28. The danger returnes?

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Here is the first deleted chapter, it's a little different, of course! Plus, I might have added some stuff. Hope you enjoy! Please vote, and comment if anything is not understandable and also, please try to ask as clearly as possible or I might not understand the question.

Next week went splendidly. Everyone seemed to go back to the way they were before.

After Emmett and Jasper got to know Marc, they could be found joking around like old friends.
Rosalie and Alice could be seen reading magazines and repairing cars. Well! Alice of course didn't play with oil and stuff like that. She would never let her precious clothes get dirty. But she did get Rosalie to join her sometimes to go through facion magazines. But then she would cuddle with Marc and that was most of the time.

Esme could be found in the kitchen, she just loved to cook for the pack. Or... she loved to cook!

And Carlisle! Well! He worked in the hospital or was in his office and read books like always, only now he did that to find anything about vamplocks.

Edward's POV

Uuugh! My head aches. Again! What's going on!? Am I ill or something? But it's impossible, vampires aren't supposed to be able to fall ill, we are dead after all. I don't even remember how I got myself in this mess. All I remember is that after I left Bella I ran out alone and met that guy named Rick and then it's gone!

Next thing I remember is what happened just about now. I enjoyed the rain and then I went hunting to lay down after that to think and now... now it's this again. Uugh! It's only getting worse! And I miss my Bella. I need to see her.

Fighting the urge that said to stay put, I forced myself up and started to run as fast as I could. I hope I can make it, I feel so weak.
But I need to get out of here before that Rick guy gets back from wherever he is right now.

Alice's POV

I was cuddling with my love when I suddenly saw it. I gasped.
"What is it, darling!?" "Are you alright!?" Marc is still not used to my sudden visions.

"Yes! Yes, I'm alright but we have to have a meeting, now!"
"Everybody to the living room! Quickly!" I shouted.

Everyone rushed into the living room.
"Alice! What did you see?" Jasper and Bella said in unison. If things weren't so serious and confusing right now, I would have laughed. They tend to talk in sync sometimes.

"I saw Edward coming here."
And just like that all the hell broke loose.

"What!? Why?"
"Again!? Why!? But we are not in danger, are we?" Esme asked.
"Oh, don't you worry! Let him come! I can take him!"
"Oh Emmett! We all know that he is just too fast for you!"
"No he is not, you dog, plus I'm strong, I can take him!"

"Guys! Stop it!" Bella shouted.
"When?" Carlisle finally got a word in, after trying to make himself heard in this shouting.

"We have to be ready for anything! Does he have anyone else with him?" "Newborns?"
"When is he coming Alice!?" Carlisle tried again.

"Guys! Stop!" "Calm down! I'll tell you everything." I cried out. Everybody stopped talking.

"Okay!" I sighed "Edward will be here in ten minutes...!" "Maybe fifteen..." I said as I saw him slow down as the trees were a little more visible again. "But!" I continued before anyone could stop me. "He is not dangerous!" "He seems tired and in pain."
"Plus, he would never hurt us! I raised him better than that!" Said Esme, who's motherly love kicked in, still believing.
"We know, but he still tried to attack Bella, remember." Emmett said.
"I was his singer, don't forget that. Everyone can make mistakes..."
"Well, yeah... You're probably right."
"But he did left her in the woods." Jacob said.
"Was that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing now!"
"Umm... I'm not sure."
"Well, he broke my heart but he could have eaten me, but he didn't." Bella said quietly stating that there were both, the good and the bad side. Jacob put his arms aroud her.

"Sorry but, 5 minutes!" Alice
Carlisle nodded towards her but no one else seemed to hear Alice.
"Exactly! He didn't! I would read that as protecting her!" Esme said protectively.

"So you think that Edward was or is posessed, and that's why Alice saw her attacking us, once before?" Rosalie asked.
"Do you think it's possible Carlisle?" Jasper asked now.
"I suppose it is." And you could hear that he really wanted to believe that.

It was silence for a second, before Jasper said: "I still think we need a plan." He said looking at every one of them.  "Just in case." He added quickly when he saw Esme's face.

"Yes, you are right!" Carlisle said coming out of his trance. "We still got Alice's and Jasper's gifts." "Alice look out for anything what could become a threat and Jasper keep an eye on his emotions." Everyone nodded.

"Marc! You can use the little of Edward's power that you have, right!?" Marc nodded. "Good! Do it! Also! Everyone try not to think anything too important!" They nodded again. "Okay! I think we are..."
Cliffhanger! Okay, I'll just write the next one. 😂

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