Nami x Female!Reader x Robin

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Too lazy to edit or try to make sense...

Y/n stumbled her way to Nami's tangerine garden. She didn't really know what else to do besides have a book talk with Robin. They were docked at an island that seemingly only had veggies and fruit, but the ocean still provided with meat.

"Ne, Nami-san..." She called out tiredly. "Is there anything for me to do?"
Nami looks up from carefully pulling out dead roots from one of the tangerine bushes, "Well you can help me pull out these stupid dead roots."
"It's better than sitting around doing nothing..." Y/n sighs as she walks up next to Nami and begins looking for any dead roots.
"It's been calm, huh?" Nami starts up. "There aren't many marines or pirates around this area of the New World."
Y/n hums in agreement. "I saw some big fish swim by earlier, but Luffy already tried getting it..."
"Eh? Don't tell me he jumped in and made Zoro get him out." Nami had an irk mark appear on her forehead.
"That's exactly what happened. He also scared away the fish, so Sanji is making him eat veggies for a week." Y/n snickered.
"Luffy isn't going to listen!" Nami groaned in annoyance.
"Ah! That's the other reason why I came up here! Sanji wanted me to tell you that he needs you to tell--make Luffy eat his veggies." Y/n's eyes looked up with realization. "But it's also a good thing Sanji took everyone else out to look for veggies for Luffy to eat..."
Nami grinned. "Thank you, love."
"No prob--eh?" Y/n blinked curiously at Nami. "L-love?"

Suddenly the world was spinning. Y/n looked into Nami's eyes with surprise. She had pinned Y/n to the ground, the tangerine bushes are basically hiding them.

"Ne, ne~!" Nami looked into Y/n's eyes seductivly, "what would you taste like if I ate you from the inside?"
Y/n blushed. "N-Nami-san! I don't think we should be doing this..."
"Then we can take this somewhere private... Like our room?" Nami leaned forward and gave Y/n a gentle kiss on her cheek.
"Erm... I'm not sure..." Y/n hid her face in her hands. "This is too embarrassing!"

Nami was about to speak when four hands grew from the floor and snatched Y/n out from under her. Nami frowned as she stood up to see Robin to her left. Y/n was then be held bridal style by Robin.

"Ho, ho? Are you breaking the deal we had, Nami?" Robin grinned mysteriously at Nami.
Nami shrugged, "Sorry. I just couldn't miss this chance."
"I don't blame you, of course, but what you have done has broken the deal we had." Robin set down Y/n and gentle caressed her hips. "I'll be taking her to 'our' room now."
Nami clenched her fists before whipping out her staff(idfk). "OI! I had her first, she's mine."
Robin chuckled, "If she's ours... Then come take her."

Nami rushed forward. She called out her thundering bubbles that surrounded Robin. Robin moved Y/n out of the way before starting her attack. Y/n didn't understand what was happening. She didn't want Nami or Robin to fight, so she jumped in between them.

"HOLD ON!" Y/n shouts. "Can you both at least tell me what's going on here?!"
Robin puts down her hands. "That's an easy enough question, N/n-chan."
"We love you." Nami finishes with a slight blush.
"Eh? That's it? I love you both too. You guys are great friends!" Y/n scratches the back of her neck. "That isn't really a reason to fight..."
Robin sighs and walks forward. "We don't mean it as friends, N/n-chan... We mean it as lovers."
Nami nods in agreement before hugging Y/n from behind, "I want you to be mine."
Robin reaches out and grips onto Y/n forearm, "She won't be yours, but mine."
Nami glared at her. "Shut up, I said had her first. Therefore she's mine."
Y/n frowned, "Can't you both just... Share?"
Both Nami and Robin look at Y/n with surprise. "Share?"
Y/n blushed and looked down, "A-ah... I mean..." She sighs." I guess there isn't any point to hiding it anymore..."
"You where hiding something for us? I thought you said you told us everything..." Nami blinked worriedly.
"Erm... I have feelings for the both of you... More than friends, of course." Y/n blushes a deep crimson. "I l-love you guys."

Robin smiles down at Y/n, as Nami nudges her head against Y/n's shoulder. Robin picks up Y/n bridal style and starts walking down toward their room(just think of a room...). Nami follows close behind. As the three of them entered the room, Y/n starts to feel more... Uneasy, but she doesn't mind the feeling. Robin sets her on one of the beds. Nami didn't seem like waiting, but little did she know both Robin and Y/n didn't want to wait either. Nami moved Robin out of the way and started up what she had been doing before she was rudely interrupted. She slowly using her hands to feel up and down Y/n's body. Robin didn't want to be left out. So, she sat down to Y/n's right and began leaving marks on her neck and collar bone. Y/n gripped the bed sheets. Her e/c eyes lidded as she stared up into the ceiling. Y/n uneasily crossed her legs, hoping that neither Nami or Robin would've noticed how wet she was becoming. Nami was busy trailing kisses down Y/n's neck she didn't notice, but of course Robin had been paying close attention to Y/n's movements. She even paid close attention to when Y/n brought her left hand down to try and quietly please herself. Y/n whimpered. Nami stopped at what she was doing to look over at Robin. She follows Robin's gaze down to Y/n's area... Her pants were in the way of her own pleasure. Y/n stopped anymore movements. She lifted her head only to fall back onto the bed. Her face crimson, she had been caught trying to masturbate through her own pants!

"If you wanted more you should've asked, N/n-chan." Nami undid Y/n's pants and slowly slid them down. Robin on the other hand took of both of Y/n's tops(shirt and bra).
"Such a wonderful sight..." Robin grinned at Y/n nude body.
Y/n covered her face with the he back of her hands, "N-ne... Can w-we continue?"
Robin and Nami smirked, "Of course."

Robin was the next to attack Y/n's lips. Y/n tangled her fingers in her raven hair. Nami gripped onto Y/n's breasts. She squeezed and even flicked Y/n's nipples. Y/n arched her back and gasps through the kiss she was sharing with Robin.

"OI NAMI-SWAN, ROBIN-CHWAN, N/N-CHWAN!" Sanji's voice echoed through the ship. All three ladies shot up and looked around frantically. Y/n was nude and very much wet, Robin and Nami were very much turned on with messy hair.
"What do we do?!" Y/n whisper yelled. "Wuaah!"
"Quickly, get dressed and pretend you were asleep!" Nami throws Y/n her cloths before shoving Robin into her bed. Y/n jumps into her bed and becomes a literal caterpillar with the blankets.
Sanji knocks on the door, but bursts into the room, "MY LADIES! I HAVE RETURNED--huh? Ah! Sorry, did I interrupt your guests sleeps?"
"Ah, that's okay! We were about to get up anyways, haha..." Nami laughed nervously. "Ne, Sanji-kun is there any snacks?"
"OH! Yes, Nami-swan! They are in the kitchen, I'll prepare them for you ladies to eat as soon as possible!" Sanji twirls away with hearts in his eyes.
Y/n sighs, "Phew..."
"Don't think you've gotten out of this, N/n-chan." Robin says as she gets up from her bed.
Nami smirked, "Agreed."
"Oh boy..." Y/n gulps with a blush.

One Piece X Reader ONESHOTS ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora