and Renee. I didn't care if I got hurt. I had to make sure Bella didin't get any more hurt. I could not bare it.

Soon I was out with them and the doctors took them from me. Bella was already put into the car and her parents were now in the car next to her. We watched as the fire brigade started to extinguish the fire. There was particularly nothing left of the house. I don't understand how the fire spread so fast and strong. And it seems that nobody was up yet either. Something very suspicious was going on.

The ambulance was ready to leave and Jasper and I were allowed to sit with Bella. Thank god or I would have had to jump on the car or run to follow. I was in no condition to drive at this moment.
Soon we were at the hospital.

Jasper's POV

When I ended the call I didn't waste time to leave Alice and run to Bella's house. I saw from far away already that the house was in flames. I felt the dread in me grow in waves, wanting to drown me.

I ran to the front door but didn't dare to go forward, if I only wasn't a vampire!

Suddenly I heard a scream. "Bella!?" I cried, and same from the inside. Thank god! Jacob is there too. I mean not that it's good he's in there but he might be able to save the the other's while I am out here completely useless.

The next moment Jake came out with Bella in his arms, he saw me and relief rushed through him. He put Bella down looking at me, and went back inside, probably to get her parents. I rushed to her side, she was still breathing.

The moment I saw Jacob coming out again, I heard the ambulance and fire brigade pull up and take the things in their hands. Soon the flames were gone and Bella and her parents were in the cars. Luckily we were allowed in there with her. Soon we were at the hospital.

When we arrived they took them inside and we had to wait in the waiting room.

Luckily we didn't have to wait long, the doctors had news about Bella quite quickly. She had inhaled quite a lot of smoke, but thanks to Jake's quick actions of getting her outside she was quite recovered, just needing to rest. And when she got hit by the beam she broke a rib, but it was clean and otherwise she was alright. She will probably be in shock after that, but we can handle it.

With Charlie and Renee things were a little worse. They had inhaled a lot more smoke as they had been in there for a lot longer so they needed help with getting oxygen. But the doctors thought that they are going to be alright as well.

I exhaled in relief. They are all going to be alright! Thank god!
Now I only have to worry about how the house got in fire, because Jake had told me what happened, and it was very weird. And I also had to decide what to do with the thing Alice had told me.

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