Zoro x Valkyrie!Reader

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Not edited. Also I have no idea what happened in this oneshot, soooooooooo just wait till the next oneshot, hopefully it'll be better lol
Reader's pov

I was dragged out from the bag I was shoved in about four hours ago. I ended up in a cell full of men and women. I didn't know what was up, but they all looked like... Slaves. Then realization struck me, they were being sold off as slaves! Suddenly two men clamp down cuffs onto my wrists and then one thick collar like cuff around my neck, just like all of the trapped people here. I was too scared to move, so I let my capturer push me around. I was dragged into the corner of the room.


My e/c eyes widened with shock, why was I slapped? "You better do as told once you get out there to be sold! I need the profit from you, you winged beauty."

I sat there, shaking. Never in my life have I ever thought I'd end up here being sold off to...to humans! I thought all humans respected us Valkyrie, since we literally look like living angels! The men who dragged me into the corner, including the one who slapped me, left the cell and also making sure to lock the door as well. It was a good thing my wings weren't showing, it would've been too much of a hassle to try and figure out where I should place them.

"Excuse me miss... Would you like a drink?" I turn my head to see a man, with white hair and a scar on his left eye(I'm sorry I forgot if he had one..). "I only have whisky at the moment, I just thought you'd like some."
"Uh... I don't see why not, it's probably going to be the last time I'm ever gonna drink whisky." I say sadly as I take a hold of the flask the man was holding out for me to grab.
He chuckled, "Now I wouldn't say that! So tell me, how'd you end up here anyways?"
"Easy, I was helping this kid, who was trying to become the pirate King, look for his friends until we found out his mermaid friend was captured. So, we started looking for her, but then when we split up to search in different areas I was jumped and knocked out. And now... Here I am." I explained.
I handed back the flask and looked at him, expecting his reason for being here. "Ah, well I was just minding my own business when I was jumped too. Easy enough to say." He had said it so cheerfully.
"ALRIGHT! Next we have... The winged beauty and the mermaid!" My eyes widened, mermaid? Is it that Camie girl that kid was talking about? About seven men walked in a came for me and Camie. She has four pushing her out of the cell, in a tank, while I had three dragging me... Again.

It felt so long. On the way toward the auctioning area, I managed to make eye contact with Camie. She was scared and confused. She didn't understand what was happening, but after looking into my e/c eyes she somewhat managed to calm down. I don't know why or how, but she just did.
"And for the moment everyone has been waiting for!" A loud voice announced. "THE MERMAID AND WINGED BEAUTY!" Everyone cheered. Although once it dudes down everyone stared confusingly at me. Obviously they were wondering where were my wings, and I was also guessing I'm going to be ordered to show everyone my Snow White wings.
"Yes, ladies and gentleman, I know she may not look like it, but in all truths... This young lady has the wings of a Valkyrie!" Everyone gasps.
A man stands up, "That's impossible! They're a sacred species, untamable!"
"Ahh~ and that's where everyone is wrong! Once in captivity they are quite a servant!" The announcer chuckles darkly. "We'll start the bidding for the mermaid at 50 beris!"

Every man and some women tried getting Camie. But the one who was desperate enough to get her was one of those selfish humans. I have no clue what they call themselves and I have no interest. In a blast of light my wings fluttered out from my back. I spread them widely so everyone could see them. Everyone's eyes stared at my glistening wings. My eyes scanned the room, but when my eyes landed on a man, who looked like a pirate, my heart instantly started to pound. His eyes wouldn't stop looking at me either. It seemed he had the same reaction as I did. But suddenly, four men tried rolling Camie from the stage. My head snapped towards her in shock, I completely forgot about her! I was about to leap towards her, but I was was pulled back by my collar. So yes, it did hurt. Lots of things happened, there was a gun shot, many where yelling and ,icing around too much that I couldn't see. Pirates looked as if they were invading the auction house, and beating the royals up. I was suddenly thrown against the wall, but then was suddenly being dragged away back into the back where all the prisoners were at.

"Give me her you bastard!" Someone shouted. Looking over it was the man that made my heart race! "I'd like to have her, so let her go."
The man ho grabbed me growled, "No way! Even if no one bought her I'll still keep such a rarity for myself!"
"You asked for it." He took out his three swords. One on each hand and one in my mouth. Such a unique way of fighting... Very intriguing.
His green hair looked adorable, but I'm not sure a tough man like him would like to hear that. He swung his swords at my kidnapper and each time... He literally almost chopped my head and wings off!
"HEY! Watch where you swing those!" I hissed angrily as I poofed my wings away.
"Shut up women! That isn't how you're supposed to talk to your savior!"
An irk mark appeared on my forehead, "I'm not sure that's how you talk to the victim! If I were I child I would've thought you were a pedo!"
"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" He hollers at me once he defeated the random kidnapper.
I stood up and glared at him, "YOU HEARD ME!"
What happened next is very unexplainable... He bends down and lunges for me. He slings me over his shoulder and start walking back towards ee here everyone else was. When we got there my collar and cuffs suddenly popped off.
"Oh great! They're off!" I sighed in relief.
"Psh, now you know your head won't blow off." The green haired man laughs.
I started wiggling, "Shut it grass head."
"I'll put that collar back on you if you don't stop wiggling." He threatens.
"I'd like to see you try."

Before he could reply someone called out, "ZOROOOOOO!"
"OI!" He calls back.
I'm assuming the man that saved me is named Zoro, "IM WITH HER BECAUSE I CALLED HER FIRST!"
Two girls started giggling, "oooooh~! Zoro has a cruuuuuush!"
Zoro blushes, "SHUT UP, I DO NOT!"
"Aww now that's just rude, and here I thought you were a cute one." I smirked deviously as I sighed.
"STOP MAKING IT WORSE!" Zoro drops me onto the ground and points at me, all flustered.
I smiled, "Not worse, better."
"Shishishishi! I like her! Oi, join my crew!" I look over to my right and see the same kid.
"Oh hey I remember you!" My eyes fluttered, "Sure. I'll join your crew."
Zoro grumbles, "Don't make things worse, women."
"Me? Make things worse? Oh you're just being salty, I'll make things as much better as possible!" Standing up I lightly patted his head.
"Here, I'll introduce you to the crew! What's your name?" The orange haired girl smiles kindly.
I smile back, "My names Y/n L/n, I'm a Valkyrie."

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