14. The ice wielder

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I exited the Hokage's mansion with Konahamaru and Naruto, watching the people running for their lives. The three of us ran with the people, I needed to get these two to the shelter. When we got there i gave them both a hug and teleported away. I got up onto the roofs, it was chaos on the streets. I could see smoke in the distance so I started running towards it. As I got closer I could see that a house had caught fire. I did a few hand sighs and extinguished the fire with a water jutsu. People were still running and screaming, this was a life or death situation. The ninja world was such a horrible place and we were the ones forced to live in it. I sighed quietly and then continued my run. There would be some unlucky people, people living on the outer edges of town. They wouldn't make it to the evacuation shelter in time or the ninja would get to them first. While running I heard something loud and high pitched. A scream. A woman's scream. It was coming from my right. I began running in that direction, if someone needs help I will be the one to give it.

A few minutes later I arrived to a street. It was deserted, or so I thought. I could sense chakra, maybe twenty of so ninja and two civilians. I jumped up onto a building and looked down at another street. There was a woman holding a baby in her arms, she was surrounded by ninja. "Come on lady, just give the baby up and we won't hurt ya", one ninja chuckled. "It's just a baby, you can make another one". Suddenly the baby ripped out of her arms, one of the ninja had taken it. The baby started crying, waving its arms around. "P-please", the woman sobbed. I couldn't watch this any longer. I jumped off the roof, standing beside the woman. I glared up at the ninja with the baby. "Give back the child or I will have to use force", you say. A few ninja scoff and some others laugh. "And why would we do that, we are all Jonin rank ninja and you are just one woman". I tensed, I hated when people did that. They thought that just because I was a female I was weaker, just because I was female I could never defeat a male. I've been underestimated for the last time, I'll show them.

A smirk made its way onto my face. "Well its your death then". I focused chakra to my hands, I was going to give them a show they would never forget. I looked at my hands and saw two swords, ice replicas of the executioners blade. I watched as the ninja's expression changed from smug to terrified. I'm sure I heard one scream. I stabbed one of my swords into the earth. "I may only need one for this". I charged at the man, disappearing and reappearing behind him in an instant. I sliced him in half with my sword and grabbed the baby before it hit the ground. I teleported to the woman and picked her up and put them to the side. "I'm going to put a shield around you, they won't be able to hurt you". She nods and takes the baby from my arms. I do a few hand sighs and create an ice barrier, from the outside any skin that touches it will will freeze.

The cocky ninja before charged at me and tried to slice me with his kunai, I was easily able to dodge. I swung my sword, making a deep gash on his shoulder. He screamed out in pain and collapsed on the ground. "Y-your her aren't you", one stuttered. "And who might that be?", I ask. "The Ice Wielder! It's you, the most wanted ninja in the world!". I nod. "So are you gonna fight me or do you surrender?". The ninja knelt down and put their hands out in front of them, wrists together. I walked over and put ice chakra cuffs on them. "If you break out of these then it will release a liquid that will freeze your entire body, killing you slow and painfully". They nod and continue to kneel. I walk over to my ice barrier and release it, pushing aside the frozen body of a ninja who tried to get to the woman. The woman jumped up and hugged me, crying into my shoulder. "Are you hurt miss?", I ask. She shakes her head. "N-no I'm fine, I'm just so happy that you were able to save us". "Where's the father of your child?", I ask. "Oh he died just after I found out I was pregnant". I hug her and rub her back. "My name is (Y/n)". I hand her a piece of paper. "If you ever need help with anything just come to me, my address is on here". "Thank you (Y/n), My name is Haruka and this is my daughter Tsuki". I look down at the baby and smile, stroking her cheek slightly. "Well I'm sorry Haruka I've still go stuff to do, do you need help getting to the evacuation shelter?". She nods. I form two ice clones. "These two will take you, they are ice clones so they can't disappear unless I release them". I wave as my clones take her away.

I look over at the ninja I had caught. I killed 2 of them with my sword and one died because he touched the ice barrier. I looked at the others and sighed. "Why are you even here?", I ask. "We were sent to collect children that we could use to boost the population of our village". "What village are you living in?". "The village hidden in the night". "Where is that?". "In the land of caverns, the Yorukage needs more people in the village so that it will have a future, we have barely any children". I raised an eyebrow. "You know you can just make children, right?". A few of them blushed. "I can see why you're the most wanted ninja, you're absolutely gorgeous", one smirked. "Me being wanted has nothing to do with how I look".

It was silent for a moment before I spoke again. "How many more of you are there?", I ask. "About 30". I nod and tap my chin. "And why did you think it would be a good idea to attack when you only have 50 ninja, you realize we have more ninja right?". One of the ninja shrugged. "We're just following orders, it not like we can decline". Suddenly someone teleported beside me. I turned and saw that it was Kakashi. He stared wide eyed at the captured ninja. "Did you capture them all?", he asks. I shake my head. "Nah I killed like three and then the others just surrendered". "Why did you surrender?", Kakashi asks the ninja. "She's the Ice Wielder and I'm not gonna try to mess with her". Kakashi looked at me, his eyebrows raised. "You're the Ice Wielder?". I nod. Suddenly several other Konaha ninja appear, each one raises an eyebrow at the scene. Kakashi looks at the new ninja. "Take these captured ninja as prisoners and tell the Hokage to hold a Jonin meeting". The ninja nod and begin follow orders. Kakashi turns to me and gives me a closed eye smile. "Meet us at the Hokage's mansion at 2pm". He then made a hand sign and disappeared. I guess we won, I hoped no children were taken. I teleported to the evacuation shelter and picked up Naruto. The two of us walked back to our apartments. I was curious as to what would happen at the 'Jonin meeting'.

Here is the next chapter. Hope it was alright. I'm so happy people are enjoying this story, we almost have 3.5 k reads woohoo! By the way I made up the place they were from, the village hidden in the night of the land of caverns. In my Gaara x reader story the reader is from there and I wanted to use it again, cause ya know, I made it up. Anyway vote and follow me for more, Thank ya XD

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