Mihawk x Reader

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I have no clue on what to do for dis one, so I winged it and let's hope it's good XD won't be editing any of these shots sooooo bare with me peeeeeeeps ^^ I find this one kinda weird.. -3-

Takes place during the 2 year time skip
Y/n's pov

I quietly walked through the empty halls of my hosts castle. It wasn't too shabby, but the place does need to be cleaned a little bit. I have been living under this castles roof for about a year an a half now, but it does get pretty lonely around here when Mihawk leaves... Then again now that we have two unexpected visitors staying at the castle it shouldn't be too lonely now. My h/l h/c hair swayed gently as I walked through the halls and carefully inspected and cleaned around so,e furniture.

Yes... I am the, so called, maid around this place, but at least I'm treated with respect... Well not from the two teens though.

Once I had finally cleaned out the second floor of Mihawk's castle I headed down towards the main hall... Where I found Zoro and Perona arguing, yet again.

"What are you saying?!" Perona shouts,"my negative ghosts aren't stupid! Their wonderful!"

"Tch! You say that only to make you feel better!" Zoro crosses his arms over his chest and glared at Perona. The pink haired "princess" pointed at Zoro, directing her negative ghosts to attack him. Zoro fell to the ground, dramatically. "I'm so sorry you have to carry such a burden around... I wish I'd turn I to sea foam!"

"Horo Horo Horo Horo Horo Horo Horo!" Perona laughs. I cleared my throat and glared at the both of them. They both looked up at me with blank expressions. "Argue outside, I need to clean in peace." I say with annoyance. Zoro stood up and clicked his tongue yet again,"There's no way I'd go anywhere with this idiot."

"Me?! An idiot?!" Perona growls,"your the one who can't follow--coordinate correctly!"

"Are you making fun of me?!" The swordsman got ready to pull out his sword, but instead was interrupted by the sound of Mihawk walking in. The two paused for a moment before turning their attention towards the war lord.

"What's going on?" His voice sounded as if he was angry, but who would've known what he was feeling right now? I sighed,"Nothing... They were just about to take their argument outside." I turned to face them. "Isn't that right? Zoro, Perona?"

"Yep! Let's goooooooo pot plant!" Perona dragged the swordsman out of the room and towards the back of the castle. Rolling my eyes I begin to dust of some shelves and wipe down some tables and a coffee table. It was extremely awkward since I could feel Mihawk staring as I cleaned. I wore my usual f/c blouse and my black skirt, with leggings of course. My shoes were some casual slacks, but I only wore them inside. Once I was done dusting and wiping I began sweeping up the floors.

I looked up to see Mihawk staring off into space. "Mihawk?" I called out gently. "You alright over there?"

"Hmm-- uh yes of course... Why wouldn't I be?" He shook his head to clear his mind out. Shrugging, I smiled. "You're suddenly making me worried by how much you're pacing out now." He looks away, but looks back,"Sorry. I've had a lot on my mind lately."

"I can tell." He hummed back in response. "Why don't you rest for today? I'll wake you if something happens." He blinked at me as if I were talking gibberish. His yellow eyes slowly dart around the room nervously, for some odd reason, but he nods and takes his leave. Once I heard his footsteps fading I sighed in relive. I just couldn't stand the awkwardness anymore. To be completely honest I kind of wished he would've stared at me more... Though it's not like I'm attractive or anything though! Am I? I shook my head rapidly, Shut up Y/n! You need to finish cleaning up and maybe prepare for dinner tonight!

A few moments later...

Zoro and Perona came back inside ignoring each other if they ran I tom each other. It was quite annoying, but at least they aren't bickering about anything stupid.

"Perona, can you help me prepare dinner for tonight?" I ask the frowning teen. "Why would you want my help? It's not like I can cook." She grumbles. Snorting I patted her head,"Nonsense! I'll teach you some basics to cooking."

"Really?" She looks up at me with surprise. "Course! Now come on or the boys will get hungry and cranky... Especially Zoro."

"I hate that man." Perona snaps. I chuckled and nodded. We walked into the kitchen and decided to prepare something challenging, because Perona wanted to do so. I made Perona start off by cutting the veggies while I smoked and roasted the beef(or sea king meat). We have been following the book instructions carefully, but before I could do anything else Perona decided she wanted to cook by herself! I already knew she wouldn't back down from cooking, so I let her be.

Instead I went upstairs to wake up Mihawk. As much as I really just wanted to lay down with him, I had to fight the urge to do so. I gently knocked on the door before entering.

I stood in silence for about two minutes before cracking open the door and taking a peek.

Instantly I noticed him still sound asleep in his kings sized bed. I smiled in awe as he slept peacefully. Tip toeing in I shut the door as quietly as I could before walking over to his bedside to wake him.

I gulped. Lifting my hand I placed it on his shoulder and shook him lightly. He wasn't much of a heavy sleeper so it wasn't too rough waking up.

He groaned and sat up slowly.

"Hmm... What is it?" He murmured. I gave him a small closed smile,"It's time for dinner, what else?"

"I've been asleep for that long?" He voice sounded with surprise. "Apparently so." I chuckled. "You must've worked too hard or something." He chuckled,"I guess resting was a good idea after all, huh?"

"It would seem so." I turned around and began waking for the door, but instead Mihawk reaches out and grabs my hand. My heart skipped a beat for a moment. I looked over my shoulder,"something wrong?"

"Yes." He replies bluntly. "Well, what's wrong then?" I turn around fully and stared down at him with curiosity. "You aren't lying in bed with me, that's what's wrong..."

"Huh?" Before I could even react, Mihawk pulls me into the bed which made me fall on top of his lap. "Wh--what now??" I sat up and looked around confused, yet flustered. "Don't be so shy, sleep with me tonight."

"Uh-umm! I--uh..." I stumbled over my words. He wrapped his arm around,u waist, and then slipped off my slacks to toss them aside. His yellow eyes stared into my e/c orbs with such affection. I blushed and tried to look away, but my body lived the way he stared.

Slowly he lifted the blanket of my legs and worked up towards my arms. "Let's rest now..." He whispers in my ear.

I gulped and nodded. We both layer down, under the warm covers, the room was silent, but it was so comforting in its own way. My eyes were starting to become droopy the more I laid here, but I didn't mind it too much. Mihawk wrapped both of his arms around my small figure and pulled me closer. Snuggling closer towards the man I loved the most, I fell asleep to the [three] words he whispered to me...

"I love you..."

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