32. I don't trust that man

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You finished up breakfast and sent the boys out with a bit of money, you hoped they would continue to get along. You let out a long sigh and lay back on your couch, resting your eyes. "Hey (Y/n)!", Akira calls. "Yeah, what is it?!". "Daichi and I are going out, we'll be back later". "Ok then, I'll see you two later". You hear their footsteps as they leave and then the door closing. You admit that you were exhausted, not physically, it was just because so many things were happening at once. You had been in court, interrogated, locked up for over a week in the Hokage's mansion, you adopted Naruto and Sasuke and now your best friends and adopted son had come to see you. You let out a long sigh it was nice to finally have some quiet. Not for long though.

There was a very loud knock at you door. You open your eyes and glare at the ceiling, you just wanted to use your day off to rest but I guess not. You jump off the couch and walk over to the door. You unlock it and then swing it open. On the other side is a very distressed Haruka. "Are you Ok, Haruka?", you ask with raised eyebrows. She quickly shakes her head. "I'm so sorry but I need to ask you for a favor". You nod. "Ok, what do you need?". She holds Tsuki out to you and you take her into your arms. "Can you please watch her for the day? Something really important came up and I can't bring her to work. I tried to get my normal baby sitter over but they were already busy, I'm so sorry to do this to you on your day off". You laugh and shake your head. "No its fine, I'll watch her for the day and bring her back to your house later on. Don't worry about her". Haruka's worried frown turns into a smile and she gives you a hug, sandwiching Tsuki between the two of you. The baby giggles and grabs a lock of her mother's hair, yanking it. "Ow, well I've got to go, I'll see you later". She waves and runs away, she must be in a rush. I look down at Tsuki and she giggles. "Well then little one, lets get changed and then we can go out". You offer her your finger and she wraps her tiny hand around it.

You placed Tsuki on your bed and quickly got dressed, she was too young to move around so you knew she wouldn't roll off. "Where should we go today Tsuki?", you ask. She giggles and makes a bunch of gargling noises. You smile and pick her up, holding her close to your chest. "Its been so long since I've held a baby and I promise you that I will protect you little one". You boop her nose and she lets out an adorable giggle. "Lets go".


You noticed that you seemed to gather a lot of attention. People seemed to stare at you, probably wondering if the baby is yours. "She didn't look pregnant, are you sure it's hers?", someone whispers. "I'm not too sure, she must just be watching it for someone". You smile down at Tsuki. "At least they don't think I've stolen you", you giggle. Tsuki gives you a big gummy smile. You were so absorbed in Tsuki that you weren't looking where you were going. You suddenly walk into someone, they would've knocked you on your butt, luckily they caught you. You look up and are met with familiar brown orbs. "Oh (Y/n) are you OK?", Iruka asks. You nod. "Oh yeah, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going". An adorable giggle causes the two of you to look down at the baby in your arms. Heat rises to Iruka's cheeks. "Oh I didn't know that you were-". You giggle and shake your head, you already know where he is going with this. "She's not mine, I'm watching her for a friend". He nervously rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah of course, I don't know why I didn't think of that. Were you doing anything right now?", he asks. You shake your head. "Well I was going to meet up with an old friend, would you like to come?". You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks. Why were you like this around him? "Yeah that would be nice, I'll tag along but just tell me if I'm being a burden and I will leave". His eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head. "No don't worry you won't be, I'm meeting them for a minute to talk about something and then we can go get something to eat... well that is if you want to". You give him a sweet smile. "Yes, I would like that very much". He nods and walks beside you, leading you through the village.

It took about ten minutes to reach your destination. It was on the west side of the village, a nice apartment. Iruka knocked on the door and took a step back. You could hear footsteps approaching the door. A second later the door is opened and a black haired woman is revealed. "Oh hello Iruka". Her eyes wander to you and the baby in your arms. "Oh and this must be your wife and child". Your face turned bright red and so did his. "N-no she's just a friend and the baby is a friend of hers". The woman chuckles and sends us a sweet smile. "No I'm just kidding, we would know if you got married, I'll go and get him for you". "Thank you Tsubaki", Iruka says. You can now hear footsteps coming down the stairs, whoever 'he' is is coming. A man a little bit taller then Iruka appears. He has shoulder length white/light blue hair and green eyes. He looks like a normal shinobi but something about him seems wrong. "Hey Iruka and who must you be?", he asks you putting on a fake smile. "Oh I'm (Y/n)". You fake a smile too, but no one can tell yours is fake. "Ah yes I've heard about you from Iruka, I'm a childhood friend of Iruka's, you can call me Mizuki". He seems fine but I can feel something is off, I don't trust this man.

Now we're actually going to follow the Naruto story a little bit, not fully though. I hate it when people just write the anime, what's the point in writing it when I could just re-watch it. Sorry for the small rant. We are currently at 15.2k reads at the moment so thank you all so much. I thought it was much lower and absolutely shat myself when I saw the reads (not literally XP). Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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