Killer x Reader

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Haven't been on for quite a while huh?? Well enjoy this crappy oneshot :0
Y/n's pov
It's been a while since I've actually saw my family... Well now that their all dead there isn't much I can do, but look forward to the life they gave me. That sounds cheesy, especially because I'm a pirate. I was sitting on the roof of the stupid stoned castle that, unfortunately, belongs to Captain Kid. I don't know if should be grateful that he spared my life when he saw me that one day I was hoping to die, but whatever. The only person I liked in his crew was Killer... And maybe Burn(forgot most of the names of the crew, so pls don't kill me!!), but not as much as Killer. I guess you can say, I like him. I probably shouldn't like like him, but what everyone doesn't know won't hurt'em.

"Y/n! What are you doing in the roof--again?!" I hear Killer's voice from the small balcony on the third floor of the castle.

I shrug, not that he could see me do it,"Checking out the nice view of the sunset!"

I heard him sigh,"Can you come down? Kid seems to have a cold and won't lie down..."

"And why am I needed?!" I snort, uninterested.

"Because he wants your special soup!" He hollers back. Special soup?? It's been a while since I've made that!

"Ugh! Fiiiine! You owe me though, got it?!" I shout back at him with anger. Standing up and stretching, I hop my way down to the balcony he was standing on.

He chuckles,"And what would the pouting cook want?"

I thought about it a little, but couldn't find the right thing I wanted, "Surprise me, Killer."

"Surprise? I'm not really good at those, but I'll try..." He grumbles. I smirk before walking into the room(that the balcony was attached to) and slowly made my way down to the second floor kitchen.

I roll up the sleeves of my (f/c) sweat shirt. Putting my hair into a small pony tail(if possible) I got ready to cook the soup in a medium sized pot. Turning on the stove I quickly filled the pot half way with water. In a swift motion I grabbed the light pink, kiss the cook, apron and put it on. I left the pot of water to boil and went to look for the ingredients I needed for this soup. I grabbed half a (random veggies), three-fourths cup of (some powder shit), and salt(obviously knows how to cook lol). Unmotivated, I pulled out a knife and started chopping all of the veggies I had grabbed. I checked the water in the pot. It was boiling perfectly. Since all of the veggies where cut into literal powder, I tossed them into the pot, along with the cup of (powder). I grabbed a wooden spoon from the cupboard next to me and started stirring. Five minutes later I sprinkled salt into the soup to finish it off with a final stir.

"You done yet?!" Kid bursts through the kitchen door. He stumbled over to the stove and looked into the pot. "Greatness has been spotted!" He was about our to reach for it until I slapped his hand away.

"What are you? A fucking idiot?! It's still too hot for you!" I snapped at him, while grinning off the stove and sliding the soup back.

"The hell do you think you're talking to?" Kind growled under his breath. I glared dangerously back at him.

"An idiot of a captain."

Kid raised his hand to slap me, but was stopped by Killer holding his arm back. "I don't think that's how you thank the cook that made you soup, Kid."

"She insulted me!"

I rolled my eyes, "I basically saved your fucking hand from burning!"

Killer sighed and had and small chat with Kid. I didn't give a shit at the moment. I opened another two cupboard and took out a bowl and spoon for Kid to use later. I moved the pot to the left bottom corner of the stove, and grabbed a soup spoon and scooped up soup to put into the bowl.

"Kid, take the soup. It's cooler now." I interrupted Killer and Kid's conversation.

"Finally!" Kid took the bowl and walked out of the kitchen leaving me and Killer alone.

"You do know interrupting conversations is rude right?" Killer sighs disapprovingly.

I grin childishly at him, "But you still love me right?" Shit.

He flinched, "Wha---"

"OH MY GODH IM SORRY I DIDN'T SAY THAT DID I?!" I buried my face in my hands and turned away from him embarrassingly. "FORGET IT FORGET IT!!" Fuck, fuck fuck!!!

Suddenly I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist. I gently was pulled into someone's chest. I removed my fave from my hands to look up to see Killer behind me holding me. My face bursts in all kinds of different shades of red. I turn away from him, I couldn't look at him anymore. I feel Killer move his head down and rest in the crook of my neck. I freeze. Oh no, oh no, oh no!! I'm so screwed!

"Yeah..." Huh? "I do still love you..." He whispers into my ear.

I gulp,"You're not me-messing with me--right?"

"Why should I?"

"U-umm... Because you really don't love me..." I mumble sadly.

Killer shakes his head and turns me around to face him. "Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you."

"Ooh~!" My eyes brighten. I still love surprises! I quickly close my eyes and wait impatiently. That's when I felt sparks. My eyes open with shock onto to see Killer had moved his mask above his lips to kiss me! I'm going to melt!! But luckily I actually didn't, but just closed my eyes and again and kissed back(with my arms around his neck of course!).

"FINALLY YOU FUCK TARDS!" I heard Kids voice shout from outside the kitchen. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK~!!!

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