We gotta go.

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It's been a month and I keep having those dreams each evolving blood and the baby dying. I've started to have contractions but all have been a false alarm. Every night I wake up screaming and kicking while holding my belly. Smexy, being a loving man, always calms me down and listens to the horrible dreams.

I'm folding laundry and find my favorite sweat pants. I put them aside from the other cloths and finish up. I take the basket upstairs and put away our clothes. It feels good being back home, it's less stressful. I grab my sweats and start to change when I feel a sharp pain in my pelvis. I let out little noises and try to continue but the pain grows by the minute, it feels like menstrual cramps on steroids. I hold my belly and lean against the wall. After a few minutes the contractions stop, I stand up and take deep breaths, another false alarm. I feel pressure around my belly that doesn't seem to be going away. I take a few steps back to the laundry basket and feel something run down my leg, and the pressure slowly go away. I look down and see fluid running down my leg, my jaw drops and I realize my water broke. I waddle down the hall and knock on the office door.

"Come in!" I hear Smexy say on the other side.

I open the door and he smiles at me. I smile back and nod.

"We gotta go." I say.

"Where?" He asks standing.

"My water broke." I answer.

Instantly he rushes over with a chair and helps me sit. I wait and rub my belly. I stand up as Smexy rushes in with our overnight bag and the baby carrier in one hand. I wrap my arms around him and he holds on to me. Soon we are at the mansions living room.

"Where's the doctor?!" Smexy asks loudly.

"Babe. Shhh." I say and hold my head, getting a headache.

People start to freak and run around. Sally runs upstairs to grab the doctor. They both come rushing down and I greet him, Smexy puts down the bags and carries me upstairs into the room. He gently puts me on the bed and kisses my head.

"Ok. I'm sorry but we don't have time for pain killers, this baby is coming fast." He says as his new nurse helps him get dressed.

"I'm not feeling much pain, just pressure." I say.

"Offender, please leave." Smiley asks.

"What?!" He yells at smiley.

I gently put my hand on his and smile at him.

"You'll think he's hurting me and try to attack him sweetie. Plus I don't want you to see me in pain." I say gently.

He admits defeat and walks to the door, opening it to find everyone around it. He closes it as people flood him with questions.

"Ready?" Smiley asks stepping between my legs.

"No." I gulp down some spit and become nervous.

They both laugh and reassure me. The pushing wasn't the hard part, pushing while it felt like my spine was being broken into tinny pieces was the hard part. I let out gasps and small noises of pain as the doctor told me what to do. I was just trying not to scream, I didn't want to freak everyone out outside the door. I thought it would never end but quickly I found myself giving the last push.

"Ok, one more time (Y/N). Push push push push!" He said.

I did as told and felt all the pressure just disappear with a lingering pain. I pant and hear the baby cry. I can't help but cry myself, smiley hands me my goopy wet baby and I hold it close.

"It's a girl." Smiley says happily, cutting the cord and pulling out the placenta.

The nurse takes her and tells my I did a great job. Smiley ended up giving me stitches and after he was done he opened the door for Smexy. Smexy rushes in and to my side as the nurse shows me how to hold the baby while breast feeding.

"Woah!" I say shocked at how fast the baby started to suck.

She giggles and smiles at us, then goes to smiley. I look at Smexy and smile, he kisses me and smiles down at her.

"She's beautiful." He says.

I look at her and see she's looks like Smexy, pale with a big mouth. But her head has brown hair on it and big blue eyes. I smile and see she's pulling away from my breast. I cover myself and curable her.

"She is." I say quietly.

After a few minutes Smexy takes her so I can change. I'm put into a wheelchair and put in the bed next to me. I protest that I can walk but find that won't get me anywhere. I see the nurse clean up my mess.

"I'm sorry." I say.

She laughs at me and waves her hand in the air.

"You can't help it sweetie, just rest." She says in a happy tone.

I watch Smexy put the baby in a clear bin baby holder like thing and walks to my side. I rub his cheek and kiss him.

"I'm so proud of you." He says grabbing my hand.

"I can't take all the credit, I had your help." I say smiling.

"I didn't push out a watermelon through a garden hose." He jokingly yells at me.

I laugh and kiss him again. Smiley gives the baby a check up and tells us she's perfectly healthy and that I need to sleep.

"Also, no sex for 2weeks, you need to heal." He says and Smexy, surprisingly, doesn't protest.

Smiley and the nurse leave to go tell everyone the sex and if it went well. I listen to Smexy reads a small part from my favorite book.

"How'd you know it was my favorite?" I ask relaxing.

"All your other books look brand new while this one is clearly worn from being read a lot. Plus it's all I've seen you read." He smiles at me.

The baby lets out small noises and grows quiet again. Smexy stands up and moves over to her, giving her one of his fingers to her to hold in her tiny hand. I quickly snap a photo of this and smile at him. He moves his chair closer to her and sits in his chair again but keeps his finger in her tiny grasp. He continues to read and I slowly fall asleep to his low and quiet voice.

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