Princess!Reader x Captive!Zoro PT.2

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You burst into the kitchen. The chefs in there all freeze and bow with respect.

"Princess!" The say in unison.

"I want four barrels of booze delivered to the pirate downstairs. No questions. And do not tell my mother or father." You order.

They all hesitate to reply. "Y-yes Princess!"

You watch as they go into the alcohol pantry and roll out for booze barrels. You nod in approval and make your way to your mothers quarters. You jave a feeling Zoro's swords are being kept there on display. As you walk up to the giant white doors leading into your mother's quarters, you over hear her talking over the snail transmitter.

"Haha, no, of course not! I have him alive and unharmed. Unharmed by me, haha." Your mother giggles.

You put your ear against the door.

"Hmm... You can have him. Just how much are you paying me?" Your mother pauses. "Something I can't get my hands on? Ha! You're hilarious! As a queen I can get my hands on anything I desire! I can even sell my daughter to get what I want!"

Your heart starts to ache. You've never been too fond of your mother, but you never knew she was willing to sell you off like an object to get whatever she wants.

"My daughter? She's 19 and needs to get the hell out of my hair. Whether I sell her or she gets married to a richer and powerful prince." She pauses again. "You want her too? Quadruple?! Deal! You can take her and the pirate!"

You clench the skirt of your dress in anger. She's so freaking greedy! How the hell is she my mother?! Taling a deep breath, you knock lightly on the door.

"Mother? It's me... I think I've found the one." You called out. If you manage to convince her you've fallen in love with someone in the news papers she might do anything to get rid of you.

"Shit- uh, come in sweetie!" She calls.

You open the door feeling lightheaded. "Mother, I... I saw a prince in the news paper... I'm not sure if it was from today or last week's, but... I think, I think I'm in love!"

Your mother smiles, "Oh my! My baby is growing up! We'll need to set an arrangement for the both of you meet! Oh, who's the prince?"

"U-umm, oh too emarrassed to say!" You cover you face with one hand and quickly pinch your cheeks.

"Oh come on! This suspense is making me excited!" Your mother gets up from her seat and rushes to you.

You gulp, "Well... I've fallen for... Vinsmoke Niji."

Your mother freezes, "Vi-Vin... WHAT?!"

"Ah! I'm so embarrassed!" You hold your cheeks.

"U-uh... Sweetie, you do know he's apart of Germa 66 right?"

You tilt your head, "What's Germa 66?"

"Um, nevermind- Its great news! You've fallen for a real prince! And he's rich'- I mean, strong!" She laughs nervously.

"Oh! Since he's strong, do you think I should give him a present? Maybe swords? Guns? Gold? Mother I'm not sure..." You pout.

Your mother gulps, "I have the perfect gift!"

You watch as she rushes to her closet. She opens it and reveals Zoro's swords. How many did he have? I'll just take all three...

"Give him these! Once we set everything up and you meet him, tell Nino these swords belong to thr ex-pirate Rorona Zoro!" She smiles triumpantly.

You stare with genuine amazement, "Wah! He'll love these! You have to arrange the meeting as soon as possible!" You gasp. "We need tk get these polished! I'll take these to my butler so he can send them to the finest blacksmith to see if he can clean these."

"That's a wonderful idea... But it's too bad you can't." Your mother glares at you. She drops two swords and pulls one out. "I know what you're up to."

"Uh?" Before you could do anything, she swings the sword down. Your blood gushes out from the large slash. It started from your right shoulder down to your left hip. "MOTHER!"

"Do not call me your mother you disgusting child!" She raises the sword again and begins to swing down.

Just as your life flashes through your eyes, something stops the sword from cutting you. You open your eyes and see Zoro!

"Zoro?! You're free?" You stare in shock.

"What kind of a mother tries to murder her own child?!" He yanks his sword from your mothers hands.

"W-wait! I'll give you money! Gold! Whatever you want, just please don't kill me!" She begs.

Zoro doesnt reply but swings his sword down. He doesnt kill your mother, but permantly ruins her face. Her horrified screams echo through the room and probably the rest of the castle.

"Princess... Let's get you out to sea." Zoro picks up his swords and gives you a michevious grin.

You cough up blood, but smile anyways. "Sure, but I'd like to not die before I even get there."

"Don't worry about it. My crews here. Our ships doc can help, so let's not keep them waiting." Zoro fixes his swords to his hip. He walks up to you and picks you up, bridal style.

You giggle, "If you say so."

"You trust me?"

"Of course."


"So... That's how you met Papa? And got that cool scar?" Your son, (name), asks.

You giggle while cradling your other son, "Yep."

"Oh! Tell me about your other adventures!" He begs.

"Oi! (Name), mom's told you all of our adventures together, even the ones without me in them!" Zoro calls from the crows nest(also his training area) on the Thousands Sunny.

You both look up and see Zoro stickong his head out from the window, "Papa! Can I train too?"

"Not until your older!" Zoro laughs.

"But I'm five now! I'm a big boy!" Your son calls back.

You giggle, "(name), do you want some juice and crackers?"

"Oh, yes mama!" He happily accepts.

"See! You're still a kid!" Zoro wheezes.

(Name) growls, "Shut up old man! I'm a big boy! I'm a strong big boy!" He looks up at you. "Right mama?"

"Yes you are sweetie!" You happily pinch his cheeks.

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