34. Graduation exam

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A week passes. This weekend I spent the entire time training both Naruto and Sasuke, they've definitely improved, Sasuke more then Naruto. I watch as Naruto does sit ups on his bed, today is the day of the graduation exam. He attempts to make a shadow clone only to create what can only be described as a failure. It's color is off and it looks dizzy. In a puff of smoke the 'clone' disappears leaving a disappointed Naruto. He sighs and looks up to see me.  "O-oh hey (Y/n)", he greets. I walk over and sit at the end of the bed. " No matter what happens and what you do I will always be proud of you, just as long as you try your hardest and do what you can to protect those you care about ". He nods and moves closer to me to rest his head on my shoulder. You lean over and gently kiss his forehead. " Please get ready, Kuro and Sasuke are already in the kitchen having breakfast ". He nods and watches your back as you leave.

Sasuke and Kuro sit at the table, eating. They look up at me as I walk in. " Where's Naruto? ", Kuro  asks. I look back at the bedroom door and then to the boys. "He's just getting ready". A second later Naruto runs out of the room and takes a seat at the table, he's wearing his usual overexcited smile. I can't help but smile, he will never give up no matter what. When they're finished Sasuke and Naruto run off to the academy leaving only Kuro and I. "Are you ready to go?", I ask him. He nods and gives me a hug. "Do you think the other kids with accept me?", he asks. You smile and nod. "I'm sure that you'll make friends". He smiles back and grabs his bag. You then take his hand and the two of you teleport to the academy.

People turned and watched the two of you as you entered. You walked up to one of the many classrooms and knocked on the door. You slid it open and were greeted by the teacher and all of the students. "Hi (Y/n)-sensei!", one girl calls out. "Hey", you reply causing a blush to form on her pale cheeks. "How may I help you (Y/n)?", the teacher asks. "I'm just bringing you a new student". Kuro steps out from behind me. "Oh yes I remember, he's your son right?", they ask. "Yes he is". "Could I get you to introduce him?". You smile and nod, turning towards the class. "Everyone I would like to introduce you to Kuro Tsukiko, he is my adopted son". People's faces lit up and they began talking. "Alright everyone quiet down", the teacher announces. They then turn to Kuro. "Take a seat where ever you like". Kuro looked over the class and watched as people moved over for him. "Kuro come and sit by me!", a boy calls out. "No Kuro come and sit over here!", calls out a girl. I chuckle and wave to Kuro as I leave the classroom, heading for my own.

The day went fast, I completely forgot about the graduation exam, that is until I looked out the window. Naruto sat by himself on a swing, his eyes glued to the ground. My heart broke just seeing it. It reminded me and everything I've been through, the heart break, the sadness. Without realizing it my eyes fill with tears. "Are you alright (Y/n)-sensei?", Udon asks. I look down at the small boy and nod. "Just fine". The bell rings for lunch and the kids all head out. You barely even noticed, you just stared out the window at the sad blonde boy. You look down and see all the other kids with their ninja headbands... Naruto doesn't have one. He clenches his fist and then lets go, getting up off the swing and walking away. You let out a long sigh and look down at your feet, if only there was something you could do to help.


You arrive home after work and see Sasuke and Kuro sitting at the dining room table playing cards. "Where's Naruto?", you ask. Sasuke shrugs his shoulders and Kuro looks sadly up at me. "He hasn't come back yet". You nod and put your stuff away before heading to the kitchen to prepare dinner. You watched as Akira and Daichi come in. "We've found a nice apartment we're gonna move into", Akira says. "Yeah and its not to far away from you", Daichi adds. You smile and walk over to your best friends, giving them a big hug. "I'm so glad you are both here and a part of my life". They smile and hug you back before turning around and walking out the front door.

An hour later you finished cooking and served everyone dinner, everyone except Naruto. Kuro and Sasuke took their seats at the table but you refused to. "Are you alright (Y/n)?", Kuro asks. You sigh and shake your head. "I'm going out to look for Naruto, I'll be back later. There's ice cream in the freezer if you want some and I bought some tomatoes for you Sasuke". You then turn around, slide open a window and jump out.

The night air was cool and refreshing, if you were naive you wouldn't have noticed the strange aura the forest was giving off. You decided to check other places first. First Ichiraku, Naruto's favorite place. Unfortunately for you the blonde boy was nowhere in sight. You took a deep breath and headed towards the great stone faces, Naruto loved to see them and boast about how he'll be the best Hokage. He wasn't there either. You took another deep breath, now it was time to check the forest. You hid your chakra and snuck around so no one could sense you. You reached a certain part of the forest where you watched Iruka jump out in front of Naruto, taking a shuriken in the back. Your eyes widen as your body freezes. Iruka speaks words of his heart causing tears to run down your face. Suddenly Naruto is off and so are the others. I follow and listen, I would love to interfere and protect both Naruto and Iruka, but something in me won't let me move. Mizuki appears out of an Iruka clone and throws another shuriken at Iruka. I want to jump out and help but Naruto beats me to it. He swipes the large shuriken away and does hand signs creating hundreds of shadow clones. All of them attacking Mizuki.

The shadow clones disappear in a puff of smoke leaving Iruka, Naruto and a badly beaten Mizuki. "Sorry I got kinda carried away", Naruto nervously chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "Are you Ok Iruka-sensei?". "Yeah". You step out of the forest and the two turn towards you. You walk towards to Naruto and wrap your arms protectively around him. "I was so worried about you", you whisper. He smiles and hugs you back. "Its Ok (Y/n)". You let go of the blonde boy and turn to Iruka, running and hugging him also, being weary of his injuries. "Thank you", you whisper. You pull away and meet Iruka's gaze, his cheeks are a dark red. You help him up, slipping his arm over your shoulders. "Where would you like me to take you?", you ask him. "The academy". You nod and hold your hand out for Naruto and he gladly takes it as you teleport.

You help Iruka into his classroom and to his desk where he opens a draw, pulling out a headband. "Congratulations Naruto, you passed the graduation exam", he says with a closed eye smile. He hands it to Naruto who automatically takes off his googles and puts the headband on. He turns to you with a big smile and attacks you with a hug. "Does it look good?", he asks hopefully. You nod with a giggle. "Like it was made just for you". He smiles and we all laugh.

"Ok Naruto, you head home while I take Iruka to the hospital". The blonde boy nods and gives you both a hug before running off. "You know you didn't have to stay", Iruka says. You nod and look down at your feet. "I couldn't help myself, I looked outside during class today and saw the saddest look on Naruto's face. It reminded me of myself when I was his age, I may have acted tough and I did have two friends but I wanted everyone else to see that I wasn't weak. No matter how hard I would try people would never notice or even care, it hurt even more when it was my parents". You sigh and look up to see Iruka struggling to stand. You pick him up and sling him over your shoulder. "Y-you don't have to carry me", he stutters. You let out an amused laugh and shake your head. "Its fine".

We arrive at the hospital and I am lead to a room where I put Iruka onto the hospital bed. "Thank you", He says. You send him a happy smile and lean forward, placing a kiss on his cheek. "No, thank you Iruka". Before he can even respond you teleport home, startling the boys.  Kuro was gawking over Naruto's headband. You smiled at them all and then lay back on the couch to rest your eyes. "Are you alright (Y/n)?", Sasuke asks. You sit up and nod. "I've never been happier".

Sorry I was going to update this yesterday but it was my friends birthday. Had a good time though! Thank you all for reading. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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