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I walk around the mansion while sweeping and smile when I see sally playing on the floor in the living room. I prop the broom up on a desk and sit next to her.

"Hey honey. Whatcha doin?" I ask pushing my hair behind my ear.

"I'm having a tea party!" She smiles brightly at me. "Wanna join?!" She asks.

"Yes please. I'd love some tea right now." I say and watch her pour imaginary tea into a pink plastic cup.

I take it and thank her. I blow on the empty space and take a sip. She giggles.

"It's iced tea." She corrects me.

I laugh and grab a little fake cookie.

"I like my tea extra cold." I pretend to take a bite of the cookie.

We giggle and talk about random things like boys, dolls, stuffed animals, and her soon to be new friend.

"What are you naming it?" She asks sweetly as she takes a bite of her cookie.

"I don't really know." I say.

"I think sally is a great name!" She says happily.

"That's your name silly! There can't be two Sally's!" I make my voice sound funny and tickle her.

She laughs and rolls all over the floor. She escapes my grasps and run behind Dr. Smiley for protection.

"Save me! Save me!" Sally says as she holds his pant legs.

"It's ok, I'll save you!" He lowers his voice and puts his fits on his hips like super man.

I run into the kitchen and hide behind the wall. Smiley runs after me and we shout out to her like we are fighting.

"You will not attack sally again!" He shouts.

"No he's beating me!!" I shout and hide my laughter.

He tells me to put my hands together behind my back and I do so. He grabs my arms and walks me out to were sally was, who laughs and hugs smiley.

"Thank you!" She says.

"Anything to keep the peace!" He says.

"Put her in jail Smiley!" Sally orders and smiles at us.

I shrug my shoulder and he walks me to a chair. I sit down and look at her.

"How long will I be here?" I ask giggling.

"15 minutes." She says smiling.

I gasp.

"15 minutes?! How could you sally?!" I playfully yell at her.

She laughs and smiley goes to his room. I wait and watch her play with her dolls. Smexy comes in and tries to touch me but sally rushes over and smacks his hand away.

"She's in jail!" She says and glares at me.

I chuckle and look at him.

"I've been a bad girl." I say in a low voice and wink at him.

He smiles and sits on the couch.

"How uh, long?" He asks trying to hide his member.

"Her time is up." Sally says cheerfully.

I stand up and hug her while she attends her tea party again. Smexy and I rush upstairs to our room to have a little fun. Since He found out, Smexy has been going easy and gentle on me. I like it a lot actually because we've been cutting back and that means every touch is more pleasurable and he has a lot of cum built up.

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