3. An ice manipulator

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I look up at the class and smile once again. "Ok now today can be really easy for you or it can be super hard. I have a set of rules that I would like you to follow and if you break those rules we won't get along. They aren't difficult to follow so just do as I say and we will be good. Rule number one is don't try and be naughty. I was the naughtiest kid in my class when I was in the academy and I know all the tricks. Rule two is no bullying. I understand that rivalries are made when in academy but if your just being mean to increase your already low self esteem then you can go. Ninja aren't cocky so don't be. Rule three is that the academy is a place of learning so if someone can't do something as well as you it doesn't mean that they are weak. Those that are weak are the ones who think that they are better than everyone else. Having ego is fine but if you use it in a fight you are going to lose. Those are my rules, are there any questions?".

"Where did you come from?", Shikamaru asks. "I'm new to this village if you were wondering, I used to live on the other side of the world, in the land of water". You could hear whispering coming from the children. "Why did you come to the hidden leaf?", Kiba asks. "Well I just lost the last of my family and wanted to get out of the land of water, its not a very nice place". "What's your chakra nature?", Sakura asks. "Water, Ok that's enough questions lets start the work that your sensei has left us". I look down at the piece of paper and read off what we are doing. "Logical thinking using scenarios, have you done that before?", I ask. The kids shake their heads and I sigh. "Ok so basically I am going to give you a scenario and you are all going to think of the safest or most logical way to get out of it, do you all understand?". They nod again. I tap my chin trying to think of a scenario. "Ok here's one, everyone in this room besides yourself is an enemy ninja, what are you going to do to survive?". Naruto's hand goes up. "Yes Naruto". "Fight them!". "I guess you could do that but there are a lot of students in this class, it would be very unlikely that you could kill them all, does anyone else have an idea?". Sakura puts her hand up. I nod my head, giving her permission to speak. "Could you please give us an example, I'm kind of confused". I happily nod. "If everyone in this room was an enemy ninja I would need to take every single one of them out in order for me to survive. My idea would be an attack that damages something that they can't live without but making sure I get everyone at the same time". "How are you supposed to do that? It seems impossible", Kiba says. "Its actually pretty simple but that is for me. I have a jutsu that could easily do it". "What is it?", Choji asks. "Well I invented it, its called water particle release. So basically I can infuse my chakra with the condensation in the air and once the enemy breathes it in I will make it crystallize in their lungs, suffocating them to death".

The students stared at me in shock. "What?", I ask. "That's pretty gruesome", Shikamaru says. "Well when your a ninja you have to be ready for anything, I've seen a lot of things in my time and I'm not even that old". "Like what?", Kiba asks. "Something on a whole new level, now I think we have time for one more scenario, Your objective is to locate a rogue ninja but the rain has washed away their tracks, how are you going to locate them?", I ask. Kiba puts his hand up. "Akamaru and I would sniff him out". "Very good, anyone else?". The shy girl with the lavender eyes puts her hand up. "Yes Hinata". "I-I would use my byakugan to s-see if there was any chakra around o-or if there was any s-sign of a fight", she stutters. I send her a sweet smile. "That is very good thinking, I think you have break now so go off and do what ever it is that you do". The kids stand up and head out of the class room, all except Naruto.

"Hey Naruto", I call. "Oh hey (Y/n)-sensei", he says, he sounded a little bit sad. "Do you wanna hang out with me?", I ask. His face lights up and he walks out of the classroom with me. We were now outside and chose a nice quiet spot under a tree to sit. "So why do you wanna hang out with me?", I ask. "Well I don't have any friends...", he trails off. "Don't worry, I'm sure that people will come to realise that your a pretty cool guy and want to  be your friend". "Do you really think so?". "Yeah I do". I noticed that Shino was leaning up against a nearby tree looking at us. I gestured him over and he sat down. "So what's up Shino, aren't you going to play?", I ask. "I don't have any friends", he says. "Yeah he's always covered in bugs, yuck", Naruto says. I glare at the blonde. "Don't say stuff like that Naruto, its not nice". He quickly apologizes. "Don't worry I didn't have any friends when I was younger either". "Why is that?", Shikamaru asks. He was with Kiba and Choji, the three of them sat beneath the tree with us. "Well my parents weren't very nice people and they had quite a lot of power over my village, they told everyone to stay away from me". "Why would they do that?", Kiba asks. "My parents hated me ever since I was born, my mother hated me because I wasn't a boy and my father hated me because I got our clans kekkei genkai and he didn't". I noticed Hinata hiding behind a tree so I gestured her over also. She came and sat next to me.

The Ice Wielder (Iruka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now