45. Keeping my promises

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"We thank you for your time, Miss (Y/n)", Lord third says. I bow and leave the building, making my way to the academy. But for some reason, two names stuck in my mind. Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze. When you had first met Naruto you recognized his last name but could never figure out where you had heard it before. But now you seemed to remember, it happened on the day of your first mission.


8-year-old (Y/n) stood before her parents. "So you're already Genin", her mother said, her eyes drilling into the young girl's soul. (Y/n) nodded. "Yes mother, I have become Genin". She scoffs and turns to look at her husband. "Now that you've graduated from the academy you will have to start going on missions". (Y/n) felt excited, she was about to be given her first mission. Generally, Genin start off with easy tasks like chores and errands, D rank missions. But (Y/n) was surprised at the report she was handed. "But this is an S rank mission", she says, looking unsure. Her father scoffs. "So what? Are you too weak to carry out a simple mission like this?", he accuses. The (h/c) haired girl quickly shook her head. "N-no, I can do it". She took the report and left the office, staring down at the mission that would surely get her killed.

"An assassination?", Daichi asks, looking down at the report. (Y/n) slowly nods. "You can't do that! You'll be killed", Akira shouts, shaking (Y/n) by her shoulders. She just shrugged. "It's my mission and I will carry it out whether it kills me or not". "(Y/n) don't say stuff like that, you're strong and we know you can do this. Just promise us that you'll come back alive". She smiled lightly up at her friends who were crying. "Yeah, I promise". She then turned away from them and began walking away. She knew that no matter how much she hated her parents she still tried to impress them with her skills. And maybe if she completed this overkill mission they would accept her. That just proved how she wasn't ready and that she was still a child.


(Y/n) climbed up the outer wall of the fortress, making sure not to make a noise. She saw some guards and managed to subdue them without drawing any attention. She hid in the shadows as two guards walked past her, not even noticing her presence. She jumped on one of them from behind and slit his throat with an ice kunai and before the other one could notice she jumped on him, stabbing him in the back of the head. She dragged the bodies out of sight and continued on her way towards her target. Ten minutes of exploring later she found the quarters of her assassination target. She stepped into the room without the target realizing. It was a beautiful woman, some might even confuse her with an angel. (Y/n) created an ice kunai and raised it to strike the woman but froze when she heard the sound of a cry. The woman turned around but (Y/n) was gone. In the woman's arms was a baby. Tears welled in the (h/c) haired girls eyes as she knew what she had to do. The woman placed the baby in its crib and was suddenly knocked off of her feet and onto the ground. (Y/n) placed her hand over the woman's mouth and stabbed her in the neck, muttering out a quiet 'sorry'. The baby cried out for its mother only to get no response. (Y/n) got off of the mother and slowly made her way over to the crib. She looked down at the child and picked it up, holding it out in front of her. It grabbed hold of her shirt, refusing to let go. (Y/n) kept silently crying as she lowered her body temperature, slowly feezing the child. When she felt its heart stop she placed it back into its crib and left through the window.


(Y/n) ran and ran stopping only when her feet ached to the point where she collapsed. She sat up against a boulder and pulled her knees to her chest, crying her eyes out. Suddenly she heard talking, there was someone close by. From out of the bushes appears a man and a woman. The woman had bright red hair and the man's hair was yellow. The woman steps forward and kneels beside (Y/n), giving her a concerned look. "Are you Ok? Why are you crying?". (Y/n) stared blankly up at the woman, not daring to say a word. "Kushina, get away from her. She's from another village", the man calls. The woman named Kushina scoffed. "Don't be so hard on her Minato, she's only a child". "What's your name?", Kushina asks. "(Y-Y/n)", she stutters out. "Nice to meet you (Y/n), I'm Kushina and this is my Husband, Minato. Now, will you tell me why you were crying?". (Y/n) reached into her pocket and pulled out her mission report, handing it to the redhead. "I did something terrible", the young girl mutters. Kushina's eyes widen at the sight of the mission, showing it to her husband as well. "An S rank mission for a young girl like you? How old are you and what is your ninja status?", Minato asks. "I'm 8 and I just became Genin yesterday", she whispers. Kushina's eyes fill with tears and she suddenly hugs the young girl. "No matter what you must always fight hard for what you love and never give up. Don't let people like the ones who gave you this mission control you, you are strong and you will surpass them all. Promise me that you will stay strong?", Kushina asks, pulling away to meet (Y/n)'s gaze. "I promise".

Flashback end

"Hello? (Y/n)-sensei?!", Konohamaru calls. "Huh? What is it?", you ask. "Well, you zoned out for a while". "Oh, sorry. I'm justing thinking". "Thinking about what?", Moegi buts in. "Oh, nothing really". "Are you sure? I think you're lying". You shrug your shoulders. "You can believe whatever you want". Konohamaru pouts and turns away from you and Moegi. You sweatdrop at his childish behavior and let out a quiet laugh. Diving back into your thoughts the faces of the two Konoha ninja appeared. If you hadn't met them in the forest that day you would've gone crazy or maybe even rogue. And now you were happy to say that you kept your promise with the red-haired Uzumaki. I fight hard for what I love and would never think about giving up. I stayed strong and didn't let the people in my village rule me. I chuckle quietly to myself. Isn't ironic how one of the things I love and am fighting so hard for is the own son of the couple I met in the forest that day?

Haven't updated this one in a while. I am truly sorry about that btw. I wanted to have a connection between Naruto's parents and yourself so here we go. I hope you enjoyed it. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

The Ice Wielder (Iruka x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora