The call

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The day carries out like normal. Me and Smexy take turns playing with Nichol and Mayhem as the other works. It's my turn and I am wearing a crown with a small pink cape that barely reaches the middle of my back. Nichol is putting on my make up, but mostly stabbing my eyes out.

Smexy comes downstairs and sees us. I look at him and see his covering his mouth as to not laugh.

"H-haha-... (Y/N), what are you doing?" He asks revealing his mouth.

I hold up my finger and stand up, straightening my back.

"I am no longer (Y/N), I am princess Bubble Pop." I say in my most stern and proper voice.

He laughs along side Nichol.

"It's hard to take you seriously when you have blue eyeshadow and red lipstick all over." He says stepping closer to me.

I flip my hair and walk proudly to the sink.

"I'm fabulous!" I say as I begin to wash the makeup off.

Smexy carries Nichol outside to play as I strip my royalty items. My phone vibrates in my pocket, I quickly pick up.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello, this is officer Smith from the police department. Im calling about your book." She says cheerfully.

"Ah, yes. How is that going?" I ask putting the phone on speaker and starting washing the dishes.

"I'm happy to tell you that that man is dropping that charges. He also is going to kill your child." Her voice says happily.

My head snaps to my phone in shock. What did she just say?!

"I-Im sorry. What was that last part?" I ask shaken.

"He also is going to apologize on the news." She repeats.

I let out a nervous laugh of relief.

"Great. That's great. Thank you so much." I say hovering my finger over the end call button.

"Have a good day." She says and hangs up.

I look at Andy and Nichol out the window as they play tag. I leave the dishes, stepping to the back door.

"Mayhem! Come here boy!" I yell upstairs.

He comes bounding down the stairs quickly, rushing to the door with his tongue hanging out from the side. I open the door as he almost hits the door. I step out and sit on the porch watching the three play.

"Mommy!! Mommy!! Come on!!" Nichol yells at me.

I smile and walk over to them making eye contact with Smexy quickly. He gets the signal and tells Nichol to throw Mayhem the ball. She does but it doesn't go to far, it just bounces on the ground. Smexy stands next to me, putting an arm around me.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Officer Smith called, and said the man is going to kill Nichol. Or I thought so but she didn't." I say trying not to tear up.

He moves in front of me to shield Nichols eyes. I start to cry a little as he pulls me into a hug.

"I'll take care of it." He tells me.

I nod but still feel something's wrong. I didn't imagine it, I heard it clear as day. A few hours pass, Nichol is drawing at the table as I sit on the back porch. I watch Andy make steaks and grilled corn on the cob for dinner. He turns to me and smiles. I smile back and fan myself with my hand as he walks over.

"Can I help you?" He asks in that voice that makes me lose control.

"Can you get me a glass of tea?" I ask sweetly.

He nods and walks inside, quickly returning with my request. I sip it happily when I feel something cold rub against my neck. I don't jolt away a lean against it, knowing it's Smexy. I see out of the corner of my eye Andy lean down then feel his tongue run across the water now on my skin.

"Haha, that's not fair." I say as he bites my sweet spot.

"Then push me away." He tells me in my ear.

I don't instead I place my drink on the table and stand, turning to him. I smirk evilly at him and walk inside. I lightly touch Nichols back and lean over to see her drawing.

"That's a lovely flower sweetie! Do you want to play in the sprinklers with mommy?" I ask cheerfully.

Her face lights up. She runs upstairs with Mayhem, telling me to hurry up. I help her change and she runs out as I change into Smexy's favorite bikini. It's black and has a bikini cut bottom with a normal bar across my chest but it's held up with three straps that meet one strap that stretches around my neck. I walk downstairs with two towels and sunscreen. I grab Nichol and rub ourself all over with the white substance. I go to set up the sprinkler and catch Andy watching me a few times. I start the water and quickly the sprinkler starts, Nichol and mayhem jump through to keep cool. I walk over to Andy to wrap my arms around his neck.

"And this is fair?" He asks holding my waist with an arm.

"You could join us." I say kissing his neck lightly.

He chuckles and looks at me with a handsome smile. I cup his face, making him keep his eyes on me.

"Ok, I will." He says finally.

I kiss his lips happily and walk to Nichol. We jump threw the water a few times, Mayhem waits for the water to get low then tries to eat it. I hear the back door open and close, I look over and see Andy in is swim trunks. I smile as seeing him shirtless take me back to when we had H.F.P. Hard to believe this much time as passed, it seems just like yesterday. I walk up to him and stand on my toes to be head level, he wraps his arms around my waist to hold me close.

"You need to wear that more often." He says in my ear.

I chuckle and step away to grab his hand. I lead him to the sprinkler as Nichol splashes Mayhem.

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