Sanji x Neko!Reader

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Thanks so much for 21+ k views! That number was off memory, I'm too lazy to actually check rn lol
Y/n's pov

I crept through the night. I was on a marine ship when it had happened. The men were shouting and shooting, not towards me, but towards another ship! And boy, I wish I had never messed with these marine dudes or I wouldn't have been here in the first place!

My ebony cat ears twitched. As I crouched down behind a couple of barrels, I peered over at the battle that suddenly took place in the middle of the deck. It was only the marine men that were flying allo ver the place. These other dudes must be very strong to defeat the marines so easily and casually! My tail twitched, there's someone coming.

I slowly crawled toward the other end of the wall of barrels. It had more shadows, therefore it should be able to make me seem invisible.

"OI, you stupid love cook! The hell are you doing?" A grumpy voice snaps.
"Oh shut up! I'm looking for more food! If there's barrels, there's food!" Another voice snaps back.
"Hm, or booze." The grumpy voice chuckled. "Just take all of them, either way we might get something out of it."
"Don't order me around, you broccoli head!"
"The hell you just say, you sick pervert?!"

Then suddenly they both began attacking each other. Aren't they crew mates?! My tail swayed back and forth nervously. They were planning on taking the barrels! The ones I was heading behind! My heart pounded against my chest, I couldn't be spotted or else! I paused... What will happen if they find me?

I was too busy thinking that I hadn't realized that they were already taking the barrels. The moment I finally snapped out of my thoughts was when there was a gasp.

I looked over toward the light and saw a one eyed blondie, "Nyah~"
"NEKO?!" Hearts came popping out of his eyes as he stared down at me. "Ne, ne, neko-chan! Would you li--"
He was kicked out of the way by a green haired swordsman, "Hurry the hell up!"
The blonde shot back up and glared, his cigar falling apart. "Don't order me around."
"We need to go, what else am I supposed to say?" Grumbled the swordsman. As they were distracted o took my chance and started creeping away. "OI."
"Nyah--" I froze. My head turned and looked up at the green haired swordsman.
"Where do you think you're going?"
My tail swayed, "None of your business, grass ass."
He popped a vein, "Huh? The hElL DID YOU JusT say?!"
"Nyah, you're voice cracked!" I snickered.

He pulled out a sword and swung it down. I leaped out of the way, only to skid into a half circle to look at him with a furious glare. I growled. Before I knew it he had attacked again. As I continued to leap out of the way, the blonde man had been clenching his fists. I stopped dodging his attacks and launched myself onto him. My nails were long and sharp enough to be called claws, so I lashed them out on him. We both landed on the floor with me on top.

I wasn't able to hurt him as much, but I managed to make him bleed. He grabbed a hold of my wrists and used his feet to launch me over to a wall.

It wasn't much of a wall now though, the impact broke it and now I'm sitting in the marine kitchen room. I shot straight back up and got ready to attack some more, but just as we both were about to launch at each other, the blonde jumped in between.

"Zoro." The blonde man knees the swordsman in the gut. "How dare you hurt a lady?!"
'Zoro' yelps and kneels on the floor, "S-Sanji... You bastard!"
'Sanji' looks over at me... With hearts in his eyes. "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you too badly did he?"
"Eh?" I stared at him as he searched my face, arms, and legs for any wounds. "Uh--no! I'm fine!"
He sighed in relief, "That's great! How about you join our crew, neko-chan?"
"Crew?" I thought about it, "you're pirates?!"
Sanji nods, "Yeah."
I blinked up at him with disbelief, no wonder the marines were so desperate to get them. "Who's your captain? Are you the captain?"
He blushes, "Oh no! I'm not the captain, I'm just the cook!"
My eyes began to sparkle, "You're a chef?! Ne, ne! Think you can make me something with salmon?"
"Yes, ma'am!" He swiftly picks me up bridal style and begins rushing back toward his crews ship.

From first glance it didn't seem like much because of the lion on the front, but as you look closer there are different things that can be seen. He landed on the 'grassy' part of the ship. As I looked around my e/c eyes sparkled.

"Who's your shipwright?" I suddenly asked.
"That would be Franky. He was the one who created the Thousand Sunny." Sanji smiled.
I nodded in acknowledgment. "It's an amazing ship for sure!"
"Sure is!" Sanji didn't let me down. No, he only walked into the kitchen to set me down in a chair at the table. It was a big table, pretty sure big enough for the whole crew! "Why don't you sit here and wait as I prepare your food."
"Ehh? But I wanted to watch you cook!" I pouted.
He smiled lewdly with a blush, "Sure! Then you can watch me cook!"
I shot up with a smile, "Alright!"

He led me toward the stove and showed me what he was going to make. Sanji explained that he was going to make a simple dish, smoked salmon. My mouth watered.

"For real?" My eyes didn't look away from the lidded pan. "You're smoking salmon like that?"
Sanji chuckled, "Well... It's not a professional way of smoking something, but it'll do."
"When will it be done?" I impatiently asked.
Sanji smiled, "Soon."

Looking up, I pushed out my bottom lip and stared into Sanji's ocean eyes. I was pouting. Ears tucked back. Tail snaking around and wrapping around his arm. Sanji's face bursted with color. He had to step back and take care of his bleeding nose before coming back to the stove.

"I don't think you should stand so close to the stove." Sanji suggested worriedly.
I shrugged. "It's fine."
"Well, I don't care if it's fine. I just don't want you to hurt yourself under my supervision." He stated as he gently moved me a few good feet away from the stove.
"Hey!" I whined. "Now I won't be able to smell the salmon cooking!"
"Safely first, Neko-chan!" Sanji cooed.

I huffed. Crossing my arms, I turned away and pouted. Sanji sighed before walking over to the stove and turning it off. My head slowly turned back to where Sanji was. I watched him intently as he used a rag to lift the lid off of the pan, revealing a perfectly smoked salmon. My mouth watered.

"It's done now, Neko-chan." Sanji finally plated the dish. I watched him quietly set it on the table. "You may eat now, but be careful it's still hot."

I walked over and sat down in front of the played salmon. My e/c eyes savored the smoked look before taking the knife and fork next to the plate. I cut a piece of the salmon and left no time to admire it any longer.

"Mm!" I smiled. "It's so good!"
Sanji blushed, "Why thank you."
As I continued to eat, I suddenly paused before taking he last bite. "Ne, Sanji."
I turned to look at him. Smiling, I say. "Will you marry me?"
A long moment of silence occurred. "YES I WILL!"

I gasped with glee. Taking the last piece of salmon by hand, I stuck one end of the salmon in Sanji's mouth. I stood and kneeled against the chair I had been sitting on. I leaned forward and took the other half into my mouth. There. Our lips had collided. I hear Sanji gasp with shock, but not before long he melts straight into the kiss. Looks like I'll be staying with my fiancé from now on. I pulled away, only to see a deep crimson face.

"We'll be together for years to come..." I mumbled.
Sanji cups his cheeks. "E-eh?! Eh? Eh? We're?" He smiles. "I have a fiancé now..."
"Yep! Also..." I blushed.
"I love you!" I leaped into his arms and purred.

Shaddap I know y'all just met an all, just roll with it :p

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