40. Assistance

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The days went by so quickly, everyday Naruto and Sasuke were out on missions with team 7. Every morning the two boys would leave and then Kakashi would show up and spend some time hanging around just to make the kids wait a while. You let out a long sigh as you finish teaching your class for the day. "Alright everyone I want you to practice what I've taught you today, it'll be very handy if you can master it now". "Aw but (Y/n)-sensei its so hard", one girl whines. Suddenly Konahamaru jumps on top of his desk, this was a reoccurring event. "Hah this will be a piece of cake, just watch me master it in one day!", he exclaims. I sweat drop and let out a quiet chuckle. "Whatever you say Konahamaru, If you've mastered it by tomorrow I will be very proud of you". The rest of your student's eyes lit up. "I wanna make (Y/n)-sensei proud of me!", someone calls out. There was suddenly a lot of chatter. "Aright, calm down everyone". They call quietened down and then the bell went. "Have a lovely day and practice what I taught you but don't overexert yourselves". They all nod and send you smiles on the way out.

I begin organizing the papers on my desk just as there is a knock on the classroom door. "Come in", I call. The door slides open and Kuro pokes his head in. "Oh hey, are you nearly done?", he asks. You nod and straight the last pile of papers before brushing the non-existent dusk off yourself. "Yeah, lets go".

This morning you had promised Kuro if he did well in class you would treat him to ice cream and his sensei informed you at lunch that he was doing amazing, surpassing the rest of the students by a lot. You reached the shop and looked over the variety of flavors. You picked (flavor) and Kuro chose orange choc chip.

As you were walking to find a place to sit down you watched as an old man stumbled out of a bar, an open bottle of alcohol in his right hand. He stumbled down the street, accidentally knocking shoulders with you. "H-hey you got a problem?!", he slurs. You shook your head. "Are you alright, sir?", you ask. He adjusted his glasses and scratched his face. "I'm fine, w-what do you want?". You sigh and turn to Kuro. "Head home, I'll help this guy home and then I'll be back". He nods and walks off, happily eating his ice cream.

"Do you need any help, sir?", you ask the man. He clumsily shakes his head. "I don't need your help, lady!", he yells. "Where are you staying? Do you remember that?". He scoffs and crosses his arms. "What?! Do you take me for an idiot or something? Of course I know where I'm staying". "Would you mind telling me?". He hesitates and scratches his head. "Um its an inn on the west side of the village, I uh forgot what it was called though". By the time he had finally recalled the name of his inn you had finished your ice cream. "Ok lets go", you say, leading the older male down the bustling streets of Konaha. "Hey I said I don't want your help". "Too bad, cause you're getting it".

When you had finally made it to the west side of the village the man hobbled to the side of the road and threw up in an alleyway. "You shouldn't drink so much, sir", you warn. He scoffs and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "Stop calling me sir, I have a name, idiot", he mutters. "Ok then, what should I call you?". "Tazuna". "Ok Tazuna, what way is your inn?". He looked around and then pointed to the right. "That way". You nod and pull him along behind you. Unfortunately the poor guy had no clue where he was going and was just leading you around in circles. In the end you managed to find the inn and get the man back to his room unharmed.

You left the inn and let out a long sigh, that took out a lot of your energy. You looked up and noticed that the sun was starting to set. You hurried to the store and bought some food before heading home.


"I'm home!", you call. Suddenly Naruto runs into the room with a huge smile on his face. "Guess what!", he exclaims. You tilt your head to the side and chuckle. "What is it?". "Tomorrow we get to go on a C rank mission out of the village!", he cheers. You smile brightly at him and give him a tight hug. "I'm very proud of you both", you say to Naruto and also Sasuke who was looking around the corner. You continued to smile all night to hide the uncertainty in your heart. Something was going to happen... and you didn't know whether to feel happy or sad about it. But its hard to judge... when you have no clue what it is.

I just wanna cry now thinking about what's coming up. I'm sorry to people who want it but you will not be going on the mission out of the village. I am truly sorry if you wished for that to happen but remember that this is an Iruka x reader not a Zabuza x reader. I'd write one if people would like, I don't think I've ever seen one on here. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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