Busted Skulls

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Trendy comes over a few hours later to collect the interviews so we tell him what happened.

"Did he suspect you guys?" He asks as he covers my bruise with makeup.

"No. But this felt weird." Smexy says.

"He's mad because the guy had a boner for me." I say and Trendy laughs.

"I'm serious guys, it didn't seem right to me." He says rubbing his head.

I walk up to him, hop on him and give him a big kiss on his cheek. He laughs and holds me up.

"Better?" I ask smiling.

"Yes." He kisses my lips gently, putting me down.

I walk upstairs and get changed. I put on dark blue skinny jeans with a white button up shirt, rolling up the sleeves to my elbows,topping it off with suspenders and my reading wire glasses. I go to the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth. I put it into a high ponytail, I put on eyeliner, massacre, and fill in my eyebrows. I walk downstairs and into my work room. I log in and see my email was up.

"Hey Smexy?!" I yell out to the kitchen.

"Yea?!" He yells back.

"Did you open my email?!" I ask looking at the door.

"No! Why?!" He answer back.

"It's open and this is the first time I'm opening it since yesterday!" I say back turning back to the laptop.

He walks in with Trendy behind him and pauses. I look at him and he smiles.

"Trendy, look how cute she is." He say folding his arms.

"Give us a spin." Trendy says.

I stand up and slowly turning till I face them again. I smile and hold my hands behind my back looking down blushing. They both clap and I laugh.

"Thanks guys." I say shyly.

"Who drew that?" Trendy points to Sally's drawing I tapped to the wall.

"Sally did." I say going back to my emails.

"She's a cutie. Would you guys want kids?" Trendy ask sitting in a chair in the corner.

We both say yes at the same time. I turn and smile at Smexy. He smiles back, walking over to me.

"But not right now. I'm young and think I have enough time still." I say.

Smexy kisses my head.

"While I want some now but she said that to me, we haven't really talked about it much." He says picking me up.

"Wait, you two talked about it? Do you have sex that... ya know, don't answer that. Do you guys wear protection?" He asks.

"No, but I'm on the pill and always have a few pregnancy tests in case I get morning sickness or skip." I say as Smexy sits in my chair, putting me in his lap.

"If you did have a kid, what would you want it to be (Y/N)?" He asks.

"Boy, hands down." I say quickly.

"Do you not know who you're fucking?" Smexy asks looking around me.

"I do. I can barely keep up with you, imagine a period mixed in." I say laughing a little.

We all sit and talk for awhile but soon Smexy and Trendy have to leave. I get a few chapters done while their gone, I look at the clock and see it's 7 pm. Bella rushes out and to the kitchen, I hear the back door open and close.

"I'm in here!!" I yell not breaking eye contact with the screen.

I drop what I have of the book in a email, sending it to my editor. We do this all through out the book and read it from page one to the last page. I'm also the editor for her books, so we try to send each other the books at the same time. I hear someone walk in and I stand up.

"Give me a second, I have to shut this down." I say sweetly.

I shut my laptop and suddenly get a feeling of dread.

'This person hasn't said anything and Bella isn't in here with us.' I think.

I act normally and grab a book on my desk and reach down under my desk to grab my bag. When I stand back up he moves his body so I know where he is. I kick my chair into him as hard as I can and turn around. He topples over with the chair and struggles to get back on his feet. It's the police officer, well now I wonder if he even is one. He gets up on his feet and jumps back.

I feel calm for some reason. I drop the book and grab the rose quarts skull that was on my desk, holding the round part of it. It fits perfectly in my hand and the face part is exposed. I step closer and he tries to hit me. I avoid the hit and slam the skull on his. He falls to the ground and I start hitting him over and over on the back of his head, after about three good slams blood starts to flow out of his head. He tries to get up but I pin his head down with my hand on his neck, I put all my weight on it.

"Please stop!" He begs while choking.

I don't, I keep hitting him over and over as his screams fill the room. I hear his skull break, which only makes more blood come out. Blood now covers the crystal skull and my hand. Blood splashes on my clothes, face, and arms. He slowly stopped moving but it felt so good I just kept going. Finally after about two minutes I give his head one final hit before standing up, looking at his head. I hit him so much his head busted open, at least 5 inches, to revel his brain. The once pinky-grey organ is now red with blood. I pant and look at the skull. It's face is covered with blood and has a few pieces gone on the nose and teeth area. I kneel down and gently place it by the man. I calmly walk over to my desk and grab my phone. I find the doctors number and dial it.

"Hey (Y/N)! Need me?" He says cheerfully.

"No, i was wondering how you were." I say sitting in my chair, after picking it up, looking at the body as a pool of blood slowly puddles around his head.

"I'm great! You did wonderful on my wound-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Where's Smexy?" I ask.

"Uh... he's with his brothers in a meeting. Why?" He sounds worried now.

"Is everything ok (Y/N)?" I hear Jeff ask. He must have me on speaker.

"Yea, I just need you to tell all four of them to come over for something." I say in a happy voice though my face is straight. "It doesn't have to be right away." I say.

"Ok. See you around three!" He says and hangs up.

I set my phone down and stand up, not taking my eyes off the man. I kick him in the side with my foot.

"You awake?" I ask in a innocent voice.

He doesn't move. I reach down and feel for a pulse, I don't feel one of course. I stand back up, I close the curtains in the office and lock the front door. I see Bella at the back door, I close my office door and let her in. She sniffs me and runs to her food bowl. I walk upstairs and get in the shower. Bella, bless her, pokes her head in through the curtains and watches me till I pet her head.

"I'm ok Bella." I tell her.

I change and go back downstairs to watch tv as I wait for the brothers to come.

Please leave a comment on how I did on this chapter!!

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