54. Underestimated

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"I can't believe those guys", Naruto says in an annoyed tone. "What was it that they were even doing?", you question. "They were picking a fight with Konohamaru". You glace down at Konohamaru who looks just as annoyed as Naruto. "(Y/n)-sensei you didn't have to take us away, we could've taken them", Sakura adds, probably just to impress Sasuke. You let out a sigh and send them all sideways glances. "Even though I believe you are strong you aren't ready for something like that". "Hey, why not?", Naruto argues. "For one, you know nothing about sand shinobi and their attacks, tell me what you know about them just from meeting them once?", you say, meeting Naruto's gaze. "I dunno, the red-haired guy can do the chakra tree thing Kakashi-sensei taught us and the make-up guy was carrying a hairy jelly bean on his back". You let out another sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.

"The boy with the make-up is a puppeteer, he uses chakra strings to control puppets which fight for him. Not knowing that could kill you, puppets contain hidden weapons and sometimes even deadly poisons. The girl carried a fan which would've overpowered all of you. Sasuke probably has the strongest jutsu at the moment and wind and fire don't mix well unless you want to die. Finally, the red-haired boy had a very strong chakra, that is all I can tell you from first glance". "Woah (Y/n)-sensei is so cool!", Konohamaru cheers. You ruffle his hair and turn to the three Genin. "So do you understand now? Never underestimate your opponent, in the Chunin exams you may need to face them". They all nod, refusing to meet your gaze. "I'm not angry at you I'm just a little surprised that you took on an opponent you knew nothing about. Come on guys, you're smarter than this". Sakura blushed and looked to the ground, glancing over at the uninterested Uchiha a couple of times.


After just over five minutes of walking with the group, you stopped. "I'm heading to the academy to finish some extra work so you guys can do whatever". Naruto jumped up in front of you. "Can we have some money to buy ramen!?", he asks hopefully. You nod and reach into your kunai pouch, taking out some money. "Ok, there you go, have fun!", you call. They wave as they walk off, Konohamaru trailing behind them. But Kuro stayed by your side. "Why don't you go with them?", you suggest. He shakes his head. "I'm not hungry, can I just help you in the academy or something?". You smile and nod, leading the blonde-haired boy to your workplace.


Kuro entered the classroom after you and sweatdropped at the amount of work that was stacked up on your desk. "You have to do all of that?", he asks. You nod. "Don't worry It won't take that long, could you please deliver these to the front desk for me?", you ask, handing him a couple of files. He nods and leaves you alone in the classroom to tend to your neverending paperwork.

You were done with your third piece when you heard the classroom door slide open. You look up expecting to see Kuro, but instead stands the brunette who has been invading your thoughts these last few weeks. "Oh uh, (Y/n) I didn't know you were going to be here", Iruka says, surprised. You nod. "Yeah I was given a lot of paperwork so I decided to come in and get started on it". He nods, coming closer as he clears his throat. You stand up and place the finished paperwork on a pile on the other side of your desk. "Well since you're here I was wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner with me tonight?". You turn to him and smile. "That sounds great". "But this time as a...". He trails off, unable to finish his sentence. "As a what?", you press. "Well y'know, like a date maybe, only if you want to though", he panics. You giggle and take a step toward him, leaning forward to place a kiss on his cheek. "That sounds lovely, pick me up at 7, okay?". He nods. "Y-yeah sure, I'll see you at 7 then". He then hurries out of the room, waving to you.

You let out a happy sigh and slouch in your seat. A second later the door reopens and Kuro steps back in with a smirk. "I see you've got yourself a date", he chuckles, wiggling his eyebrows. Your face heats up and you look away like an unimpressed child. He changes the subject and picks up a piece of paper which you haven't done yet. "So how many of these have you done?". "About three". "And how many are left?". "I dunno, a good hundred". "Uh, we're gonna be here forever!".

Finally asked out on a date, you go Iruka! Now we can actually get into the main idea of the story which of course is you and Iruka getting together. Sorry, its the 54th chapter and there has been barely any Iruka, just a couple of scenes where you two are acting like awkward teenagers. I got so distracted with my lovely sons and Oc's that I did the forgetting. Anyway, vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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