Best Friend

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I woke the next morning and found smexy gone. I sit up, get dressed, and walk downstairs, Bella slowly following. I make my breakfast and feed Bella. I grab my laptop and sit eating breakfast while checking my email. I see there's one from my best friend. I open it up and read her words carefully.

" hey girl!!!!! I'm sooooo sorry I haven't messaged you but Lucas has been busy with his music and I've been busy with my modeling!!! I'll make it up to you girly! Anyways call me I want to ask you something!!! Love ya <3!!!!"

I get my phone and call her right away.

"Hello?" She answers.

"H-hey it's (Y/N)." I'm happy to hear her voice.

"AHHHHH GIRL YOU GOT ME!!!! I thought you were a spam call!! How you been girl?!?!" She screams so loud I have to take the phone away from my ear.

"Good, loving the little town. Nice people. How are you?"

"Oooo girl! Me and Lucas got into a fight can I come stay with you for a day or two?" She asks.

"Um. I don't-"

"Thanks girl!!! I knew I could count on you!! I'll be there in an hour!!!" She hangs up before I could say anything else.

I sigh and hang up. She does this all the time. Get in a fight and head over then message me she's an hour away so I can't turn her away. I go back to checking emails and finish my breakfast. I do the dishes and clean the house. I just get done as she pulls into my driveway. I open the door and she gets out of her car screaming.

"AHHHHHHH!!!! THERES NY GIRLY!!!" She hugs me and jumps up and down.

"Shhhh! My neighbors probably taking a nap." I tell her.

"Oh! Oops! Hey like the house! Is Bella here? Hey, be a doll an- hello handsome." She looks past me and lowers her sunglasses at someone.

I turn around and see smexy in his Andy cover. He smiles at me and nods at Becky.

"(Y/N), why don't you introduce us?" She asks.

"Becky this is Andy, Andy, Becky. My friend from New York." I say.

"Oh yea! You're the model with a boyfriend." He says shaking her hand.

"Ex boyfriend." She's flirting.

"That's to bad. The four of us could have double dated." He says with a smile.

Becky's smile fades and looks at me.

"Wait. You two are a couple? You're dating her." She points at us with her unnaturally long nails that was clearly done at a nail place.

He nods and I blush harder.

"OMG!! Why didn't you tell me?!?!" She screams.

"Shhhh!!! I didn't tell because that email was the first contact I've had with you since you moved." I say harshly.

"Ugh I said I was sorry, I've been busy with modeling." She rolls her eyes. "Anyways be a doll and get my stuff from my car while Andy shows me my room." Before either one of us could protest she grabs Andy's hand and pulls him away.

I open the trunk and see the pink luggage. While I take it out I swear and curse while mocking her voice.

"Ex boyfriend! Andy can show me my fucking room! (Y/N) be a doll and get my luggage! Oh you won't be mad if I show up unannounced like a bitch would you??!!" I slam the last bag down and close the trunk.

I turn around and see a man standing at my gate. He's thin and a little old. We stand in silence for a second and he speaks first.

"I don't think you're happy she's here." He says with a smile.

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