Young! Shanks x Young! Male Reader

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Not edited ;-; Dunno what I'm doing but enjoy thissssss :D
This takes place when Shanks and Buggy were apart of Gold Roger's crew. (M/n = Male name)
Also in this one the reader is the dominate one ;p
Shanks pov

I hopped down from the crows nest and had one thing on my mind. To hang out with M/n. It was Buggy's turn to sit up in the crows nest for the next five hours, so it'd just be the two of us. I made my way into the the boys cabin, although it was just guys on the ship, calling it the boys cabin made it seem more cooler. As I made my way down I accidentally missed a step of the stairs and tumbled the rest of the way down.

"Shanks! You a'right?" I heard M/n soothing accented voice call out to me.
I sat up quickly and rubbed the back of my head, "Of course I am! But you know, I'll let you on a secret!"
"Oh? A secret?" M/n looked up from the half blank piece of paper and rose his brow at me in interest.
"Yep!" I flashed him a smile.
M/n chuckles, "Hasn't anyone told you, you have a brilliant smile?"
"Ah!" I hid my face under the straw hat that had been placed on my head. "Well... Most people don't tend to compliment a pirate."
He rolled his eyes, "Then you obviously haven't found the right people be be around." He pauses for a moment. "Not saying this crew aren't the right people, they're quite an exquisite bunch."
"What does that mean, ya bookworm?"
"What? Exquisite? It means beautiful... And delicate."
I frowned, "This crew isn't delicate!"
"Not what I meant to say... Oh well. Obviously no pirate is delicate unless wanted." M/n shrugs. "So, that secret of yours. What was it?"
I froze, "Ahh... I forgot."

M/n got up from his seat and held out a hand for me. I gulped nervously before taking a hold of his hand. He hulls me up to my feet and drags me over to the empty bathroom.

"What in the world? Are you saying I smell?!" I suddenly out bursted.
M/n pauses and laughs, "Oh dear no! You, my friend, know how to bathe... Err, unlike Buggy."
"Ah--True." I nodded in agreement. "Then why are we in here?" I asked curiously as I stepped deeper into the room.

I didn't see it, but M/n had shut and locked the door behind him and slowly made his way to corner me. I gulped, I didn't know what was happening! His e/c eyes were glowing with lust. I wasn't sure if I wanted this or not, I don't even know what M/n is gonna do! My back hit against the wooden wall next to the sink. The door was across the room, if I could I would've ran, but my legs--no my body wouldn't move! I was shivering, why was I shivering? If I don't know what is happening, then I wouldn't know why I was shivering... M/n slammed his hand right of my face, making me stare into his e/c eyes. M/n slowly leaned forward.

"Are you scared? There's no reason to shake in fear, Shanks." M/n whispered in my ear.
His breath brushed against my skin, "S-scared? Me, no! I'm the almighty Shanks! Haha..ha...ha?"

M/n removed my hat and tossed it behind him. He caressed my cheek with his left hand and gently tilted my head up. My heart was beating faster and faster, the air became hotter and hotter, my stomach had the butterflies... Man, look at those pink lips of his... My eyes were lidded as I stared at M/n's lips and occasionally looked up into his eyes. The shaking stopped, but my face is still warm-no it's hot. M/n removed his hand from the wall and my cheek to only place them onto my hips. My hands subconsciously wrapped around his neck to pull him closer. Oh, how badly I want to feel those lips of his...

M/n paused on,y inches away from my lips, "Tell me, darling... Tell me what you want."
"I... I want you, please..." I stammered in a whisper.

M/n attacks my lips. I gasped in surprise, even though I wanted it. My fingers tugged at M/n h/c hair lovingly. More... Please! More! M/n got the hint from me pushing closer to him. He lifted me up with ease and in an instant I wrapped my legs around his waist. My back was up against the wall, yet again. M/n broke the kiss and started trailing lustful butterfly kisses down my neck. I managed to stifle my moans, but M/n didn't seem to like it... So he snaked his left hand under my red and white striped shirt and started messing with one of my nipples.

"Mmf--Ahh~!" My back arched, wanting more.
I felt M/n leaving more butterfly kisses on my neck, licking and sucking. It was so hot, I wanted my shirt off, but I didn't know when or how this was gonna end... I didn't want it to end, not yet at least. I tugged at his f/c shirt with (any design). M/n stopped. All of his movements came to an end.

"Uh..." M/n slowly let me down. "M/n? Is everything alright?"
M/n lifted my head by using his index finger and thumb. "You seem to be excited..."
My eyes followed his and he was correct... I was 'excited,' "H-hey! You are too!"
"You said you wanted me right?" His soft lips peck my forehead lovingly.
"I did." I reply confidently.
M/n sighed, "I don't think we should be doing this... Now."
"W-why not?!"
"Because! We aren't... Alone." He whispers and points toward the ceiling.
I freeze, that's right... Darn. "Then the next island... Can... Can we..."
He gives me a passionate kiss once more before he looked down into my ebony eyes, "Of course. I'll make sure you remember you belong to me."
"Then you better remember it then! I'll be yours and you'll be m-mine!" I blushed crimson.
"Good... Err, now I guess we'll have to fix our problem." He rubs the back of his neck nervously.
"Here I'll just, uh, wait outside for you to... Finish?" I averted my eyes and slowly crept towards the door.
M/n blinked, "I was about to say we both could just 'take a bath,' but if you're co-"
"YEAH! Why don't we bathe together? Ha, ha, ha..."

M/n smiled and turned on the tub. So, let's just say... We made out for another ten minutes before taking a bath... Together.

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