33. A new trainer

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We enter Mizuki's house, it nicely decorated, if I were naive I wouldn't notice the uneasy aura. "So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?", Mizuki asks. Iruka's face seemed to heat up, pink tints his cheeks. He turns to me and rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Is it Ok if I talk to Mizuki alone?", he asks. You nod. "Of course". The woman Tsubaki gestures me into the kitchen, I follow her in. "Would you like a cup of tea?", she asks politely. You shake your head. "Uh no thank you". There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. "Are you and Iruka... you know?". I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. "No we uh aren't together". "But do you think the two of you ever will be". You look down at the giggling Tsuki in your arms. "I'm not sure, I've been through so much and right now I have so much going on. I'm not even sure if he sees me in that way". Tsubaki chuckles. "Iruka always comes to Mizuki talking about you, blushing and stuttering like a girl coming in contact with her love, its quite adorable". You nod and smile at the Kunoichi before you. Suddenly Iruka and Mizuki walk into the kitchen. "Are you ready to go now?", Iruka asks. You nod and turn to both Mizuki and Tsubaki, bowing. "Thank you for your hospitality". They nod back at you and watch your backs as you leave the house.

In the house

"She seemed nice", Tsubaki says quietly. Mizuki sends a glare to his fiance. "Well she isn't, that woman is the Ice wielder and the one who adopted the Uchiha and nine tails". Her eyes widen. "But Iruka speaks so highly of her". "It doesn't matter what that idiot says but we need her out of the way". Tsubaki nods, agreeing with her fiance, but its not like she knows any better.
(A/n: If you didn't know who Tsubaki is then let me tell you. Tsubaki is Mizuki's fiance and a kunoichi of Konaha. She was brainwashed by Mizuki into thinking terrible things about Naruto and the nine tails, there was an episode about it but it was a filler so IDK if everyone has seen it).

With you

You walked down the busy Konaha streets with Iruka by your side and Tsuki in your arms. You began to realize that you were gathering a lot of attention, the three of you looked like a family. People whisper and gossip, I decide to just ignore them. Sudden someone stops us. "Hello there my youthful friends Iruka and (Y/n)". It was Gai. I let out a long sigh, I already know what he's going to say. He looks down at the baby in my arms and then up at Iruka and I. "Iruka my rival of love, you have beaten me to it. You have won (Y/n)'s heart and fathered her child!", he announces. Your face turns bright red. "Gai this isn't my baby, I'm watching her for a friend today". His mouth forms an 'o' and his team runs over. "Hello there (Y/n)-sensei and Iruka-sensei!", Lee announces. You smile down at the energetic boy. "Hey Lee". You look over and see Neji and Tenten behind them, they seem out of breath. "Training hard?", you ask. They nod slowly. "Yes we have! We are training and we will get stronger in order to protect the village!", Lee announces. "Well I keep training and you'll be the strongest". His face lights up and he hugs me, beginning to cry. "Thank you (Y/n)-sensei". You place your hand on his head and ruffle his hair. His cheeks heat up and he hugs you tighter. "Alright Lee, its time to let go of the lady now", Gai says. Lee nods and lets go of you, now noticing the baby in your arms. "Wow, she's so cute". His eyes sparkle as he looks down at Tsuki, holding out his finger to her. She grabs hold of it and giggles. You nod and look up at the others, they're all just staring at Tsuki. "I think its time for us to go now", Iruka says. You nod. "It was nice seeing you guys again, I'd like to train with you some day". "Really?", Lee and Gai ask hopefully. You nod and wave to their entire team before walking away with Iruka.


Half an hour later you and Iruka stopped at a cafe. You were currently sitting across from him, a cup of tea in front of each of you. "Hey (Y/n)", he says, breaking the silence. You look up, meeting his gaze. "Yes?". "There was a reason I wanted to sit down with you", he says. You nod and hold eye contact. "What was it?". "Well... its about the Genin test... I don't think Naruto will pass". You nod and look down into your cup. "It must be so hard for him...", you trail off. "What do you mean by that?", Iruka asks. "Well when I was younger everything in our academy I found easy, I became Genin at 8, Chunin at 10 and Jonin at 14". His eyes widen. "Amazing". You rest your hand in the palm of your hand. "Not really, all I did was become born with my clan's kekkei genkai and train, I trained for almost 5 hours everyday. I never had any family to hang out with, I wasn't involved with anything clan related and I only had two friends who would spend their day at the academy. There was nothing else for me to do, I had no one and so I had time".  "Oh I'm sorry about that". You sigh and smile at Iruka. "I'm sorry for making it all gloomy, what I meant was that I have no idea what Naruto is going through, all I guess I can do is train him a little". Iruka's face lights up. "That would great, he needs that". You smile and look down at Tsuki who is trying to get your attention. Suddenly your name is called. "(Y/n)!". You turn your head and see Naruto and Kuro running towards you, Sasuke walks behind them acting like his usual emo self. They stop beside our table. "Did you boys have fun today?", you ask. Naruto and Kuro nod enthusiastically. You smile and turn to Iruka. "You haven't met him before but this is my adopted son from my old village, Kuro". Kuro smiles at Iruka and waves. "Its nice to meet you, Naruto has already told me so much about you". Iruka rubs the back of his neck. "Oh really, good things I hope". Sasuke has finally catches up and looks at us blankly. "Also I have good news for you Naruto", you say happily. "Wow, what is it?", he asks. "I have decided that I will help you train if you would like me to, on the weekend we can spend the entire time training". His eyes widen and he hugs me, almost squashing baby Tsuki. "Yes!", he exclaims. "H-hey you have to train me too", Sasuke states. You smile and nod. "Sure, I'll help you in anyway you want me to". "What about me?", Kuro asks hopefully. "Yeah I'll help all of you".


The sun was starting to set so we decided to start heading home. You and the boys make your  way back the apartment. When you got there you could smell something really good. You unlocked the front door and found Akira and Daichi making dinner. "Oh hey guys... where did you get that baby from?", Daichi asks. "Oh I'm watching her for a friend". They nod and smirk at each other. "Or its secretly your baby, who've you been privately visiting?", Akira coos. You glare at him and scoff. "I'm not having any private visits from anyone you asses". "Yeah whatever", Daichi smirks, jokingly rolling his eyes. You giggle and but freeze in place, there's someone outside the window. You rush to the window and open it, they're gone. You grit your teeth and return to the others. "What's wrong?", Naruto asks. You look back out the window and sigh. "Its nothing". But you knew it wasn't nothing, there was definitely someone there.

Sorry if you've been waiting for this update, I have too many on going stories. So happy that we have 17k reads on here now, thank you all for that. I get so much support for this story and I am very grateful. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

The Ice Wielder (Iruka x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin