74. Loss of sanity

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Your eyes slowly fluttered open when you heard the sound of the hospital room door open. You expected to see Naruto, Sasuke and Kuro when you woke up but they weren't there. On the table next to you was a note.

We went to Haruka's house for breakfast, we'll be back once you wake up

-Sasuke, Naruto and Kuro

Returning your eyes to the door, you watched as Iruka entered, struggling with a tray of food. When he saw that you were awake he smiled brightly, hurrying to your side. He placed the tray on the table before leaning forward to meet your lips. You were surprised by the sudden kiss but weren't mad about it either.

"What brings you here this morning?" you ask, watching as he takes a seat on the bed beside you. He blushed lightly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Kakashi told me that you carried Lee to the hospital when he got injured and that you passed out soon after. On the way here I met up with Sasuke and he told me that you were spouting a bunch of nonsense last night so I rushed over here," he explained. You avoided his gaze, biting your lip.

"Did he say what I said?" you ask, hoping for him to say no. He slowly nods his head, a serious glint in his eyes.

"You're taking care of four people now, (Y/n), you can't be worrying about things that will never happen." You raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by four people?" you ask. His blush grows even brighter.

"I added myself in there too, if that's alright with you," he chuckles awkwardly. You smile and lean in, catching him off guard with a kiss. You nod your head once you pull away, making sure that he can see your approval.

"I'm absolutely fine with it, but you'll probably have to take care of me too." You both laugh at the situation before Iruka remembers the breakfast he had brought you. He picked up the tray and placed it on your lap. You couldn't help but stare at how good it looked.

"Did you make this?" you asked. His face turned bright red as he shook his head.

"No, but I wish I did. I'm not very good at cooking, to be honest," he admits. You couldn't help but find adorable. You pecked his cheek before beginning to eat.

"Don't worry, if you're willing to learn then I'll teach you," you teased, smiling widely while you chewed your food. He chuckled in an amused tone, his hand finding your free one and holding it.

"I'd actually like that, I never had anyone to learn from nor did I have the time to teach myself," he rambles, his cheeks turning a little red. You giggled at the sight of his embarrassed expression.

"You're too adorable, you know that." His face turned even redder.

"W-what?" he questioned, sounding a little shaken up. You giggled a bit more, kissing his cheek once again.

"You heard me," you challenge, smirking. He calms down, letting out a tiny sigh with the faintest hint of red left on his cheeks. You felt a tad guilty for teasing him at a time like this, you knew the reason why he had come to see you. Of course, he was missing you and such but your last encounter had been a much... different type. He refused to make eye contact, instead, he just stared at the hand that held yours, his other hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"About that night... I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of that to happen, I mean I don't even really remember it," he admits, obvious guilt on his face. You weren't too sure what to say in response to that he had just said so you did something else instead. You leaned forward and met his lips in a passionate kiss, pulling down your cutlery so that you could rest your hand on the side of his face. He kissed back, obviously enjoying the affection. When the two of you pulled away Iruka opened his eyes, a dreamy look on his face. You reached down and squeezed his hand reassuringly, smiling at him.

The Ice Wielder (Iruka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now