Chuu the Fishman x Reader

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Chuu looks down at Y/n. Her sleeping body lays beside him. He pulls her onto his lap, facing toward him, and wraps his arms around her small body.

"Why do you stay? After all I've done..." Chuu sighs.


Chuu rubs his eyes tiredly. Arlong had just thrown a fit. Nami, the little navigator girl, rebelled against Arlong and destroyed half of her hand drawn maps. Arlong decided to have Chuu keep an eye on Nami. The orange haired girl would not stop sniffling. Chuu rolls his eyes as he glares daggers into the back of Nami's head.

"Will you shut up?!" Chuu clutched a wooden rod and smacked it against the floor.

Nami squeaked in fear. "Im sorry!"

"I didn't ask you to apologize," Chuu growled, "I want you to stop the sniffling!"

Nami crouched down and ducks Chuu's fist as he swing down and aimed for her head. Chuu growls. Chuu continues to walk out of the Arlong Pirates base and into the forest. He hears the small shuffling feet of Nami close behind him. Chuu stuffed his enormous hands into his pockets and walked faster in hopes to lose the brat. Nami's shuffling quickened into a light jog. Chuu rolls his eyes irritatedly. Why did Arlong have me watch her?
Chuu notices the cabin he and Y/n hangout in. Looking through a opened window, he sees Y/n sweeping up the inside of the cabin.

Behind Chuu, Nami notices Y/n. She gasps. Nami rushes in front of Chuu and spreads out her arms. "Please do not hurt her!"

Chuu stops. He stares down at Nami in annoyance. "Are you telling me what to do?"

Nami hesitates, "N-no... I-I'm just-"

Chuu raises his right hand and sends Nami flying into a tree. "Stay out of my way you useless human child." Before Chuu can continue, he sees Y/n rush out from the cabin and straight to Nami. "Y/n-"

"Chuu!" Y/n looks up at him with widened eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you? Hurting a child!"

"I-I..." Chuu hesitates.

Y/n lifts Nami into her arms and shushes her quiet cries. "Shh, its okay little one."

Chuu crosses is arms and frowns. "Why the hell are you taking care of the brat? She's an Arlong pirate prisoner. She doesn't need your compassion."

"Prisoner!?" Y/n shrieks. "Are you Fishmen all crazy?"

Chuu steps back. He never expected Y/n to insult his brethren. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Get it through your thick skull Chuu!" Y/n snaps.

"I will not allow a measly human snap at me!" Chuu walks up to Y/n and stares down at her with hatred.

Y/n stands her ground. "Well, I will not allow a monster to hurt a child! No matter what species they are!"

Chuu's eyes widened. "Monster?"

"What of it-" Y/n gasps in mid sentence, "Chuu! I- I didn't-"

He clenches his fists. He raises his right hand and swings down. His large hand engulfs Y/n's head as he smacks his hand across her face. Crashing into a tree, she flies to her left. Chuu breathes heavily. His eyes widened as he snapped his head and looks over at Y/n.

"Y/n, I didn't-" he pauses.

Y/n gets up, Nami still in her arms, crying, "Get. The. Hell. Away from me!"

She rushes for the cabin. Chuu watches as she flees to safety. Once the wooden door slams shut, Chuu falls onto his knees and stares at his humongous hands. What have I done?
Tears begin trickling down his cheeks. He closes his hands and clenches his fists. He wipes his tears away and stands up. Chuu doesn't waste any time. He rushes for the cabin. He raises his hand to knock, but freezes. She won't accept my apology... She will never want to be friends with a monster... He knocks.

"What part of 'stay the hell away from me' did you not understand?!" Y/n's voice shouts angrily.

"I missed you too much." He responded with a small smile.

There was a pause. "You are failing at apologizing, Chuu."

"Sorry, sorry." He mumbles. "Y/n."

"What?" She huffs.

Chuu rubs his eyes, "I'm... I'm sorry... I didn't mean it. I didn't mean any of it... I'm sorry for hitting you. I'm sorry for hitting the brat... Please don't hate me. Please don't leave me..."

There was another pause. The silence stabbed at Chuu's crying heart. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he tried holding them in. Then, there was a creak. The door knob twisted and the door was pulled open. Y/n stood on the other side of the door, tears falling from her eyes.

"A-apology... Accepted!" She wailed. She jumps up and into Chuu's arms.

"I missed you..."

"I know... I missed you too."

(Nami watched in horror in the back. Before the moment was over, she decided to get the hell outta there!)


Chuu kisses Y/n's head gently. "Thank you for not leaving..."

"I would've never left either way..." Y/n giggled.

Chuu smiles, "Good. I don't think I could live without you."

"I know I can't live without you." Y/n sits up and gives Chuu a peck on the cheek. "I would miss you too much if you left."

"I'd miss you too." He rests his forehead on hers.

"Then stay and never leave me." She whispers.

"I'll never leave." He replies with a lighthearted scoff.



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