Franky x Fairy! Reader

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Franky's pov

At the moment I am stuck on an island. The nine members of the Straw Hat crew are all seperated in different dimensions. We were fighting this bad guy with a SUPER name, but I dont remember it.

"Oh my goodness!" It was a light voice. "Are you okay?"

I open my eyes and see a beautiful angel. Angel? Is she an angel? Her wings aren't birdlike...

I sit up and blink. "You are a SUPER flying girl!"

The h/c girl giggles, "Thank you, but I am a fairy."

The fairy lands on the ground and sits next to me. I sit up and look down at her. Her wings are beautiful. The sun reflects a rainbow in it!

"Your wings are SUPER too." I smile.

She smiles in return. "Your hair is very SUPER too!"

I look up and see my hair is still in the shape of a cannon. "Haha, thank you."

"I'm Y/n." She introduces herself.

"Franky. Of the Straw Hat crew." I reply.

Y/n tilts her head, "Whats a Straw Hat Crew?"

"You dont know?" I question her with surprise. She shakes her head and waits for an explanation. "Uh... Well, I'm a part of a pirate crew. Im the shipwright."

"A shipwright? So you fix the ship?"

I nod, "I do."

"But why is your crew called the Straw Hats? You dont wear a straw hat." Y/n points to my cannon hair.

I let out a lighthearted laugh. "Its because our flag has a skull with a straw hat on it. Also because of my captain, Monkey D. Luffy. He wears a straw hat."


"What about you?"

Y/n's eyes widen, "Me? What about me?"

"Do you have a crew-err... Friends or family on this island?" I stand up and dust myself off.

"Well... If you count my village as a 'crew'. Then yes, yes I do." She smiles. She flutters her wings and floats up to my eye level. "Also... Would you like some medical care for that wound on your back?"

"Huh?" I look over my shoulder and see a dried up gash on my back. "Oh. I don't see why not."

She giggles, "Come on. I'll take you to a healer."


"YAWOCH!" I flinch.

Y/n giggles as she watches this old lady put more smelly liquid onto my wound. I flinch.

"He should be fine, Y/n." The old lady nods. "But where did you find such a specimen?"

"Well he was just lieing in the field of wonder..." Y/n shrugs. "That place is always... Weird."

The old lady scoffs, "It magic!"

Y/n blinks, "I mean there was this strange circle of stones around Franky..."

"It was a portal." I state. "All of my friends were forced into a portal like me. Which means I have to get back to them."

Y/n frowns, "Already? Why not stay for a couple of days and get your strength back."

The old lady clears her throat, "He won't be able to return to his world until we figure out how he came and how to get him out of ours."

Y/n and I nod.

"Okay... So until then he gets to stay?" Y/n asks excitedly.

"You will be responsible for any trouble he causes."

"Im okay with that!" She squeals. "Hey Franky, do you want a tour of the village?"

I smile. "I would like to eat first."

She giggles. "Come on, I'll bring you to the best resturant we have."


Y/n giggles and copies my pose, "Super!"

I follow her out of the old lady's hut. Y/n leads me into town where everything looks so mystical. Its like the Mink village in Zou, but more flashy and in the open sky.

"Here we are." Y/n smiles. It was a huge tavern looking place on the ground and not from tree to tree loke most of the huts.

"Is the food here really super?" I rub my chin. I should change my hair. I run my large hand over my blue hair and slick it back.

Y/n's eyes widen with surprise. "Wahhh! That was so cool- I mean super!"

I let out a laugh. "SUPER!"

We both walk in and sit down at a booth in the back corner. A male fairy flies over and asks for our orders.

"Just give me meat. Any meat." I shrug without looking at the menu.

"I'll just take (fav. Food)." Y/n smiles.

The male fairy nods and flies away with our orders written down

"So Franky... What's it like out-out there?" Y/n asks with stars in her eyes.

I start to think. "Um... Well there are a lot of fish. And other dangerous pirates and super islands."

I pause. "Have you ever left this island?"

Y/n sulks back and shakes her head. "No... There are people who would try to kidnap me and sell me, or worse! They might rip my wings out and leave me to suffer!" She starts to tear up.

"Does it hurt to live without your wings?" I curiously ask.

Y/n tilts her head. "Many faries turn to suicide because they got their wings taken from them, saying the pain was unbearable... So it hurts terribly."

I nod in understandment. "Then it's safer to stay here."

"Hmm... But I want to travel the world!"

"Then you'll have to be careful. Hide your wings and become strong enough to fight for yourself." I reply.

Her eyes sparkle, "Will you take me with you when you leave?"

"Hah?!" I say a little too loudly. I clear my throat and sigh. "It's not my choice. Even if you do come with me, my captain has to say whether or not you can stay with us."

She sits back and thinks. "Hmm... Maybe I can be a companion! Once you get home and you don't know where to find your friends, i can stay to keep you company." She suggests.

I nod. "I guess that would be fine. But since I'm stuck here, I'll have to train you to be ready for my home world."

"SUPER!" She giggles.

I smile. "SUPER!"

I might make a second part to this.. I don't want this to run on too long sksksks

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