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It's been a few months and nothing's happened, no Alexander attacks. Jane came back and as I said the boys fought over her and all three ended up heartbroken. She was punished by sleeping in "the closet" for a night. I don't know what that is but everyone fears it, even Smexy. I'm officially 9 months and this baby is kicking my ass, but I have a nice table for writing things or eating. Of course everyone wants to touch my belly and put their head up to it which is awkward and annoying. Except when sally does it, she's cute when she does it. Me and Smexy have been going back to the house to turn the second bedroom into a nursery, we just need to get the furniture put together.

I watch Smexy put together the crib as I finish the final part of the wall that needs to be painted. I cheer and clap for him when he gets it done.

"Yay!! It looks amazing babe!" I say.

"Thank you, the walls look great to. Did you add the roses on the trimmings?" He asks pointing to them.

"Yea, I thought it'd be cute." I say holding out my hand.

He helps me up and I hug him sideways. He holds me and kisses my head. We look at the room and land on each other.

"I love you." We both say at the same time.

We laugh and end up going downstairs to see slender there. The brothers sit on the couch while I get Smexy some water. I grab my apple juice, I hand him is water and sit next to him.

"You two ready?" Slender asks.

"No ones really ready but we think we got this." Smexy says.

"Good. Listen, I think you two are safe to come stay here but a few proxies will be next door in Alice's old home. Just in case." He says.

We both nod and I take a sip of my drink.

"Have you learned anything?" I ask.

"No, since that day he's stayed off our radar." Slender says.

"I'm here, he won't get you." Smexy says.

"It just seems that he would attack right before I give birth or even during." I say getting a little nervous.

"Everything will be ok. You'll have your baby and everyone will be on alert." Slender says. "You need to learn to control your teleportation." Slender says to Smexy.

"What?" I ask.

"I can teleport but sometimes it doesn't happen when I need it to." Smexy says.

"Great." I mumble.

"We will be ok." Smexy says running my cheek.

Slender leaves after that and I go work on my book some more. I finish the final chapter and send it to my editor. I look around and see it's night out, I waddle down the staircase and see it's dark in here. I look into the kitchen and see Smexy sitting at the table with the lights dimmed and candles lit. I smile and walk over to him, holding my belly.

"What's this?" I ask putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I thought it'd be nice to have a romantic dinner with my beautiful girlfriend." He stands up and pulls out my chair.

I giggle as I sit down. He goes back to his chair and we dig in. I enjoy my steak and he enjoys his human arm. We hold hands after we finish and he sips wine.

"I'm excited." He says rubbing my hand.

"Me to... what if I'm not a good mom?" I ask looking down at our hands.

"Hey, you'll be an amazing mom." He says picking my head up.

"Thank you." I say and kiss his hand.

He leads me to the couch and I sit down while he does the dishes. I watch a show and rest my glass of apple juice on my belly. I feel the baby kick the spot with the glass and so I move it, only for it to be kicked again. I put it on the table and rub my belly.

"Ok I'll stop." I say looking at my belly.

Smexy comes up behind me and rubs my belly with me.

"Are you being a problem?" He asks.

"It doesn't like me setting the drink on my belly." I smile up at him.

He comes around and kneels in front of me. I laugh as he kisses my belly.

"You be nice to your mommy." He warns as he lays his head on it.

I giggle as he stands to sits next to me and pulls me close. I lay my head on his chest as he puts a blanket over us. We watch random shows and I soon found myself drifting away. Smexy wake me up and takes my upstairs to lay in bed. He tucks me in and I quickly fall asleep as he changes to go to bed.

I open my eyes and see it's still night outside. I hear a baby cry in the other room, I sit up and grab my stomach. I look down in shock to find it flat, I crawl out of bed and slowly walk down the hall. I open the nurseries door and the crying grows louder, I walk up to the crib and see a sleeping baby. I reach down and gently touch the baby's face, feeling peace. Peace quickly turns to fear, in the blink of an eye the crib fills with blood and I put both hands into the blood to pull out the baby. I don't feel it, I lean farther in and find the crib is deeper then it appears. I feel something at the bottom and grab it gently, pulling it out quickly. I look at the baby and see it's flesh is rotting away, I place the lifeless body on the floor and cry.

I jolt up in our bed and hold my belly.

"No!!! No!!!" I scream as Smexy jolts up to.

He looks at me and lightly shakes me.

"(Y/N) wake up!!" He yells.

My eyes snap open and I look at him. I break down as he pulls me into his arms. I cry into his chest and hold my belly.

"Shhhh. It's ok, it was a dream." He says calmly while rocking me.

I soon calm down and tell him what happened, the baby crying, the blood, the baby died and decaying. He holds my close and tight as I explain.

"It was just a dream. The baby is and will be ok. Nothing will happen as long as I'm by your side. Let's go back to sleep." He says rubbing my back.

I take deep breaths and nod. We lay down, I face away from Smexy and he fits his body into mine. He places his hand over mine on my belly. I soon fall asleep again but I dream about the rose field again.

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