41. The last day of "Freedom"

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Bella's POV

After two months of hard work, the wedding was to be tomorrow.

The last night before the big ceremony everything was completely in chaos. Alice ran around with last minute things to fix, she literally looked insane, but I better not say it out loud. And even with her being a vampire, she looked completely exhausted.

Everyone was put to work to make the altar perfect and they knew not to sit down to rest, even for a second, if you didn't want her to lash out on you.

Esme was cooking, and since there were gonna be all the wolves, and their families and also my family, there was a lot, I repeat, A LOT to cook. Pans were frying, pots were boiling, the kitchen was a mess!

Carlisle was the only one to be saved from under Alice, but he had a good reason and definitely not any less tireing.

A little girl and her parents had had a car crash and were in a critical condition. He had been in the hospital for seven hours already. I hope the family will be alright though. I understand she is only 8.

I hear a door opening and closing.

"Oh, you're here, great, at least someone here keeps to the timetable." I hear Alice say.

Of course I keep to it, you would kill me, if I didn't, and what would happen with the wedding if the bride was dead?  That's what I thought to myself, with the last week I had to keep my big mouth shut, or she would have skinned me alive... would not want that.

We were about to have the last check up on my wedding look. The dress the make-up and hair... oh and the shoes, can't believe I have to go through this twice! Uugh! Oh well.

Alice starts to work with my make-up. It's going to be quite a simple smoky eye look. Now that I think back. We had a huge fight over it. She wanted it to be huge and special. I guess she thanks me now, even if she will never admit it. She is already going mental over the work she has, no need to add to the pile. My thoughts wonder on.

I wonder what Jacob is doing? Is he thinking of me, like I am thinking of him?

"Look up please." I do as Alice says. Also she seems to have calmed down a lot with the little time she has been here. I actually feel kind guilty now... I think I was actually quite a big part of her stress, imagining things like tearing up her dresses and throwing her shoes into mud and stuff...

"I'm sorry..." I say quietly. Alice seems confused a little.

"Why?" She asks looking at me and he her hands stay still for a second.

"Well... I was pretty mean at you when we first went dress shopping? And the week after that?" I say looking down.

"First, I told you to look up!! And second! It's alright! I understand why you did it, I did wake you up pretty early and without food... and in an intimate situation," she cringes "although it was a little stressing."

I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Okay, a lot!" She confesses, we break out laughing. "Which was probably," she continues when we can breath again, "why I've been feeling like exploding these past few days."

"Yeah! Even Emmett and Sam were afraid of you!" I say looking at her once she had finished with my eyes.

"And they were smart to be, I would probably have ripped them apart overways." She sighs. "It feels so nice, no fussing or cussing, maybe it's actually a good thing I agreed to make the make-up simple."

"Who are you and what have you done with Alice!?" I ask looking at her like she is crazy.

"This old Alice just feels like a vacation. Maybe I can actually get Marc to take me to one, in Paris maybe, once this whole thing here blows over, there are wonderful stores there and we could have some alone time as well?" She wonders looking at me questionably, smirking.

Of course Paris, poor Marc...

"Okay, seriously you are freaking me out, but I actually like this new side of you, so I'll play along and enjoy it while it lasts." I see Alice rolling her eyes. "So yes! You should do that, I'm sure it will do you good, and make it a long one! I'm sure everyone will be thankful!..." "Except maybe Marc..." I add quietly, but of course she hears me.

Alice looks at me with a deathglare. Oh, if looks could kill.

"If I hadn't just finished with the look and your wedding wasn't tomorrow, I would punch you in the face." She threatens half jokingly. I cough covering a laugh.

"So, what about the hair! Any change that you have changed your mind?" She asks hopefully.

She really never changes, the peaceful athmosphire and possible, crazy shopping trips in the future must have worked a little too well.

"Nope! Still a bun with two braids over it and that's it!" I say seriously.

"Uugh, fine." In few minutes it is done.

"Now only the dress and shoes and I think you'll be presentable enough with the gift I see Carlisle giving you tomorrow!"

"Is he home?" I ask happily.

"In three minutes, he just excited the shop."

The shop? I thought he was in the hospital.

And sure thing, after exactly three minutes, there was a sound of the door opening and we could hear Esme going to greet him with a kiss.

"Okay, you look beautiful and tomorrow you will look gorgeous once you get lot's of beautysleep!" She insists strongly.

"Yes, mam." I say jokingly, while removing the dress and make-up.

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