Sabo x Theif! Reader

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Sabo's pov

I walked around in a cloak. Dragon had sent me on a mission to achieve something, but he never told me what. He had given me a piece of paper that said, 'Jade necklace with golden chains.' Totally helpful Dragon...

(Dragon sneezes at headquarters.)

The town I was sent in was really packed. People were walking everywhere you'd turn. They didn't even look twice at me because there were many different types of people around here. I saw pirates here shipping this to get beris, there were even people giving free food to the poor around here. I stopped by a man who was selling jewelry.

"Excuse me sir?" I caught his attention. "Do you know where I could find a jade necklace with golden chains?"

He just snickers, "Lots of whipper snappers are lookin' for that necklace. Once you find it you better watch out for thrives youngin'." He pauses for a moment.

"You'll find somethin' like that down south more. Ask an old crazy man 'bout it and he should tell you."

I gave him a small bow, "Thank you sir."

"No problem youngin'." He started snickering again, but I took no notice in his strange behavior.

As I walked down further I only noticed young women selling and shipping off dresses and tops. The man was lying...

"HE HE! Look 'ere, look 'ere!" A cracked voice shouted from across the street, "I've gotten myself a lil pretty jewel for them young ladies. WADDYA SAY?! HOW MUCH WOULD YOU PAY?"

I faced the man. It was an old sixty year old with a long white beard and a farmers hat. His overalls were tattered with mud and grass stains. He was missing one shoe, but has a sock on the other. He had a bandaid on his brow as well. Seems the right guy. The man was holding up a green stone, there wasn't a golden chain, but it sure was a jade jewel. I walked up to him from behind lots of young women.

"Can you make a necklace out of that?" I asked firmly.

He grins, "Shoot! Waddya take me for? Course I can make a gosh darn necklace outta this here jewel!"

"WHAT CHAIN DO YOU HAVE?!" A lady from the back of the crown hollered.

"GOLD CHAIN." He smirks. "Been minin' all my life. Hit a jack pot last week!"

I nodded absentmindedly, "Do you have one that's already a necklace?"

The old man reached into his back pocket and took out the jade necklace with golden chains. "Course I do!"

"I'll pay a million beris for that." I announced quickly

"Ho, ho? For your girlfriend I presume?" He winks at me with awe. "Sure wish I had one. BUT I DON'T NEED ONE IF I HAVE ALL THIS JEWEL!"

He wickedly laughed his heart out. I took the necklace from hit hand and replaced it with four pouches, counted both to be equal to a million. I then swiftly placed the necklace into an empty pouch. Placing it in one of my pockets, I then took off. I grabbed my snail transporter.

Ring~ Ring~ Ring~



"Koala, I got the necklace. Is there anything else Dragon wants me to get?"

"Hmm..." She pauses for a moment. "Don't think so, but you better be careful."

I rose my brow, "Why's that?"

"Heard there was a major thief there... Umm... Think they go by the name Pickpocket Y/n..."

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