68. Back!

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You held no regrets, the only thing you wished for right now was for Akira and Daichi to shut up.

"Alright alright, I get it. No need to remind me". They both smirked as they wrapped their arms around your shoulders.

"It's hard to forget and the first time we get to do it", Akira chuckles. Daichi nods in agreement.

"Yeah, we wish we were there when you were with Zabuza. We would've teased you even more".  Akira sighed as your face fell a little, chopping the back of his partner's head.

"Shut up you idiot". You smiled lightly at them.

"Don't feel like you can't talk to me about Zabuza, the past is in the past and I have moved on. Don't treat me like a child, okay?". They both nod, placing a kiss on each of your cheeks.

"Well, we better be off. We've got a mission tonight and we won't be back for a few weeks, let us know how Naruto and Sasuke did when we get back", Akira says, ruffling your hair. You gave them each a hug before saying your goodbyes.

Kuro lay back on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

"When do you think they'll be back?", he asks, not even bothering to look at you. You shrug your shoulders.

"I expected them to be back yesterday but they weren't, perhaps something is holding them up. The second part of the exam is only supposed to take between one and four days, it has only been three". He lets out a quiet groan as he sits up, his eyes widening as he looks to the window. He gets up and runs over, sliding it open. Sitting on the window sill was a bird, a small scroll tied to its thin leg. Kuro offered his hand to the bird, allowing it to jump on. He then carried it over to you, holding it up.

"You've got a message", he says, his usual smile returning to his face. You could tell that he couldn't wait for his brothers to be back, he was very fond of them. Not only were they strong but determined too, they held their heads high and that was what Kuro loved the most about them. He wanted to be just like them and couldn't wait until he became Genin so he could go on missions just like they did.

You allowed the bird to sit on your forearm while you unclipped the scroll, moving the bird up to your shoulder to unravel it. It wasn't long, only a small note sent by Iruka.

"Naruto and Sasuke just finished the second part of the exam and will be heading home after they have been healed of their injuries". Kuro's eyes widened.

"Do you think they're gonna be really hurt?", he gasps. You shake your head, placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Of course not, they'll be fine okay. Have faith in them". He nods, his face lighting up suddenly.

"Can we make them something celebrate?", he asks. Your face lights up as you make your way over to the kitchen.

"I'll make ramen for dinner and buy a few extra tomatoes for Sasuke, how does that sound?". Kuro enthusiastically nods his head.

"And I wanna help!", he announces. You chuckle, smiling down at the boy before opening the cupboard to retrieve all of the necessary ingredients.


An hour later, a knock at the door echoes through the house. You ran, quickly swinging it open. Before you stood a dirty Naruto and Sasuke, bandages covering their arms and legs.

"Congratulations, you two", you cheered, leaning down to hug them. Naruto hugged you back while Sasuke hesitated, eventually doing so. Next to greet them was Kuro, who first hugged Naruto and then finally Sasuke.

"I made ramen for dinner and bought some tomatoes for you guys". Their faces seemed to light up which filled your chest with warmth. You loved this, being able to provide for your family and make them happy.

"You'll both be needing the energy when you start training for the third part of the exam". They follow into the dining room, taking a seat at the table to eat. You were proud of them, very proud. This is what you loved and what you would've missed out on if they weren't here. Heiwa and Zen would've gone through similar things and you felt as if these two boys were almost the same as how you had imagined your two boys to be. You smiled happily into your bowl as you ate, they were going to grow up to be fine shinobi.

Sorry, not much happens in this chapter but the prelims and the third part of the Chunin exams are coming up. Also, I want to apologize for not updating this story in a while, it was the school holidays here and I was out of town with no wifi. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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