81. Glacier

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Staying low and out of sight, you made your way over to the window. In the distance, you could see smoke climbing high in the sky. From there, you watched as a large snake creature came into view. There were many small figures running towards it, mostly ninja trying to contain the monster. You glared out the window and returned to Haruka who had locked herself in your bedroom. You pressed your ear against the door, being able to hear the quiet giggles of Tsuki. You let out a sigh of relief, knowing that Tsuki wasn't aware of the danger.

"Haruka, stay put. I'm going to the check out the exams and make sure nothing has happened to the boys!" you call out. You could hear her argue, begging you to stay. You weren't allowed to leave by yourself but this was important, you would never forgive yourself if you sat around while Naruto or Sasuke got hurt.

You opened a window and jumped out, making sure to close it before heading towards the arena. It was on the other side of the village but it didn't take you long to get there. You snuck in, jumping up onto the roof, peeking over at the people inside. It was surprising to see that everyone was asleep, it was obviously the work of a powerful genjutsu. Looking around, you noticed that there were a lot of sand and sound shinobi around. It looked to you as if they had launched an attack, using the chunin exams to hide their assault.

In the corner of your eye, you noticed a few Konoha ninja struggling to fight the sound and sand ninja off. Without hesitation, you jumped down and fought the ninja off. There were eight altogether, three from the sound and five from the sand. You knocked them all out, not caring to kill them at the moment. It was important to keep a few alive to get intel from. The Konoha shinobi thanked you before heading off to help fight back the snake creature.

Searching the area for more enemies, you noticed a few of the genin who were taking part in the exam. You ran over to them, the group looking startled by your unannounced presence.

"(Y/n)-sensei? What are you doing here?" Ino asks, "I thought you were taking a break." You give a quick nod, staying on guard.

"I still am, do you know what's going on?" you ask. Ino shakes her head, looking to Shikamaru for insight. Your eyes moved to the pineapple-haired boy, desperate to know what had happened.

"Naruto, Sasuke and some others went after Gaara. All that we know is that is a joint attack from the sound and sand villages, that's all that I can tell you," he apologises. You pet his head, sending him a determined smile.

"Don't worry, just stay out of sight. These shinobi will kill you on sight if they see you awake, all of you stay down." The group nods and then leave to find a place to hide in the stands. At this point, you noticed the Kazekage and Hokage in their seating area. Moving somewhere else. You hid, watching as the Kazekage revealed himself as Orochimaru, a forcefield appearing around them.

You ran over to where many anbu gathered, having each one turn when you arrived.

"What's going on?" you ask. One anbu ran towards the force field, hitting it and screaming out in pain as he burst into flames.

"The Hokage has been captured, we think that it may be Orochimaru who is responsible for this," another anbu said. You nodded your head, watching as the interior of the large force field filled with trees.

"Isn't that the first Hokage's tree summon?" one anbu muttered. You eyed the confinement, trying to figure out a way to infiltrate it. If the Hokage was trapped in there with someone as dangerous as Orochimaru, even though he was strong himself, there was a chance that this could kill him. You glared at the barrier, you were very thankful for the Hokage letting you into his village and so you would anything you could to stop Orochimaru. You turned to the anbu, meeting the gaze on one through the holes in their mask.

"I think I can take down the force field but as a result, you will lose the arena." Looking desperate, they nodded.

"It doesn't matter, our priority is protecting the Hokage." Understanding the situation, you stepped forward and began removing the bandages from your arms. For a jutsu this strong, you would need the entirety of your arms exposed. Immediately after, you began doing a long series of hand signs. Finishing, you opened your hands, facing them toward the ground. Bursting from the ground below was a gigantic glacier.

"Ice style, charging glacier!". The glacier moved forward, slamming directly into the side of the forcefield. The four sound ninja that held up the forcefield broke their positions, making the barrier to disappear. You attacked one of the ninja, the other three being taken care of by the anbu you were standing with before.

You kicked the girl back, breaking her flute with an ice kunai as soon as she pulled it from her side. Another anbu and came took over, allowing you to run to the Hokage. You vaulted over trees, creating a machete of ice to destroy the foliage which blocked the way. The induced forest was thick and by the sounds of it, you were getting closer. The sound of talking was quiet but you could still hear it well. Slicing through more branches you broke through into the clearing.

Before you stood the weak figure of the Hokage with Orochimaru hissing in pain, his arms a sickly purple. You shook in anger and sadness as you watched Lord Third collapse, the man who had allowed you to live here. He gave you a chance, without his permission you probably wouldn't have Naruto or Sasuke and would be travelling around, leaving Kuro with Akira and Daichi. Everything was thanks to him, you owed him everything.

You ran to his side, catching him before he could hit the ground. His body was weak and he was slowly losing heat. You panicked, not knowing what you could do to help. He looked up at you with tired eyes before he closed them completely, his body was cold... he was dead.

You shook in anger, looking up at the snake man with a menacing glare.

"You did this," you growled. Even though he seemed to be in a lot of pain he smirked widely. At that moment you lost all sense of morality and all you could see was your target.

"You'll pay for what you've done!" you screamed, charging at him.

You don't remember killing him, all that could recall from after charging at him was seeing blood. As you walked out with the dead Hokage in your arms, gasps were heard from the anbu who had already taken out the sound ninja. Even though the mood was down because of the death of the Hokage, it made you feel hopeful knowing that you had the upper hand. The anbu came over and took the Hokage from your arms, once gave you a concerned look through their mask.

"Where's Orochimaru?" one asks you. Rubbing your temples, you close your eyes and let out a sigh.

"He's dead."

"By your hand?" You nod in response, opening your eyes to look down at your bloodied clothes. It seemed that he had bled a lot, a majority getting on your clothes. It had soaked through the material and left you feeling sticky and uncomfortable. This brought you back your youth where you were a merciless killer. You pushed the thoughts away and were thankful that they didn't hang around, at this point you didn't feel very good. You started to sway side to side, feeling dizzy. Taking a step forward, you were immediately picked up and carried by someone. You turned to see who it was, surprised to the see a familiar mask.

"You're not looking well, I'll take you home," they assure. You smile sleepily before falling unconscious.

Damn, you killed Orochimaru and your mental health isn't looking too good either. Let's hope everything works out,<3 Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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