Franky x Tsundere! Reader

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Third person

Franky was finally able to relax for the day. Taking a mini break from fixing up the ship and creating some super weapon for Luffy and the rest of the crew. Franky sat on a chair on deck, drinking his cola and relaxing for once.
Y/n was with Nami and Robin. Nami was trying to prove that you had a crush on Franky, but it wasn't working out so good since she was a little tsundere.

"Oh come on Y/n!! Just admit it already!" Nami pleaded. You just crossed your arms and shook your head,"there's nothing to be shy about! Just tell us!"

"I have a feeling that you both made a bet on something." You rolled your eyes,"so leave me alone! I don't like him, Baka!"

Robin chuckled,"Well that's not what everyone sees."

You rose your brow in confusion,"What in the world are you talking about Robin?"

"Take a look at Sanji over there." Both Nami and Robin pointed to the doors curricular window with Sanji sobbing.

"Y/N-CHWAAAAN!!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!" He exclaims, but it was a little muffled because of how much he squished his face into the window. You and Nami both looked away like he wasn't there while Robin chuckled and waved at him. Sanji fell back because of a nose bleed...

"Well... Alright then, but I seriously don't like him." You shrug.

Nami growls and whacks you upside the head,"Y/N JUST SAY YOU LIKE HIM AND WE'LL BE DONE HERE!!!!"

"I REFUSE!" You shouted back while stomping towards the door.

"Y/n, wait!" Robin tried to stop you, but you left the room. Accidentally stepping over Sanji you walked over to the back of the ship. You grumbled and stared off into the distance. Nothing but the blue sea and some schools of fish swimming around. It's still pretty early and you guys haven't found an island yet, but it's been a smooth ride so far.

"Huh? Y/n! What are you doing over there?" Turning around you see Franky walk over to you. You couldn't control the beating of your heart, so you just hoped the beating wasn't too loud.

"N-nothing... Aren't you supposed to be relaxing today?" You ask him once he's right in front of you. Looking up you saw his concerned expression,"what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, the others are just telling me to talk to you because you were SUPER sad." He lifts his metallic arm and pats your head with the mini hand he had in his palm.

You sigh,"I'm not sad Franky. Just a little bit annoyed, but I'm still SUPER happy."

Franky smiles at you and you return the smile. Franky knew you were a tsundere, he knew you wouldn't admit anything especially when it comes to crushes, but he still loves you even if you don't love him back. With his mini palm hand, he lifts your head and kisses your forehead. "If anything makes you sad please tell me."

You blush and puffed out your cheeks,"Yeah, yeah... Whatever..."

Franky laughs at your childishness before walking away. As he walked away you counted how many steps it took for him to go down the steps.

"Franky..." You called out to him. He turned to face you and rose a brow,"I-um... I... Love you..." You managed to squeak out. Quickly you turned around and stared into the blur ocean again.

You heard him chuckle,"I love you too, Y/n."

Your heart fluttered. Once his footsteps faded you turned around with a full tomato red face, with a small nose bleed as well.

"Alright! Usopp, Sanji pay the frick up!!" Nami holds her hand out waiting for the money to be placed in her hands. Usopp and Sanji both placed 100 beris in her hands. "Zoro you now have to play me 1,200 beris."

"WHAT WHY THE HELL SHOULD I WOMAN?!" He shouts at her angrily. Nami whacks him upside the head.

"Because I said so." Nami glares at Zoro. He gulps and nods his head anyways. Sanji is sobbing in the corner, Chopper is playing around with Usopp and Luffy, and Robin was enjoying the scene.

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