21. Unloved

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(A/n: This next chapter mentions self harm and suicide, this is just a heads up so if you are easily offended or triggered by such things then I suggest not reading this. Its only in flashback 11 so if you avoid that one you should be sweet XP)

Inoichi excused himself to go to the bathroom. They had been in (Y/n)'s mind for a couple of hours and had only made it to her teenage years. He lent over the sink, turning on the tap and beginning to splash his face. It calmed him slightly, but only slightly. Just as he walked out a ninja walks up to him. "What is it Aiya?", he asks. "The blonde boy and the Uchiha are sitting outside and refuse to leave unless we give her back". "Is that all of them?", Inoichi asks. The Kunoichi shakes her head. There are quite a few kids, one of them is your daughters and there is also there Hokage's grandson out there too". "Does the Hokage know?". The Kunoichi shakes her head. "Well could you please notify him, I'm busy at the moment". She nods and teleports away, leaving Inoichi by himself in the hall. He turns around and makes his way back into the interrogation room, the others were waiting for him. "Are you ready, sir?", one asks. Inoichi nods, but behind his confident exterior he didn't know how much more of this he could take.

Flashback 8

(Y/n) sits with the seven swordsman, they are all being told their mission by the Mizukage. When he is done they are sent into a forest to kill some rogues that have been hanging around. They all got to the forest, Fugaku turns and looks at (Y/n). "We all have partners and we think that your skills will best go with Zabuza's, the two of you will be partners from now on". She nod and looks over at Zabuza who isn't paying attention. "Zabuza", Fugaku calls. Zabuza doesn't respond, he is too preoccupied. "Zabuza!". The boy turns his attention to the larger male and raises an eyebrow. (Y/n) holds her hands over your mouth to suppress her giggles, she failed and her laughter was heard by all of them. They all turn to her with smirks. "(Y/n) and you will be partners now". Zabuza scoffs and glares at (Y/n). "Whatever". It hurt slightly her but she didn't tell anyone that.

Flashback 9

(Y/n) and Zabuza were on a mission together and were fighting a really strong enemy. Not only were they strong but they also had lots of other ninja with them. (Y/n) noticed a bunch of ninja about to throw kunai at Zabuza and he was too preoccupied to fight them. She focused her chakra into her hands and created hundreds of kunai, throwing them at the enemies before her. Zabuza had defeated his enemy and turned to see over 20 dead ninja, impaled by ice kunai. He smiles behind his mask and pats her head. "Good job kiddo", he smirks. (Y/n) rolls her eyes and give him a small smile. "Don't call me kiddo, you're only two years older then me".  He smirks and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder. "Hey put me down!", you complain. He chuckles and shakes his head. "You're injured, I'll take you back home and get you healed up". (Y/n) blushes slightly and rests her head on his shoulder.

Flashback 10

(Y/n) was going shopping and noticed people giving her funny looks. "Its that ice girl, disgusting", someone spits. "I heard she killed her parents, do you think its true?". "I can't believe Lord Mizukage brought the freak here". "That cold hearted brat will ruin this village". "No one will ever love her, she's so pathetic". She tried to shrug off the insults but they just kept coming. Why did people treat her different? Why was she the target? All she wanted was to live a happy life but no one was allowing it, why? She sighed and finished her shopping, making it back to her apartment .

Flashback 11

She couldn't hold on any longer. She held a kunai in her hand and stared down at it, her fist tightening around its handle. She unraveled the bandages that wrapped her arms and stared at her curse. "W-why?", she asks, her voice cracking. She was holding the kunai so tightly that her knuckles had gone white. She shakily brought the kunai to her forearm and cut from the top to her wrist. She grinded her teeth, tears beginning to stream down her face. She kept doing it, over and over again. No matter how much it hurt she kept going, in hopes that someone would accept her and treat her as an equal but she knew her time was up. She was loosing too much blood. There was a knock at her front door and she didn't dare to speak. "Come on (Y/n), open up, I can sense your chakra I know you're in there". "Zabuza", she whispers. He knocks again, this time harder. She doesn't answer it, she just sat there on the floor. Her blood dripping onto the floor, forming large puddles. Suddenly the door is unlocked from the outside and Zabuza comes in. He walks in and sees you sitting there, your back to him. "I knew you were here, why didn't you come to the door?", he asks. (Y/n) doesn't answer, he begins walking over to her. "Hey come on? Did I do some thing wro-". He stops and stares at the blood and your arms which have been cut to shreds. His eyes widen and he runs to you and kneels. He grabbed the bandages and begins holding them to her wounds. "(Y/n) why did you do this!?", he yells. "No one will ever love Zabuza, I'm a cursed freak. People hate me no matter what I do. I just want you to know that when I die that you were the nicest anyone has ever been to me". She looks up into his eyes and see that he is crying. "I'm not losing you, hold tight, I'm getting you to the hospital".

Flashback 12

(Y/n)'s eye fluttered open and she looked around the room she was in. It was white and smelt of cleaning products. She tried to push herself up but her arms stung whenever she tried to move them. A nurse walks into the room looking down at a clipboard, her eyes widen when she meets (Y/n)'s. She runs out of the room and next a bunch of medical ninja run in also. While they were doing tests and such she hears the door slam open and see Zabuza standing there. He shoos the people out of the room and runs over to her, hugging her tight. He kneels beside her bed and holds her hand, caressing it with his thumb. Tears run down his cheeks, soaking his mask. She turns her head and looks at him. "Why are you crying?", she asks, her voice was croaky due to being unconscious for so long. "You've been in a coma for two months and you only had a 20% chance of living". She looks up at the ceiling and sighs. "What are you doing?", she asks. He seemed confused by this. "What do you mean?". "Why do you care if I die? I mean you've said it before, I'm your partner and that's it. No complications, no nothing. Why do you care about me at all?". He sighs and stares down at the ground. "Because I'm in love with you".

You got some more of your past, lets hope it doesn't get worse from their. So sorry if you were waiting for this update, I know I haven't been updating much lately. I've been super busy but here I am writing. Lets hope I can keep it up. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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