53. Visitors from the sand

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Life seemed to go on after the date. It felt like you were a teenager again, oh what a magnificent feeling it was. Now you and Iruka went out regularly, but this was just as friends. Naruto and Kuro always teased you about your "boyfriend" but you always decided to ignore them. Sure you liked Iruka but he probably didn't like you in the same way. You were carrying too much baggage. There was your troubling past and now you were the mother of these three boys, nothing about you seemed to be attractive in your mind.

You softly sighed as you stared out the window, watching people walk by. It was something you did quite often now, there was no reason behind it. You just enjoyed seeing people smiling and laughing, living life to the fullest. You were still young yet it felt like you were old, so much had happened to you. You were working full time at the academy and spending every other second with the boys with the occasion of Iruka. And now Naruto and Sasuke were apart of Kakashi's team, training for the Chunin exams. 

Kuro sat beside you, his head resting on your shoulder. "Uh there's nothing to do", he groans. You sigh and pat his head. "Why don't you go and train?". He groans again. "Uh, I don't feel like it". You let out a sigh and stood up. "Ok then, let's go out". "Go where?". You pull him off of the couch and place him on his feet. "I'll buy us some lunch, Ok?". His face lights up. "Let's go!". He charges toward the door, making you chase after him.

It was nice to spend time with Kuro, you usually felt guilty at home because you would spend a lot more time with Naruto. Kuro, even though similar looking to Naruto, was very different. They were both determined and strong young boys but Kuro was a lot quieter and thought more about his battles, rather than Naruto who charged headfirst into them. You chuckled as you felt a hand take yours. You look to your side and see Kuro smiling brightly at you, his heterochromatic eyes shining happily.

You sat down at a table in a cafe with Kuro by your side. Out of the civilians the two of you stood out like a sore thumb, your arms were covered in bandages and Kuro's eyes were abnormal. People did stare but neither of you cared, just as long as they kept their mouths shut we were happy.

"Mum". I don't respond, that has to be another child, right? "Mum". I look up and see that it's Kuro calling me. My eyes widen slightly. "Mum?", I question. He blushes and looks to the side, avoiding eye contact. "W-well yeah, you're just like a mother to us and I was wondering if you'd let me call you mum, you can say no if it's too weird". You sigh and rest your cheek in the palm of your hand, a lazy smile on your face. "You can call me whatever you want, Mum is just fine". There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "And are you and Iruka-sensei a thing, I mean I'd like to have a dad...", he trails off, his face even redder than before. You can't help but giggle at how cute he is being but also blush at the suggestion of you and Iruka being in a relationship. "Well um Iruka and I are just friends at the moment", you say, nervously rubbing the back of your neck. Kuro sends you a soft smile and sips at the drink sitting in front of him. "I know that you like him and its ok, you should ask him out". Since you were taking a sip of your drink you nearly spat the contents of your mouth all over the table, luckily you saved it and only let a little bit dribble down your chin. You quickly swallowed and glanced up at the giggly blonde boy. The look into his eyes as he spoke about having a father, it filled your stomach with a warm feeling, maybe you should look for someone. "I can see that you're considering it". You force away your blush and quickly finish everything on your table before standing up.

"Well, what do you wanna do next?", you ask. He shrugs his shoulders, noticing a small girl crying on the side of the road. You go to talk to her but Kuro gets there first. "Hey, why are you crying?", he asks in a soft voice. She looks up, jumping at the sight of the heterochromatic boy. "M-my cat ran away", she sniffles, once coming to her senses. Kuro smiles and pets the small girls head. "Don't worry, I'll find your cat", he reassures. The girl's face lights up. "Really? Are you a ninja?", she asks him. He nods and receives a hug from her. "Mr. Ninja please find my cat", she begs, hugging his waist. 

Once she let go of him we got a description of the feline and set off to search for it. You sigh as you look around, it had been about an hour and there was no sign of the cat. "Uh, this is what Genin have to do, this sucks", you huff. Kuro sighs and climbs up a tree, looking over the rooftops in order to see if there is anything. "I found it!", he calls out. He leaps from the branch he was on onto a roof, frightening the cat. It runs off, causing Kuro to curse under his breath. "It's getting away!". You jump up onto the roof and spot a cat which fit the description the little girl had given you, you wouldn't let him get away.

You ran along rooftops, Kuro couldn't keep up with your speed so he dropped back a bit. You had reached the end of the roofs and now there was a tall wooden fence, the cat slipped through a hole in it. You leap over the fence and caught the cat, turning your head to notice a group of Genin. But something strange was that there were a few you didn't recognize, they weren't from Konaha. You picked up the cat and it happily sat in your arms, purring away. "Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and Konohamaru?", you call. They all turn to you, their eyes wide. One of the sand ninja dropped Konohamaru since he was holding him by the shirt. The small brunette quickly stood up and ran over to you, hiding behind your leg and glaring at the ninja. "What are they doing here, (Y/n)-sensei?", Sakura asks. "The Chunin exams are coming up and they're being held here so you should expect to see ninja from all over the world here, it's not a big surprise". You turned to the sand shinobi and bowed. "I hope my students weren't any trouble". The one with a painted face blushed and turned his face away, looking at an older female. "There was no problem", she said monotonously.

Even though you could only see two sand shinobi you could feel the presence of another. You looked up and saw a red-haired boy hanging upside down from a tree, he had an intimidating look on his face which seemed to scare the other two. "Might I ask your names?". The boy nods and walks down the trunk of the tree, not breaking eye contact. "I am Gaara and these are my siblings, Kankuro and Temari". You nod and glance over at the pink, yellow and raven-haired Genin. "These are my students, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Konohamaru, and Kuro". From behind me appears the blonde-haired boy, curious about our encounter with the Suna ninja. "And I am (Y/n) (L/n)". You turn around and begin walking away. Something about the red-haired boy, Gaara, caught your interest. Was it the kanji tattoed on his forehead or perhaps the strange look in his eyes? They looked dead like they had given up all hope, a look my own eyes once harbored. You sighed and looked back to your students as they followed you away from the sand ninja. They were dangerous, were your students really ready for something like this? Even though you were worried you relied on Kakashi's opinion, they were ready. They were ready to become Chunin.

Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while. Updates will be more frequent since I just finished two of my stories, sorry that took so long. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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