Living Arrangment

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The next day

I walk back over to my house and Andy follows closely behind. It's so quite in my house, a pin could be dropped and heard. I look in the office as smexy changes to his normal self and walks upstairs. I stare at the place where the dead man should be laying but the place is spotless. I walk over to my deck, grabbing the crystal skull. It's missing pieces are put back on and doesn't even look like it was damaged in the first place. I see my phone still there and put the skull down. I sit in my chair and see I have 10 missed calls from the doctor. Smexy walks in and leans on the door frame.

"Why are you in here?" He asks.

"It's my work area and plus my phone was in here." I say back standing.

"Come on. Slender wants me to bring you to the mansion." He says
Holding out his hand.

I smile and take it. We walk out the back door and I pet Bella as we pass. She wags her tail, watching us go into the forest. After about 30 minutes we come into a huge spot in the forest that has no trees and a white mansion in the middle.  I look in awe but Smexy pushes me along.

"I wanna look at the architecture." I complain as he pushes me through the door.

"No." He says chuckling.

I try to run back out but he grabs me before I can touch the door knob. He picks me up, slinging me over his shoulder holding my legs together and butt. He walks up the same staircase and hall to the end. I elbow his back and he puts me down. We stand in front of a door and smexy knocks. I look down the hall and see a lot of the proxies standing out in the hall watching me and some only sticking their heads out of their rooms. I wave but none wave back. The door opens and I walk in.

"Please sit." Slender says behind his oak desk.

I do in a single person chair and Smexy sits in the one next to me.

"I just wanted to see how you were after what happened." He says looking at me.

"I'm ok. I haven't broken down or even felt sorry once. Though I can't get Smexy to leave me alone." I giggle and look at Smexy.

He smiles and reaches over to pet my cheek.

"What did you find?" Smexy asks taking back his hand and looking at his brother.

"Well, we found small amount of rope and duck tape on him. Then in his car we found a gun and sex toys. We think he was going to kidnap (Y/N), sexually assault her, and then kill her." He says in a somewhat sad voice.

"Can I say something?" I ask suddenly.

They both look at me and I slender nods once.

"Can I just move on from this? He got what he had coming clearly from what you just said and he's no longer a threat to me. What's the point of staying on this event?" I ask not breaking eye contact with slender.

He looks down and folds his hands leaning on his desk.

"We think someone sent him." He says.

I don't say anything though his news shocks me.

"A man named Alexander has followers and they normally have tattoos of a black widow on their ankle. We think Alexander knows about you and Smexy." He says looking at us both.

"Did you know?" I look at Smexy.

"... Yes." He says guilty.

I'm amazed he didn't tell me.

"How long?" I say calmly.

"After you fell asleep last night." He says looking at the ground.

I look down at the floor and nod. I stand up, nodding at slender.

"I need a moment." I say calmly.

I walk out of the office, not bothering to close the door and walk down the long hall. I walk down the stairs and see the doctor on the couch.

"Hey (Y/N)-" he starts but I'm out the door before he can finish.

I walk half way between the tree line and the house, but stop. I just stand there thinking.

'He didn't think to wake me up and tell me? That's not something you hide! But were are talking about it today. But still, he should have told me! Not just dump this on me all at once! A little warning would have been great!' I sit down in the grass and pull a few pieces up.

I play with the grass blades as I hear someone come up behind me.

"You're mad at me." Smexy says.

"Yes, I am." I reply standing up.

"I wanted to tell you but I figured you'd been through enough yesterday." He says rubbing my head while stepping on front of me.

"But not today. I would have loved a little warning on the way here Smexy. I hate being in the dark and suddenly having things dumped on me like that." I say back looking up at him.

"I didn't think you'd come since last time you were here went a little rough." He says leaning down to look me in the face.

"Still offender." I say looking into his absence eyes.

"Ok I'm sorry. Please here my brother out on his plan. You'll love it, I promise." He says putting his forehead on mine, making his hat fall on the grown.

"Ok, I'm sorry too." I say closing my eyes.

He pull me into a hug. I grab his hat and reach up barely being able to put it on his head. He chuckles and picks me up. I giggle and kiss him.

"They all look at me funny now." I say as we walk back to the door.

"They are shocked you did it." He replies.

We go back up to his brothers office and slender if looking out the window behind him that almost reaches the ceiling.

"Better?" He asks.

"Yes, sorry." I say sitting down.

"It's alright, it's a lot to take in, plus you haven't shown emotion towards what happened so it's expected." He says turning around and sitting down.

"Me and my brothers have decided that you moving in with our brother would be best for your safety. BUT you two can not have a child till this is taken care of." He says sitting back in his chair.

I smile and nod.

"I think that's reasonable." I say.

He excuses us and we walk into the hall, Smexy closes the door. I squeal and jump hug him. He chuckles and holds me up, we both kiss and smile at each other.

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