28. Guess who?

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"(Y/n) wake up!". My eyes flutter open and I see an excited Naruto sitting beside me. "Good morning", I yawn. "You have to get up, Sasuke and I will starve", he complains. You sigh and get up. Sasuke sat on the couch, reading a scroll. "Good morning", you say. He hums and response. You roll you eyes and head to the kitchen. Naruto follows and watches your every move. "Can we have ramen for breakfast?", Naruto asks. You laugh and shake your head. "You will have a proper breakfast and then we'll all walk down to the academy. He nods and begins helping you.

It had been a week since you had asked the boys if they wished to be adopted by you and they both had agreed. After the touching moment you all walked down to the Hokage's mansion and signed all the necessary documents. Now you were the legal guardian of the two boys... their mother. You finished your cooking and served the food to the boys. They were always competing with each other and you found it so amusing. As a child you always wanted a sibling, you wanted someone to love and care for. A brother or sister, to you it didn't matter. But as you grew older you knew that your parents would treat them different. Either they would love them or hate them. To them a perfect child was a boy, not having the kekkei genkai of my clan. I let out a sigh and the two boys turn to me. "Are you Ok, (Y/n)?", Naruto asks. I nod and begin eating. "Yeah sorry, I was just lost in thought". He nods and continues to eat but I notice Sasuke is still looking at me. He knows a lot more then you would expect. I send him a reassuring smile and he continues to eat, looking back at me every so often.I take a deep breath and finish my breakfast, heading to the balcony of my room for some fresh air. This new house was truly amazing. Two bathrooms, four bedrooms, a kitchen and living room. And Haruka and her daughter lived just down the street, I had them over for dinner a couple days ago. Naruto was so good with little Tsuki and Sasuke was too. It made me happy seeing two boys that were treated as outcasts actually smile and enjoy themselves. I was happy to give them a chance.


I take a deep breath and walk into my classroom. All of my student give me warm welcomes as I walk up to the front. "Good morning everyone, I hope you're all ready for today". They all nod and smile at me. Such fine children they are, they will all become excellent ninja.

In Iruka's class

Naruto and Sasuke sit in their regular seats and watch as Iruka walks in. "Good morning everyone", he greets. The students all reply in sync. He begins doing roll call and the students reply when their names are called. The class seemed quieter then usual. He looked over at Naruto and saw him patiently waiting, a large smile spread across his face. "Are you Ok, Naruto?", he asks. Naruto nods and gives him a big smile. "I'm fine Iruka-sensei, I'm just really happy". "About what?", Iruka asks out of curiosity. "Didn't you hear? (Y/n)-sensei adopted me and Sasuke!", he announces. Sasuke sights and rests his cheek in his palm. Everyone gasps. "Woah, does that make her your mum now?", Kiba asks. Naruto nods. "Yeah but we still call her (Y/n)". The classroom seems to go crazy. Boys and girls rush to Naruto, asking him questions about how it all happened and such but they didn't get an answer. A very annoyed Iruka shouts at the class and they all quieten down. Iruka sighed and began his lesson, but thoughts of the young woman, (Y/n), seemed to drift into his mind.

Time skip

Your POV

Naruto, Sasuke and I decided to go for dinner and guess where. That's right, ramen of course. I watched as Naruto and Sasuke threw back several bowls and stacked them up. I sweat drop but can't help but laugh. It was a lucky thing that the Hokage was now giving me more money to pay for us but I thought it was a little overkill, I had too much money now. I rested my cheek in the palm of my hand as I slowly eat my own ramen. The boys are on their eighth bowl already... I wonder how much this is all going to cost. A ninja appears behind us, its the same one from before. "(Y/n), the Hokage wishes to see you. It is urgent". He disappears, leaving Naruto, Sasuke and I confused. I stand up and place money on the counter. "This should pay for everything and a few extra bowls for the boys". The old man behind the counter nods and takes the money and then leaves to make more ramen. I turn to the boys and send them a closed eye smile. "Go back to the house when you're done, I'll be back when I'm finished". They nod and as I'm walking away I feel someone suddenly hug me. I look down and see Naruto, his eyes closed and a smile on his face. I lean down and place a kiss on his forehead and hug him back. "I'll be back soon, go and join Sasuke ok?". Naruto hesitates but when he pulls away he nods. "Bye (Y/n)", he waves. I wave back and see Sasuke watching us, still sitting at his seat in Ichiraku's. I wave and smile at him and he gives a small smile back. He isn't ready yet but I know that each day he'll be closer.

I teleport in front of the Hokage's office door and knock. The door swings open and I walk in. I see the old man sitting in his chair at his desk and there are two people facing him. The Hokage looks at me and then at them. They turn around and I gasp, I couldn't believe who it was...

Cliff hanger kind off. Its obvious as to who they are and if you don't get it... have you even been reading the story? Nah idk if its obvious or not, to it is though. Right now the weather won't make up its mind, one minute its sunny and then its pissing down with rain the next. Also just wanna slip this in, I think the relationship between Naruto and the reader is adorable. Awww so adorable. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

1 vote = 1o adorable Naruto hugs

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