73. Monster

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All that you could remember was the rush of medical-nin and the call of your name. But even though you were standing right there it sounded distant as if they were far away. You watched as Lee was taken from your arms and into another room. The door closed behind them, leaving you alone in the now silent hallway. The change in the atmosphere made you feel dizzy so you took a seat, resting your head in your hands. It was hard to sit up straight and you felt unbelievably tired. You kept nodding off and then reawakening a second later. You weren't sure why but your heart rate speed up immensely and your body started to shake. You couldn't think straight and you could barely even sit up properly. Before you knew it everything went black.

People you loved and cared about surrounded you as you knelt before them. Naruto, Sasuke, Kuro, Iruka, Lord Third and so many others. They stared directly at you, their faces remaining emotionless. It was when emotion came to their faces that surprised and scared you. Most looked disappointed and ashamed while Naruto and a majority of the Genin were crying.

"What happened?", you ask, getting up and rushing over to them. But even though you were right in front of them, they couldn't see you. You turned around and saw yourself kneeling before them all.

"Please forgive me", the copy of yourself begged. The children turned their faces away from her while the adults glared down at her as if she were scum.

"Why would we forgive a traitor?", Iruka sighs, not daring to look at her. In synchronization the group turned their backs on her, leaving her alone in the neverending nothingness which surrounded her. You choked out a sob, holding your hand over your mouth to keep them quiet.

"Please, I promise that I'm not a traitor. What did I do?", you begged, wiping the tears from your eyes. Kuro turned around and sighed as he finally paid attention to your current self.

"You lived up to your name, Ice wielder".

You shot up, breathing heavily while your arms held your torso up. A few others were in the room as well, most of them were asleep. Naruto and Kuro lay asleep either side of you on the bed while Sasuke sat on the window sill, staring out it at the night sky. He was the only one awake and it seemed that he had only now noticed that you were no longer sleeping.

"You were moving around quite a lot. Were you having a nightmare?", he asks, not bothering to even look at you. You clear your throat before speaking.

"Yeah", you mumble quietly. He turns to look at you, his eyes looking different. Rather than the familiar dark hues, you saw an abnormal red and black pattern. It was only there for a moment before it disappeared, the Sharingan.

"What was it about?", he asked. Your breath got caught in your throat as you thought about your dream, or should I say nightmare. After taking a few deep breaths, you were able to calm yourself. You wanted to get everything off your chest, especially to someone like Sasuke. He wasn't a very open person and the only way you would be able to get his full trust was to blindly give yours to him.

"About who I used to be...", you trailed off, looking sadly down at your lap. His eyes remained on you which you took as a sign to continue.

"My childhood was unlike any other, sure people had it better and people had it worse but I still loved it. My mother and father hated me with a passion but that didn't stop me from loving them. That's the reason I pushed myself so hard to train at a young age, I hoped that they would eventually accept me as their daughter. I was ignorant to think that, they took advantage of me and turned me into a weapon. Because of this, I've hurt a lot of people and even now I can't help but think that it will happen again. When I saw Lee get hurt it all came back to me, I remembered my curse and how those who surrounded me always died". You dared to look up after speaking, it was only when something struck your forehead that you did. You rubbed the lump and glared up at the boy.

The Ice Wielder (Iruka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now