7. Tears of an Uchiha

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You were sitting beneath the tree with Naruto, Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and Akamaru. All of them were talking while you just zoned out. You hated it too because every time you zoned out you would get flash backs, memories you wished you could just forget. Or better yet, you wished they never happened.


Young (Y/n) formed a sword with her kekkei genkai and giggled. She ran over to her father with the sword in her hand. "Look daddy, look what I made!", she says. The older man glared down at the girl. "Ugh get away from me you brat". "But daddy I wanted to show you", she whispers. "I don't care what you are trying to show me, you are a disgrace to this family!". The girl steps back, scared of the look her father was giving her. She ran away, not caring that he was calling after her. Not calling for her to come back so he could apologize for the way he had spoken to her, he just wanted to grab her by the ear and teach her some 'discipline'.

(Y/n) kept running and running until she reached the house of one of the only people she could trust. Her grandmother. Her father's mother. (Y/n) knocked on the door and was surprised that no one answered. She put her hand over the lock, molding the lock. She then pulled her hand away and created a key made of solid ice. She slid it into the lock and turned it, unlocking the door. The door slowly creaked open and the young girl crept inside. "Grandma are you in here?", she calls. The house was very cold, colder then usual. (Y/n) walked into the lounge and saw her grandmother's body laying on the floor. Her skin was pale and body was frozen. (Y/n)'s hot breath was visible and tears began to fall, freezing before hitting the ground. The young girl fell to her knees and mourning for her loss. She rolled her grandmother onto her back and found a letter in her hands. She pulled it from the corpse and began reading it.

Dear (Y/n)
No matter what anyone says, you are never alone. I will always be with you even if I am dead. Your parents don't treat you as you should be, they are terrible people. I'm sorry that my son has been so hard on you all of these years. You are a talented Kunoichi even though you are young and one day you will be stronger then me. You must find people who care about you so that you may live a happy life. This village is a horrible place. Stay safe darling, you may take my necklace. Your grandfather gave it to me before he died, then one day I want you to give it to someone special in your life. I love you with all of my heart, farewell.

The girl just couldn't stop crying, she tucked the note in her pocket and then took the necklace, putting it around her neck. (Pic of necklace above^^). She then disappeared out the door, running around to find someone who would help.

The next day they had a funeral for her grandmother. She remembered giving over all of her saved money and sitting alone in the chapel. Her two friends came but it broke her heart that others didn't bother to come. She didn't blame them though, (Y/n)'s parent were very powerful in this village and could do anything they liked. Anything they say would happen in a blink of an eye. (Y/n) let a single tear fall, dripping onto her bandaged arm. She was the last one with her clans kekkei genkai.

Flashback end

"(Y/n)-sensei the bell rang", someone says shaking her. She came back to reality and looked at the person shaking her. It was Naruto. "Oh sorry about that, I just zoned out a bit". "Its fine, come on lets go". He tugged on my wrist and I stood up, letting him drag me to class. "Your sensei wants you to practice shadow clone jutsu, you will come up when I call your name and you will do it. I will mark whether you can do it or not". "Can you do it?", Kiba asks. I shook my head. "Why not?", Choji asks. "This jutsu is one only Konaha ninja know, it was invented by the second Hokage". "Can you make any type of clone?", Shikamaru asks. I nod. "I can do water clones and ice clones". "I want to see!", Sakura yells. I smirk and do a few hand signs, creating two clones. "They don't look like water or ice", Ino says. "That's because I have then disguised". I look at them and they loose color one looking like water in the shape of a human and one looked like a person made of ice. "Wow that is so cool!", someone yells. "Can they do anything better then just being made of something different?", Shikamaru asks. "Yes, shadow clones disappear after they are hit but water and ice clones can regenerate". I form an ice kunai and slice both clones in half, across the stomach. The kids gasp as the top halves fall to the ground, then the tops touch the bottom halves and shrink, regrowing the missing halves. "Wow I wish I could do that instead of shadow clones", Kiba calls out. "The thing is that shadow clones only require chakra so there are no complications, with water clones they can't be used unless there is water nearby". "Then how come you can do it sensei?, Choji asks. "Its because of my Kekkei genkai". They all nod and then I begin calling names.

In the end everyone could do it except Naruto. I just pat his head and told him to keep practicing. The bell rings and I dismiss the class. Everyone but one student left, Sasuke remained in his seat. I walked over and sat next to him. "Why aren't you going home?", I ask. "There is no one there, what's even the point?". "Valid point, why don't you go and train?". "What's the point? I'm not Genin yet so I don't have a sensei to teach me anything?". "Makes sense, why don't you and and do kid stuff or something?". "Kid stuff is boring". "You're really hard to talk to, you know". "Hn". "Do you want to go for a walk or something?". He nods and stands up, I do the same and follow him out of the classroom. We walked down the road and through town, stopping at a dock. He sat at the end and I sat next to him. "Why are you so open about who you are?", he asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I dunno, I'm from an enemy nation and to get everyone's trust and be accepted I need to be open and let people know that I'm not a threat". "Have you lied about anything yet?". I nod. "What?". "The reason I left my village". "And what is that?". "I said that my parents died which they haven't. A couple of months ago I was home in the hidden ice village when my parents called me to come to their house. I came and they told me that they were going to marry me off, I didn't want that so I left". "Why did your parents want to marry you off?", he asks. "Well since I was born my parents hated me, my mother wanted me to be a boy and my father was angry that I had our clans kekkei genkai and he didn't. Every day I was yelled at and beaten, told I was a disgrace to our family and humanities mistake. I couldn't even make any friends because my parents had power over the village and would hurt anyone who tried". "I'm sorry about that". "Don't be sorry, I feel that I had a terrible childhood so that someone else could have a good one, because I was treated like dirt there is someone else who got to wake up to happiness and love". Sasuke clenched his fists and as tears dripped from his onyx eyes. "Why would you want to suffer like that? Why would you do that to yourself?". "Because I would feel terrible to swap my childhood with anyone, to have some else go though my pain. The feeling of being useless and just a burden to everyone, no matter what you do you are just getting in the way". "M-my family...", he whispers. I wrap my arm around his shoulder and give him a small side hug. "You don't have to say anything, I already know what happened. I know your pain Sasuke, not the exact pain that you feel but something similar, if there is anything you ever want to talk about just let me know, my door is always open". He nods and stares at his reflection as I walk away. I begin walking back to my apartment, looking at a man in the corner of my eye. He had been watching me and Sasuke talk, listening to every word. A black mask cover his face and his silver hair defied gravity. Who was that guy?

I Love this story. Sorry if Sasuke is a bit OOC, he just needs more dialogue for character development and stuff like that. You have a very sad childhood, lets see if we can make the future better ;) Hahahaha evil Author-chan. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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