Ace x Child! Reader

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Not edited( also Doflamingo is next)
Ace's pov
I sat down on my hammock and swung side to side. I didn't think about much, until I realized... I could write down what had happened that past week. I hopped off my hammock and searched for a notebook.
"Hey, Marco! You have a notebook... That isn't used?!" I hollered

Instead of getting a reply, Marco's hand appears around the corner and throws the new notebook at me. "Thanks!" I say, after getting a notebook to the face. I immediately sit up(with a magical pencil that suddenly appeared in my hands).
--In the note book--
This week... Was normal. Well... So I thought. I'll just start at the beginning.

So, me and Marco went out to gather some supplies from the nearby island we just so happen to stop at. The Moby Dick rested at the abandoned dock east from the nearest village. I still couldn't believe we had to stop on that part of the island! You wouldn't believe what had happened on our way to the village...
(Insert actual scene here)
"Ugh! What is that?!" I groaned angrily as I threw another one of the bubbly and sticky green goop.
Marco rolled his tired eyes in annoyance, "Ace for five minutes can you not?"
I frowned, "What do you mean by that? I'm not doing anyt--OH MY GOD WHY?!"
"STOP COMPLAINING!" The pineapple head hollers as he lifts up his fist to give me a smack upside the head, but suddenly stops.
"Huh?" We both look toward our left to see a little figure rolling on the ground. It seemed to be... In pain? Marco got curious after the next second and decided to go off and check on the figure "in pain."
As I finally got the goop off of my calves and wrists, I raced off after Marco(who was already waiting behind a tree, spying on the figure). When I got there I see a little girl with shoulder length (hair color) hair and adorable (eye color) eyes. The goop was literally attacking the poor little thing!

"Stop it you piece of bananas!" She shouted at the goop. She grunts as the goop grabs a hold of both her wrists and slams her into a boulder. She yelps with pain.
"Marco... What the fuck is happening." I blinked at the scene in front of me.
"How am I supposed to do fire head?" He hisses back, took focused on the girl and the goop.
I got tired of watching and threw a fire fist at the goop, hoping it'll stop attacking. "Hiken!"
The goop sank back into the ground and dropped the girl. I raced out to make sure the girl was okay, but you know what I got. A small fist in the face.
"Why'd you do that you pickle bag?! I had it under control!" She shouts with frustration.
Marco bursts out with laughter. I growl at him and rubbed my face, "because you're weak and needed help."
She gave me another punch, twice as hard,"YOU BUTT CHEEK! I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE, BUT DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME WEAK!"
"STOP PUNCHING ME!" I grabbed both her wrists to make sure she didn't punch me again... She didn't... She kicked me in the gut! "Oof!"
"PERVERTED OLD MAN!" She screams bloody murder.
I gasped," OLD MAN?!"
Marco couldn't stand it anymore, he fell over with tears streaming down his face because of what had just happened.
"SHUT UP PINEAPPLE HEAD!" She frowns at Marco with a clouded expression. Marco freezes. I tried holding in a laugh, but obviously failed.
"Shut it old man!" Marco throws his right sandal at me.

Thunder booms. The three of use look up into the now darkening sky. Looks like we needed shelter. The girl patted out her dirtied skirt and began walking toward the village we were heading to... before any of this happened. I tossed Marco his sandal before walking four feet from the little girl. She noticed us following, but didn't bother on shooing us way. The thundering was close, no rain just yet so we'll have to father supplies quickly. When we got to the village people were still lingering around getting stuff, so we made it on time.
"We'll split up, Kay?" I turn around, but don't see Marco at all. He must've gone to get supplies already..
"Alrighty then, supplies..."
****(dude was rained out lol)****
I rushed around the village looking for shelter, but most of the buildings were actual homes and I didn't want to me impolite! I only had a third of the things I needed to get, pops is gonna kill me!
I paused and looked around. "Huh?"
"Psst! Old man, get in here quickly!" I turn around and see the same girl from earlier waving for me to go over to the small building she was standing in front of. I rolled my eyes at the nick name she gave me and rushed over to her. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the building.
"I didn't take you to be the nice little girl." I smiled down at her thankfully.
"Humph! Shut up, I don't want to see you become crippled in the rain." She rudely replies.
I frown, "you do know Im not actually old... Right? I'm 20!"
She pauses and looks up at me, "and I'm eight. You're old."
I puff out my cheeks and avert my eyes away from her childishly, "Shut up, where's your respect for your elders?"
"Respect? What's that? I also heard people talking about manners, are those the same thing?" Her big (eye color) looks up at me with curiosity.
I turn to face her with surprise,"Well basically yeah... Haven't your parents taught you about that stuff?"
She shakes her head, "Nah. My parents said I need to learn on my own since I'm a fast learner... But no one will explain what those words mean so... Yeah."
"I see... Then I'll become your teacher!"
Her eyes sparkled, "FOR REAL?!"
I grinned happily, "Yep! Hope you don't mind being taught by a White Beard pirate."
"THATS EVEN BETTER!" She shouts excitedly," I knew you looked familiar!"
"Oh so you do know who I am!" I set the drenched paper back down and put my hands on my hips, proudly.
She smiles, "Who doesn't? I'm Y/n!"
"Nice to meet you Y/n." I give her a gentle head rub. "Since it's getting pretty dark out p, why don't we get some rest so I can get some cool ideas to teach you."
"Awe, I wanted to learn now..."
"A good nights sleep helps with learning!" I state proudly.
Y/n sighs, "Oh alright!"
She points to the next room to her left, "My rooms in there, you can take the bed since you're a guest."
"But it's your bed..."
She rolls her eyes,"And? You're old, now get in there."
"I'm not old!" I whined. "Come sleep with me, so we both can have somewhere comfortable to sleep."
She frowns, "Perverted old man..."
My jaw drops as I crouch over, "Such an insult!"

She leaves and enters her room, "I'm tired... Don't get any ideas old man."
Looking up I see her averting her eyes and blushing. "Your face is red--OOH SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH ON ME!"
Her face bursts with red, "DO NOT, OLD MAN!"
"YOU'RE A TSUNDERE! HOW ADORABLE!" I tackle her into a big bear hug.
"HEY! YOU PERVERT! BAKA BAKA BAKA!" She whines with a crimson face.
I pick her up and toss her into the bed, "It's bed tiiiiiiiime!"
"No ideas, okay?!"
I snicker, "Shouldn't I be the one saying that?"
"SHUT UP!" She turns to face the wall while covering her head with the tanned blanket. I chuckle.

Getting into bed I laid on the half she didn't take over. I faced opposite from her obviously, no ideas! I grin and closed my eyes, but before I could fall into a deep sleep I felt her body curl up behind me. No ideas, huh?
I turn around to face her, she looks up with surprise and embarrassment. Yawning I smoothly grab her small figure and comfortably hold her in a hug as I fell asleep. I could feel her heart beating faster, definitely no ideas.

And with that I fell asleep.

----Day 1 over----

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