41.My fault

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I awoke early with a sick feeling in my stomach. I slowly push myself out of bed and stumble towards the bathroom. I fall to my knees before the toilet and empty my stomach. Suddenly the light in the hall way flicks on. I grab a towel and wipe my mouth, then turn around to see Sasuke standing there. Some thing seems different about him, his eyes are full of concern. "(Y/n) are you Ok?", he calls. You slowly shake your head, shivering slightly. He walks over and helps you up, leaning you back to your room.

I lay back on my bed and take several deep breaths but I can't seem to calm down. Sasuke leaves the room and returns a minute later with a damn cloth. He pushes my hair aside and places hit on my forehead. "Are you alright?", he asks. You bite your lip harshly, accidentally drawing blood. "I feel like something bad is going to happen and I'm stressing out too much about it", you mumble, barely loud enough for him to hear you. He sits beside you on your bed and lets out a long sigh. "Its about the mission tomorrow, right?', he asks. You weakly nod your head. "Y-Yeah". He sighs and pulls his legs onto the bed, folding them. "How can you worry so much about someone when you haven't even known them for long?", he whispers. I take a few more deep breaths, still trying and failing to calm myself down. "Because If I don't care, who else will? If everyone thinks the way you just said then everyone alone would stay alone. Caring for someone shows that you truly trust and believe in them, if I didn't care for you boys I would've never let you get close to me and I never would've adopted you". He stares blankly at me. "In the fridge are two paper bags, each one has a bento in it, one for you and one for Naruto. I also packed you a couple of tomatoes...", you trail off feeling sleep trying to take over. As your eyes close slightly you notice the look in Sasuke's eyes, he looks like he's about to cry. "B-be safe Sasuke", you mumble before falling asleep.


Your eyes slowly fluttered open. You looked around the room to see that Sasuke was laying beside you, fast asleep. You remember your small chat with him last night and thankfully your sickness had disappeared, you felt like your usual self again. You sat up and looked at the clock on your bedroom wall. You let out a quiet sigh as you sat up, getting out of bed. You walked in to the kitchen and began preparing breakfast for the boys.

Once you had finished with it you walked into your room and gently shook Sasuke's sleeping form. He stirred slightly before waking up. "Ugh what time is it?", he groans. "Its time to wake up, breakfast is on the table so go and get some once you're ready". I leave the room and head to Naruto's room which I can hear the snoring coming from even though the door is closed. I swing the door open and see that he's laying on his back like a starfish, one of his legs hanging off the bed. I poke his cheek a couple of times before his eyes open. "Aw why did you wake me up (Y/n)", he murmurs, pulling the blanket over his head and rolling over. You sigh and poke his back a couple of times. "You have a mission today and if you don't get up now you won't have time for breakfast". He pulls the blanket off of himself and stretches, letting out a loud yawn. "I'm so tired", he whispers. You giggle and place you hand on his head, ruffling his already messy hair. "Breakfast is already on the table, go and eat before you leave". He nods and sends you a sleepy smile before heading into the dining room.


Now was the moment you had dreaded from the beginning, right now you were walking Sasuke and Naruto to the village gates where they would meet their team. I could see the gate coming closer and closer with every step, I didn't feel sick any more but I still felt uneasy. I licked my dry lips, the sour taste of blood left a tingling sensation on my tongue. I had cut my lip by biting it too hard last night while getting stressed out.

Now I can see Sakura standing beside the front gates. She waves to us and runs over. "What are you doing here (Y/n)-sensei?", Sakura asks. You sent her a sweet smile and placed a hand on each of the boys heads. "I decided to take a walk with these two so I'd be able to see you all off, sorry if we're late but I knew Kakashi wouldn't show up until later". "What were you saying, (Y/n)?". I turned around to see the masked ninja standing before me with a closed eyed smile. You quietly chuckled and shook your head. "Oh its nothing". Then I noticed the man standing beside him... it was Tazuna. "Good morning Tazuna", you greet. He glares at you, mumbling something about a 'damn woman'. You sigh and turn to Naruto and Sasuke. "Well I guess you guys are heading off now, stay safe ok". They both nod. Suddenly Naruto runs at me and gives me a tight hug. "Good bye m-mom", he whispers. My body tenses but relaxes seconds later. "Good bye Naruto". I wave to the group of five as they walk away, watching their retreating figures until they were out of sight. I tried to smile but I felt a sudden stabbing pain in my heart. I walked away from the gates fighting back the tears. I tried to remain calm but it just hurt too much... so I let it go. And here I am crying. I can feel the pain already, something terrible will happen and I won't be able to stop it or help in any way. So if I'm the one walking away... does this mean its my fault?

You know what's up and if you don't, where have you been? Nah Idk, hope you enjoyed the chapter. I just started watching the anime 'its your fault im not popular' and I love it. Damn Toroko is my mood daily. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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